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health assessment 2c

reproductive (male/female)

bacterial vaginosis thin, creamy, gray-white, malodorous discharge
trichomoniasis vulva may be erythematous -red raised papules + petechia -frothy, yellow-green, foul smelling discharge
candidiasis (moniliasis) intense pruritus, thick whitish discharge -discharge thick, white, curydy, like cottage cheese
chylamydia urinary frequency, dysuria, vaginal discharge, bleeding -yellow or green mucopurlent discharge, friable, cervix most common
gonorrhea vaginal discharge, dysuria, abn uterine bleeding, -purulent vaginal discharge
poly -mucoid discharge or bleeding -bright red, soft, pedunculated growth emerges form OS
urethal caruncle tender, painful w/urinatin; small, deep red mass protuding from meatus
urethritis dysuria, erythema vaginal wall, purulent discharge
HPV (genital warts) painless warty growth -pink or flesh-colored, soft, pointed, moist, warty papules -single/multiple in a califlower
syphiitic chancre small, solitary silvery papule that erodes to a red, round, or oral, superfical ulcer with yellowish-discharge
herpes simplex virus local pain, dysuria, fever -clusters of small vessicles
crablice (pediculosis pubis) sever perineal itching -little dark spots, nits, adherent to pubic hair
urethal stricture pinpoint, constricted opening at meatus or inside along urethra -shaft feels indurated along ventral aspects at site of sticture
peyronie's disease bending of penis during erection
priapism prolonged painful erection of penis w/o sexual desire
genital herpes clusters of small vesicles with surround erythema, often painful, erupt on the glans or foreskin -STD lasts 7 to 10 days
syphilitc chancere 2-4 wks of infection, as a small, solitary, silvery papule that erodes to red, roud or oval, superficial ulcer with a yellowish serous discharge
genital warts soft, pointed, moist, fleshy, painless papules (single/multiple), caulifolower -color: gray, pale, yellow,pink in white males, + black or translucent gray in black -shaft of penis, behind corona,or around th anus
Phimosis foreskin is advanced + fixed as hard to retract glans -poor hygiene leads to retained dirt + smegma, which increase risk of inflamation or calcus formation
paraphimosis foreskin is retract + fixed; cannot return to original position -constriction impeddes circulation, so glans swells
hypospadias urethral meatus opesn in under side of glans, shaft, or pensocrotal junciton -groove form meatus to normality -congenital
epispadias meatus opens on dorasal side of glans or shaft above broad, spadelike penis
mastitis uncommon, inflammatory mass b4 abseses -single Q -ares is red, wollen, tender, hot, hard, -symptoms: headache, malaise fecer, chils + sweating, high pulse, flulike symp.
breast abscess treat w/antibiotics, surgical inscision, draingage
fibroadenoma solitary notender mass -solid, firm, rubbery, elastic -round, oval, or lobulated -freely movable, occur at 15-30 -grows quickly + constantly benign
bening breast disease (formerly fibrocystic breast) multiple tender masses -symptoms: swelling, tenderness, mastalgia, nodularity, dominant lumps, niple discharge, infections + inflammations -nodularity occurs bilaterally, regular, firm nodules that are mobile, well demarcated + feel rubbery
fixation asymmetry, distortion, or decrease mobility w/ elevated arm
dimpling may b apparent at rest, with compress, or lifting arms -distortion of areola here as the fibrosis pulls the nipple toward
nipple retraction flatter + broader, like an underlying crater -nipple inversion: has no broadening + is not fixed
cancer solitary unilateral nontender mass -borders r irregular + poorly delianted -upper Q -signs: firm or hard irregular axillary nodules, skin dimpling, nipple retraction, elevation, discharge
testicular torsion excruciatin pan in testicel sudden onset often during slleo O: red, swollen scrotum, 1 testis highwer, cord feels thick + swollen
epidiymitis sever pain of sudden onset in scrotum O:enlarged scrotum, reddened; tender, pididymis enlarged, scrotal skin thick
spermatocele painless O: transilluminate higher in scrotum; roudn, freely movable mass lying above + behind testis
early testicular tumor painless O: firm nodule or harder than normal section of testicle
diffuse tumor enlarging testis O:enlarged, smooth, ovoid
hydrocele painless swelling O: enlarged, transluminate, nontender mass
scrotal hernia swelling O: enlarged, soft mushy mass, mass distinct from testicle
orchitis acute or moderate pain, swollen tesits O: enlarged, edematous, redeened, swollen, congested, tense, tender
indirect inguinal hernia sac herniates through intenral inguinal canal sxn:pain w/strianing, soft swelling Freq: coomon, infants <2 + males 16-20 Cause: congenital or acquired
direct inguinal hernia directly bhind +thorugh external inguinal ring, rarel enters scrotum sxn: painless, round swelling, reduced supine freq:less common, men >40 cause:acquired weaknees, heavy lifting, muscle atrophy, obestiy, chronic cough
femoral hernia thorugh femoral ring + canal sxn:pain mayb be sever freq:less common, women cause: due to increased ab pressure, frequent stooping
Created by: xnyzlatinangelx
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