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Final Exam

Therapeutic Relationship -Genuineness:aware of one's feelings w/in the relationship; ability to meet person to person -Empathy: seeing from other person's perspective; communicating this understanding -Positive Regard: respect, assume patient's goodwill
Empathy -Involves active listening to the client and then communicating understanding of what the client is feeling and behaviors associated with those feelings
Sympathy -Implies: pity, compassion, commiseration, condolence -Not very therapeutic -Better to offer empathy
Barriers -Excessive questioning -Giving approval, disapproval -Giving advice -Asking why questions -Changing subjects -False reassurance -Making value judgments
Helpful Guidelines -Speak briefly -When you don't know what to say, say nothing -When in doubt, focus on feelings -Avoid advice -Avoid relying on questions -Pay attention to nonverbal cues -Keep the focus on the client
Boundaries: Transference -Unconscious process of transferring past childhood emotions onto individuals in the present -Accelerated toward a person in authority -Desire for affection or respect, gratification of dependency needs
Boundaries: Countertransference -Nurse displaces onto the patient's feelings in nurse's past -Over identification with the patient
Countertransference Reactions -Rescue: reaching for unattainable goals (giving advice) -Overinvolvement: ignoring peer suggestions (buying gifts) -Overidentification: Increase self disclosure (physical attraction) -Anger: withdrawing (speaking loudly)
DSM-IV-TR -Axis I - mental disorder -Axis II - personality and mental retardation -Axis III - general medical disorder -Axis IV - psychosocial and environmental problems -Axis V - Global Assessment of Functioning
Diathesis-Stress Model -Diathesis: biological predisposition -Stress: environmental stress/trauma -Most accepted explanation for mental illness -Combination of genetic vulnerability and negative environmental stressors
Behavioral Therapy -Modeling -Operant conditioning: pos reinforcement -Systemic desensitization: address specific fears and gradually deal with them -Aversion therapy: punishment -Biofeedback
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs -Basic Needs -Self-esteem/ Self actualization -Biological/Physiological -Safety -Belongingness/Love -Esteem -Cognitive -Aesthetic -Self-actualization -Transcendence
Cognitive Theories -Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy: aims to eradicate irrational beliefs, recognize thoughts that aren't accurate -Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: test distorted beliefs and change way of thinking, reduce symptoms; give alternatives
Inpatient Psychiatric Care -Admissions reserved for: suicidal, homicidal and extremely disabled in need of short term acute care
Inpatient Admission -Direct Admission or hosp er dept -Criteria:danger to self/others or unable to care for basic needs -Voluntary:if came in voluntarily can ask to leave and physician can approve/deny -Involuntary(pink slipped)judge decides whether pt can leave or not
Partial Hospitalization Program -Intensive, short term tx w/pt -able to return home each day -Pts receive 5-6h of tx daily -Typically 5d a wk -Average length of stay 2-3wks -Multidisciplinary team
Psychiatric Home Care 4 Requirements -Homebound status of pt -Presence of psychiatric dx -Need for skills of RN -Plan of care under physician
Assertive Community Treatment -For clients w/repeated hospitalizations, severe sx, or inability to participate in traditional tx -Multidisciplinary team -Work w/pts in homes,agencies,hosp or clinics -ACT team provides support and resources on call 24h/d
Community Mental Health Centers -Emergency adult and children's services for those who have no access to private care -Med admin, indiv therapy, psychoeducational and therapy group, family therapy, dual dx tx
Primary Drug Classifications -Antianxiety -Antidepressants -Mood Stabilizers -Antipsychotics -Anticholingerics -Stimulants
