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New Testament

New Testament Review for Semester 2 final

What gospel has Jesus fulfilling the Old Testament writings? Matthew
What happened in 30 AD? Jesus was crucified.
What happened in 49 AD? The Council of Jerusalem took place.
What years were the Gospels and the book of Revelation written? Matthew: 70s-80s, Mark: 65, Luke: 80s, John: 90s, Revelation: 90s
What gospel has Jesus as the Messiah? Matthew
What gospel was written to the Jews? Matthew
What gospel is the shortest? Mark
What gospel was the first written? Mark
What gospel portrays Jesus as a very compassionate person? Luke
What gospel was written to the Gentiles? Luke
What gospel contains many parables? Luke
What gospel has the seven "I AM" statements? John
What gospel was the last written? John
What gospel was the most different from the rest? John
What gospel has the highest Christology? John
What is the meaning of the parable of the Sower and the Seed? How are we going to respond to God's kingdom?
What is the meaning of the parable of the Wheat and the Weeds? In the end, the good will go to heaven and the bad will go to hell.
What is the meaning of the parable of the Good Samaritan? We need to treat everyone as our neighbor. It also brings about the Golden Rule.
What is the meaning of the parable of the Prodigal Son? God is all-forgiving.
What is the meaning of the parable of the Workers in the vineyard? The Gentiles are equal to the Jews. Gentiles can also be saved.
What is the meaning of the parable of the Lost Sheep and the Coin? God will bring back the sinners.
What is the meaning of the parable of the Ten Virgins? We should always be prepared for God's coming.
What is the meaning of the parable of the Buried Treasure and Pearl? We should be willing to give up everything we have for God's Kingdom because heaven is our most important possession.
What is the meaning of the parable of the Lamp and Bushel Basket? We shouldn't hide our talents.
Abba "daddy"
Apocalyptic reavealing; literature with many pictures and symbols
Blasphemy thoughts, words, or acts that express hatred towards God
Contextualist a method of reading the Bible where you find a deeper meaning in the text and consider the history
Fundamentalist a method of reading the Bible where you take what the text says literally
Judaizer strict on following Mosaic Laws
gnostic "the body is bad"; denied Jesus' humanity, Resurrection, scripture, and bishops ruling the Church; believed they had special knowledge
parousia second coming
eschatology study of end times
ecclesiology study of the Church
"catholic" letters universal; help us understand how the Catholic Church developed
pastoral letters written by a shepherd to other shepherds telling how to run their church
Pauline Epistles letters written by Paul and his followers to different churches and cities; 13 letters-7 written by Paul and 6 deuteropauline
Christology study of Christ
Arianism denies the devinity of Jesus
Scholasticism philosophy based on concept of Aristotle; relied on logic and order
Atheism don't believe in God
Creed statement of beliefs
Apologist defenders of their faith
Docetism denies Jesus' humanity
Council of Jerusalem 49 AD; don't have to become Jewish first in order to become Christian
Council of Nicaea 325 AD; defended Jesus' divinity and put together Nicene Creed
Council of Chalcedon 451 AD; defended Jesus' humanity
Council of Ephesus 431 AD; defended Jesus' humanity and divinity, stated Jesus was one person with two divine natures, and said Mary was "Theotokos"
Second Vatican Council 1962 AD; assembly of bishops under the direction of the Pope
Heresies false teachings
Theotokos "Mother of God"; refers to Mary
1 and 2 Corinthians written because there were moral problems in Corinth
Acts of the Apostles Luke tells stories of Peter and Paul
Jude lesser known letter
Jesus the Christ "God saves"
Paul conversion to Christianity; wrote many letters; beheaded in Rome; took 3 missionary journeys
Peter foundation of Church, first pope
James the Apostle second martyr
James the relative of Jesus leader in Jerusalem; "faith without works is dead"
John the Baptist baptized Jesus, prepared the way for Jesus
John the Apostle only male follower of Jesus who was at the cross at the crucifixion
Luke traveled with Paul; with Paul when he died; wrote Luke and Acts of the Apostles
Priscilla missionary with her husband Aquilla; worked with Paul
Aquilla missionary with his wife Priscilla; worked with Paul
Phoebe female leader in Rome
Titus church leader in Crete
Silas follower of Paul
Barnabus at the Council of Jerusalem with Paul; travel companion of Paul
Nero emperor who persecuted Christians; executed Peter and Paul
Domitian follows Nero; persecuted Christians in the 80s and 90s
Mary Magdalene found the empty tomb; Jesus' friend
Stephen first martyr
What is the differences between Catholics and Protestants when it comes to scripture and tradition? For Catholics, scripture and tradition are both equally important. Protestants only rely on scripture.
What is the difference between Catholics and Protestants when it comes to faith and good works? Both Catholics and Protestants believe faith is very important to be saved. However, while Catholics believe that faith without good works is dead, Protestants believe that faith alone will save them.
What is the difference between Catholics and Protestants when it comes to grace and free-will? Both Catholics and Protestants believe in grace, but only Catholics believe that we all have our own free-will. Protestants believe in predestination, that everything in your life is already mapped out.
Martin Luther started the Protestant reformation; didn't agree with some teaching of the Catholic Church; started the Lutheran church
Calvin started belief in predestination
Created by: rstreff
Popular Religion sets




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