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WW: Renaissance

Who's Who Review: Renaissance

I am a term that means "rebirth." I also refer to a period in European history that is characterized by a renewed interest in the Greco-Roman culture. What am I? The Renaissance
I am an event in history. I led to increased contact between Christians and Muslims that would help stimulate trade and spark the Renaissance. What am I? The Crusades
I am a country. I am the birth place of the Renaissance. Who am I? Italy
We are a type of political unit. Examples include: Florence, Venice, and Genoa. We became wealth due to our access to trade routes and originally were governed as republics. Who are we? Italian City-states
I am an Italian city-state. I became the center of the Italian Renaissance in the 1400s. Who am I? Florence
We are a powerful baking family. We controlled Florence. Who are we? The Medici Family
We are a powerful military family who controlled Milan. One member of our family, Catherina, took control of Milan after the death of her husband. Who are we? The Sforza Family
I am a noble woman who controlled Mantua when my husband left for war. I was also a patron and turned my home into an art museum. Who am I? Isabella d'Este
I am an Italian Renaissance writer. I wrote The Prince, an early modern treatise on government. In my book I stated that "the end justifies the means." Who am I? Machiavelli
I am a person who financially supports the arts. Who am I? A patron
I am an intellectual movement. I focus on and celebrate human potential and achievements. What am I? Humanism
I am an intellectual movement. I represent a return to the ideals of Greece and Rome in philosophy, art, literature, and architecture. What am I? Classicism
I am an intellectual movement. I am interested in the non-religious world and the enjoyment of worldly pleasures. What am I? Secularism
I am an Italian Renaissance writer. I am considered the "Father of Humanism," and I am famous for my love poems written for a woman named Laura. Who am I? Petrarch
I am a Italian Renaissance writer. I wrote in the vernacular. My most famous work is The Divine Comedy. Who am I? Dante
I am an Italian Renaissance writer. I wrote The Courtier, a handbook on how to be a "Renaissance Man." Who am I? Castiglione
I am an Italian Renaissance artist. I am known for painting frescos, such as The Mourning of Christ. Who am I? Giotto di Bondone
I am an Italian Renaissance artist. I am famous for carving the doors of the Cathedral of Florence. Who am I? Ghiberti
I am an Italian Renaissance artist. I designed the dome of the Cathedral of Florence, the first dome since antiquity. Who am I? Brunelleschi
I am an Italian Renaissance artist. I am famous for my sculpture of David, the 1st free-standing nude since ancient times. Who am I? Donatello
I am an Italian Renaissance artist. My works include: David, Pieta, and The Last Judgement on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Who am I? Michelangelo
I am an Italian Renaissance artist, engineer, architect, and scientist. Some of my most famous paintings include The Last Supper and The Mona Lisa. Who am I? Leonardo da Vinci
I am an Italian Renaissance artist. My works include many Madonnas and The School of Athens. Who am I? Raphael
I became the center of the Northern Renaissance after it spread to Northern Europe? Who am I? Flanders
I am a Northern Renaissance writer. I wrote The Praise of Folly in which I poked fun at the clergy, scholars, and merchants Erasmus
I am a Northern Renaissance writer. My most famous work is Utopia about a perfect society. Who am I? Sir Thomas More
I am a Northern Renaissance writer. I wrote many plays including Macbeth, Hamlet, and Romeo and Juliet. I also wrote many sonnets. Who am I? Shakespeare
I am an inventor who invented a printing press that used moveable type. Who am I? Johannes Gutenberg
I am a Northern Renaissance artist. I am famous for my woodcuts and engravings depicting religious subjects, myths, and landscapes. Who am I? Durer
I am a Northern Renaissance artist. I am famous for my portraits that had a photographic-like quality. Henry VIII had his portrait painted by me. Who am I? Hans Holbein the Younger
I am a Northern Renaissance artist. I developed oil-based paints and am known for painting with vivid color and detail. One of my most famous paintings is The Marriage Portrait. Van Eyck
I am a Northern Renaissance artist. I am known for painting weddings, festivals, and detailed peasant life. One of my most well known paintings is Peasant Wedding. Who am I? Peter Brugel the Elder
Created by: Jrafter



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