Destruction of Neurotransmitter -Immediate inactivation at the postsynaptic membrane by an enzyme -Reuptake into the presynaptic cell where it is recycled or inactivated by an enzyme in the cell
Anxiety -Necessary force for survival -Normal response to an observable fear -Subjective emotional response to stressor -Anixety=emotional response -Fear=cognitive response -Physical response=anxiety and fear
Mild Anxiety -Tension of day to day living -Alert perceptual field -Motivation to learning
Moderate Anxiety -Focus on immediate concerns -Narrow perceptual field -Selective inattention -Butterflies in stomach, facial twitches, trembling lips -ex: 1st day of clinical
Severe Anxiety -Focus on specific detail -Perceptual field is greatly reduced -Frequent SOB, I BP,HR -Dry mouth, upset stomach, D,C, tense musc, restelessness
Panic -Sense of awe,dread, and or terror -Loss of control -Disorganization of the personality -Sweating,restlessness, chest pain, body shaking, N, poor motor coordination
Mature Defenses -Suppression: conscious denial of a disturbing situation or feeling -Sublimination: unconscious process of substituting mature, constitutional/socially acceptable activity for immature, destructive activity; turn a bad thing into a good thing
Neurotic Defenses -Intellectualization: events are analyzed based on remove cold fact w/out passion -Repression: temp/long term exclusion of unpleasant/unwanted experience emotions/ideas from conscious awareness
Neurotic Defenses -Reaction-Formation:unacceptable feelings are controlled and kept out of awareness by developing opp behavior -Undoing:make up for an act -Rationalization:justify illogical ideas actions or feelings by developing acceptable explanations
Neurotic Defenses -Displacement: transference of emotion associated with a particular person to another nonthreatening person,object or situation
Immature Defenses -Regression: reverting to a child like pattern of behavior -Projection: unconscious rejection of emotionally unacceptable features and attributing them to other people,objects or situations; blaming others
Psychotic Defenses -Denial: escaping unpleasant anxiety, causing thoughts feelings wishes or needs by ignoring their existence
Panic Attack -Sudden onset of extreme apprehension or fear -Usually associated w/feeling of impending doom -Palpitations,Chest pain,Breathing difficulties,N,Feeling of choking, Chills, Hot flashes -Many believe they're losing their minds
Interventions for panic Attack -Stay with client -Speak slowly and calmly -Use short,simple sentences -Give brief directions -Decrease excessive stimuli
OCD -Obsessions: recurrent thought,image or impulse that is experienced as intrusive and inappropriate and causes marked anxiety -Compulsion: repetitive behavior or act, the goal of which is to prevent or reduce anxiety
OCD: Pharmacological Interventions -Clomipramine (TCA): helps with anxiety to control obsessions; SE: sedation, anticholinergic, dizziness, tremulousness,HA -Fluvoxamine (SSRI): sedation,dizziness, somnolence, HA, sexual dysfunction
Generalized Anxiety Disorder -Insidious onset -Excessive anxiety and worry -Restlessness -Difficulty concentrating -Irritability -Muscle Tension -Sleep disturbance
GAD Risk Factors -Unresolved conflicts -Cognitive misinterpretation (everything is always awful) -Life stressors
GAD Interventions -Diet/Nutrition -Sleep Patterns -Meds: Benzo-can become addicted Buspirone: few side effects, takes several wks to become effective Anti-depressants (TCAs) very effective
PTSD -Hyperarousal-walk around,very alert -Flashbacks -Numbing -Hypervigilance: walk into room, turn on all lights and look around before entering -Startle Response
PTSD: At Risk -Traumatic incidents in past -Children -Rescue workers -Military -Poor social support -Hx of mental illness -Regard reaction as sign of weakness -Believe others aren't responding sympathetically -Fearing it will happen again -Ruminating
Acute Distress Disorder -Occurs one month after incident -Subjective sense of numbing, detachment or absence of emotional responsiveness -Reduction of awareness of surroundings -Depersonalization
