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Vocab "A"

Stack #63100

aback unexpected
abash humiliate, embarass
abdicate relinquish pwer or position
aberrant abnormal
abeyance postponement
ablution cleansing
abrogate cancel
abscond to run away(secretly)
abstruse difficult to understand
acclivity ascent, incline
acerbic caustic of speach
acrid pungent, caustic
adroit skillful
adumbration overshadow
aegis that which protects
affectation pretense
afffray brawl
afoul entangled
agape wonder
amorphous shapeless
akimbo with hands on hips
alacrity swiftness
allay to reasure
allegro fast
alliteration repetition of the same sound
ameliorate improve
amity friendship
anachronistic out of historical order
anathema curse
animadversion critical remark
animus hate
annotate to add explanatory notes
anodyne pain soothing
anomalous abnormal
antipodal exactly opposite
aphasia speechless
aphorism maxim
aplomb poise
apocryphal of doubtful authenticity
apoplexy stroke
apostate one who abandons faith
apothesis deification
appellation phantom
apposite apt
approbation approval
arbitrary tyrannical, capricious
ardent passion
arduous hard
argonauts gold seekers, adventurers
array arrangement
arrogate seize without right
arroyo gully
artifice trick
aseptic sterile
aspersion slander
assiduous hard working
assonance partial rhyme
asunder apart
atavistic exhibiting the characterisics of ones forebears
atelier workshop
attentuate weaken
attrition deterioration
au courant well informed
auspices patronage, protection
austere harsh, Spartan
avarice greed
avatar incarnation
avid enthusiastic
avuncular like an uncle
Created by: buzzy
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