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Glossary of terms

2.3 (terms + meanings)

absorption movement of drug from dosage formulation to the blood
active transport movement of drug molecules across membranes by active means
additive effect the increase in effect when two drugs of similar action are taken
admixture the resulting solution when a drug is added to a parenteral solution
agonist drugs that active receptors to accelerate or slow normal cell function
anhydrous without water molecules
bioavailibility the relative amount of an aministered dose that reaches general circulation and for which the rate that this occurs
bioequivalance the comparison of bioavailibility between two dosage forms
closed formulary a limited list of approved medications
DEA number required on all controlled drug prescriptions; identifies the prescriber
duration of action the time the drug concentration is above the minimum effective concentration (MEC)
enterohepatic cycling the transfer of drugs and their metabolites from the liver to the bile in the gall bladderand then into the intestine, and back into circulation
first pass metabolism the substancial degration of a drug caused by enzyme metabolismin the liver before the drug reaches the systemic system
Geometric dilution mixing two powders of unequal quanity
glomerular filtration blood filtering process of the kidneys
HEPA filter high efficiency particulate air filter
hypertonic a solution that has a greater osmolarity than blood
NDC national drug code (number assigned to the manufacturer in 3 sets.)
OBRA '90 federal act that mandates pharmacists to provide counceling on all new prescriptions
orange book the common name for the FDA's approved drugs
teratogenecity the ability of a subtance to cause abnormal fetal development
TPN total parental nutrition solution
adverse effect an unintended side effect of a medication that is negative or in some way injurous to the patient
alimentary tract the organs from the mouth to the anus.
ampule sealed glass container with an elongated nect that must be snapped out
antagonist a drug that binds with receptors but does not activate them
antibiotic a subtance which harms or kills microorganisms like bacteria and fungi
antidote a drug that antagonizes the toxic effectof another drug
aqueous water-based
automated dispensing system a system in which medications are dispensed from and automated unit at point of use
auxiliary labels a label which can be affixed to a prescription container which contains specific warnings with taking the medication
body surface area a measure used for the medication dosing which takes into concideration the patient's height and wieght. ( square meters)
concentration the strength of a solution
conversions the change from one unit of measure to another so that the amounts are equal
diluent a solvent that dilutes a freeze-dried substance or dilutes a solution
extemporaneous compounding the on-demand preparation of a drug product
flow rate the rate at which a solution is administered to a patient
gauge a measurment for needles; higher gauge means smaller needle
HIPAA (health information portability & accountibility act) a federal act that protects patient's privacy
hypotonic a solution which has a lower osomolarity than blood
hypersensitivity an abnormal sensitivity generally resulting in an allergic reaction
infusion the gradual intravenous injection of a volume of fluid
isotonic a solution which has the same osomolarity as blood
legend drug any drug whcih requires a prescription
look-alikes drug name that have similar appearance.especially, when written
MSDS (material safety data sheets) required notices for hadarous subtances
meniscus the curved surface of a column of liquid
milliequivalent (mEq) unit of measure for electrolytes in a solution
parental a route of administration to any organ outside of the alimentary tract
passive diffusion the movement of drugs from an area of higher concentration to a lower concentration
signa the directions for use of prescription
solvent a liquid that dissolves another substance in it
therapeutic equivalent pharmaceutical equivalents that produce the same effects in patients
pharmaceutical alternative drug products that contain the same active ingredients, but not necessarily in the same amount or dosage form
pharmaceutical equivalent drug products that contain identical amounts of the same active ingredients in the same dosage form
Created by: mctanner
Popular Pharmacology sets




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