Phobias Irrational fear of a specific object,activity or event -ND: Feat r/t unfounded morbid dread of seemingly harmless situation/object; Anxiety r/t contact w/ feared object/situation
Somatoform Disorders -Experience of somatic symptoms for which no physiological basis can be found -Symptoms aren't considered under voluntary control indiv believes the symptoms are real
What Somatoform Disorders are NOT -Malingering: faking a disorder to achieve some gain -Factitious Disorders: deliberately inducing physical symptoms with no apparent incentive
Gains -Primary: relief from anxiety, used to get attention -Secondary: relief from role function, don't have to do something
Conversion Disorder -Complaints of physical problems or impairments of sensory or motor functions controlled the by the voluntary nervous system, all suggesting a neurological disorder but w/ no underlying cause -Ex: glove anesthesia
Pain Disorder -Complaints of severe pain that has no physiological or neurological basis is greatly in excess of that expected with an existing condition or lingers long after a physical injury has healed -Complaints may be vague not localized
Body Dysmorphic Disorder -Preoccupation w/an imagined physical defect in a normal appearing person or an excessive concern w/ a slight physical defect -Common concerns-hair, nose, face, eyes -Frequent checking in mirror, consultation with plastic surgeons,activity limitations
Hypochondriasis -Persistent preoccupation with fears of having a serious disease even in the face of physical evaluations that reveal no organic problems -Pt appear to be oversensitive to physical sensations -Often occurs with anxiety and mood disorders
Dissociative Disorders -Disorder that arises from a trauma that disrupts the conscious memory and results in a psychological retreat from reality -A retreat from a person's primary identity or perception of self
Suicide Risk Factors -Hx of attempts -Psychosis -Single -Chronic pain/disabling illness -Gender:women - more often attempt/ men - more often succeed -Fam hx -Previous attempts -Loss of someone -Unemployment -Severe financial stress
Suicide in Hospitalized Clients -1st 24h after admission -Immediately preceding discharge: don't want to be discharged -Most common: hanging -Antidepressant: approx 2 wks after beginning antidepressant = increase risk
Warning Signs of Suicide -Depressed patient becomes suddenly calm -Starts giving away favorite objects -Preoccupied with death -Makes out a will -Express hopelessness -Express worthlessness
Crisis -An acute, time limited (6-8wks) phenomenon experienced as an overwhelming emotional reaction to the perception of an event -Results in: struggle far equilibrium and adjustment when the problem seems unsolvable
Types of Crisis -Maturational: normal state in development in which task must be learned but old coping mechanisms are no longer adequate (marriage, baby, college) -Situational: crisis arising from external ($, divorce, lose job)
Types of Crisis -Adventitious: an event that is not part of everyday life (natural disaster, crimes)
Schizophrenia -Delusions -Hallucinations -Disorganized speech -Disorganized catatonic behavior
Common Myths about Schizophrenia -does NOT mean split personality -are NOT unusually prone to violence -NOT caused by family dysfunction
DSM-IV Diagnostic Criteria: Schizophrenia 2 or more of the following during a 1 month period: Delusions, Hallucinations, Disorganized speech, Grossly disorganized/Catatonic behavior, Negative Symptoms
Schizophrenia Subtypes -Paranoid:Delusions of persecution/grandeur -Disorganized:Regressed,silly,inappropriate behav -Catatonic:motor immobility, stupor,excessive purposeless motor activity
Schizophrenia Subtypes -Undifferentiated:indicate schizophrenia but fail to meet criteria -Residual:no active symptoms, continues neg. symptoms
Schizophrenia: Neuroanatomical -Decreased cerebral and cranial size -Lowered numbers of cortical neurons -Decreased volume of brain-reduced brain activity in the frontal lobe.
