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ch. 22 ethics &value

fundamentals of nursing

ethics is the study of conduct and character
autonomy is the patients right to choose, a patient has the right to make their own decisions about their health care
beneficence to seek good for patients under all circumstances
confidentiality protects patients by not sharing their info
HIPAA health insurance portability and accountability act
What is HIPAA states that healthcare professionals may not share patients info unless it is used directly for their care or payment
justice is the fairness in distribution of good and services
nonmaleficence do no harm. it is to avoid harming the patient
role fidelity is the faithful practice of duties of a healthcare professional. and to practice in your scope
veracity means to tell the truth. (may come into effect when placebos are used)ex: cannot lie to patient of meds you are giving them
ethics is.. the study of conduct and character. It determines what is good or valuable for individuals,groups, and society
autonomy refers to the commitment to include client in decisions about all apects of care ex: when a client reads a consent for before doing a procedure
benefience taking positive actions to helps others; "to do good" for others w/ the best interest for the client. ex: if a child wants pills crushed and you know they can swallow them, you should still crush them
nonmaleficence to not harm or hurt, or to avoid harming or hurting
justice refers to fairness
fidelity the agreement to keep promises
code of ethics is a set of guiding principles that all members of a profession accept; serve as guidelines to assist professional groups when questions arise about correct practice or behavior
advocacy nurses advocate for the health, safety, and rights of the client
deontology defines actions as right or wrong based on their right making characteristics. it specifically does not look at consequences of action to determine rightness or wrongness. it looks to the presence of principle regardless of outcome
utilitarianism proposes that the value of something is determined by its usefulness. its emphasis is on the outcome or consequence of action. "greatest good"
ethics of care focuses on understanding relationships, especially personal narratives
ethical dilemma 1. ask question, 2. gather infor, 3. clarify values, 4. verbalize the problem, 5. identify courses of action, 6. negotiate a plan, 7. evaluate plain over time
ethic committees serve what purpose? education, policy recommendation, and case consultation
why do many ethical problems begin? when people feel misled or are not aware of their options and do not know when to speak up about their concerns
civil law dealing with legal relationships between people and protection of a person's rights
criminal law dealing with wrong against a person, property, or society
health care is mostly affected by... civil law; which is contracts, torts: wrongful act that does not involve a contract
what is criminal law in health care? practicing without required license, misuse of narcotics, theft and murder
health care professionals are required to know... and follow state laws that regulate their license or registration and set standard for the profession
tort occurs when a person is harmed or injured bc a healthcare provider does not meet the established or expectd standards of care.
malpractice "bad practic" and commonly called professional negligence. results in injury, loss, or damage to the person receiving care
negligence failure to give care that is normally expectd of a person in a particular position, resulting in injury to another person
assault can include a threat or attempt to injure
battery unlawful touching of another person without consent
what are some procedures that require written consent from a patient? surgery, certain diagnostic tests, treatment of minors, side rail releases
does a person have the right to withdraw consent at anytime? yes
is verbal consent permitted? it is permitted in certain cases granted voluntarily by a person who is of sound mind after the procedure and all risks involved have been explained in terms the person can understand
informed consent outlines the risks and expected outcomes of a procedure or treatment
NINP No information no publication- highest of patient confidentially; this does not even acknowledge that the they are a patient in the facility
does the United States Supreme court recognize that privacy is a constitutional right? yes
what is false imprisonment? restraining an individual or restricting an individuals freedom; keeping a patient hospitalized against their will;
what are the types of abuse? physical, verbal, psychological, sexual; domestic, child, elder.
are healthcare workers required to report abuse? if they do not report it what are the consequenses? yes; it is considered a felony offense
when students are practicing at what standards are they held? standards of registered nurse
what is defamation? false statements that cause a person to be ridiculed or cause damage to his/her reputation.
slander information is spoken
libel information that is written
what are ethics? the study of how one makes judgements regarding right and wrong.
what are the 7 ethical principles? autonomy, beneficence, condfidentiality, justice, nonmaleficence, role fidelity, veracity
autonomy is the patients right to choose. The patient is free to make their own decisions regarding health care
beneficence is the duty of healthcare professionals to seek good for the patient under all circumstances
confidentiality protects patients by not sharing their personal information
justice is fairness in the distribution of goods and services
nonmaleficence to avoid harming the patient; "do no harm"
role fidelity is the failthful practice of duties by health care professionals; perform duties within your scope of practice
veracity means telling the truth
Created by: sandrasafou1
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