Schizophrenia: Potential Early Symptoms -Withdrawn from others -Depressed -Anxious -Phobias -Obsessions and Compulsions -Difficulty concentrating -Preoccupation with self
Symptoms of Schizophrenia -Positive: reflects an excess or distortion of normal function, add something to personality -Negative: Reflects a lessening or loss of normal function, take something away
Positive Symptoms -Delusions (religious, ideas of reference,persecution,grandeur, somatic) -Hallucinations -Looseness of association -Echolalia -Concrete thinking -Tangentiality -Neologisms -Circumstantiality -Clang assoc -Word salad
Positive Symptoms: Alterations in Behavior -Extreme motor agitation -Catatonia -Stereotyped Behavior (do what see someone else doing) -Waxy flexibility (make movement and once start they can't stop) -Automatic obedience (no matter what anyone says, do behavior)
Negative Symptoms -Poverty of speech - limited -Affective blunting -Anhedonia -Social withdraw -Apathy -Avolition - no goals -Poor grooming -Attentional Impairment -Anergia
Typical Antipsychotics -Chlorpromazine HCL, Thoridazine, Fluphenazine, Thiothixene, Haloperidol -Block dopamine -Tx of pos symptoms, not neg -Higher incidence of EPS
Side Effects of Typical Antipsychotics -Sedation -Orthostatic Hypotension -Alt. in sex -Increase appetite -Decrease tolerance to alcohol/sedatives -Seizures -Galactorrhea/Amennorhea -Gynecomastia -Jaundice, Agranulocytosis -NMS
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome -Hyperthermia -Muscular rigidity (stiffness) -Altered Consciousness -Autonomic dysfunction: HTN, tachycardia, diaphoresis, incontinence -Stop drug and treat symptoms
Treatment of NMS -Withdraw med -Cooling blankets, antipyretics -Dantrolene - muscle relaxer -Bromocriptine - dopamine receptor agonist -Benzodiazepines - relieve anxiety and reduce bp, tachycardia
EPS: Acute -Pseudoparakinsonism (resting tremor, mask like face, shuffle) -Acute Dystonia (intermittent/fixed abnormal, posture of eyes,face,tongue,trunk) -Akathasia (motor restlessness, pacing, rocking,shifting, subjective sense of not being able to sit still)
EPS: Late -Tardive Dyskinesia (abonrmal dyskinetic face, mouth, jaw, movements of extremities) -Tardive dystonia (sustained postures in face, eyes, tongue) -Tardive akathsia (unabative sense of subjective/objective restlessness
Anticholinergics -Benztropine, Trihexphenidyl, Diphenhydramine -Side effects: dry mouth,blurred vision, decrease lacrimation,mydrasis,photphobia, constipation, urinary hesitancy/retention
Atypical Antipsychotics -Blocks D2 receptors(low) and serotonin blockage (high) -Less incidence of EPS -Effective in treating both of the pos and neg symptoms -Risperidone,Olanzapine,Quetiapine,Siprasidone,Apriprazole,Clozapine, Paliperidone
Atypical Antipsychotics: Side Effects -Weight gain -Glucose dysregulation -DM -Hypercholesterolemia -HTN -Decreased self esteem -Sedation -Agranulocytosis (clozapine) -Cardiac arrhythmias -Caution with ALL:risk of mortality in elderly is used for dementia
Alcohol and CNS -Wernike's encephalopathy -Korsakoff's psychosis
Alcohol and GI -Esophagitis -Pancreatitis -Gastritis -Hepatitis -Cirrhosis of liver
Alcohol and Pregnancy -Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Alcohol and Cardiovascular -MI -CVA
Alcohol and Infections -TB -HIV -Bacterial endocarditis -Asbecesses
Alcohol and Respiratory -Perforated septum -Sinusitis -CA
Alcohol and Long term use -TB -Accidents -Suicide -Homicide
Medical Comorbidities: Cocaine, Crack, Narcotics (Heroin), PCP -IV - infections, sclerosed veins, AIDS, hepatitis, endocarditis, cardiac arrest, coma, seizures, PE -Intranasal - sinusitis, perforated septum -Smoking - Resp. problems
What is Addiction? -Loss of control of substance consumption -Substance use despite associated problems -Tendency to relapse
Substance Abuse One or more in 12 mo -Inability to fulfill major work, home, school -Hazardous situations while impaired -Recurrent legal issues -Continued use despite recurrent social and interpersonal problems
Substance Dependence 3 or more in 12 mo -Tolerance/Withdrawal -Substance taken in larger amts for longer period -Unsuccessful desire to cut down -More time obtaining,using substance -Reduction/Absence of social/work -Continued use despite physical/psychological problem
Tolerance and Withdrawal -Tolerance: need for higher and higher amounts to obtain the desired effect -Withdrawal: Occurs after a long period of continued use so stopping or reducing results in physical and psychological signs and symptoms
Blackouts -Periods of amnesia during which the person appears to function normally but later does not recall the events that transpired -Frequent blackouts can be sign of alcohol dependence/addiction
CNS Depressants -Alcohol -Barbiturates -Benzo -Sedatives
CNS Depressants: Intoxication -Slurred speech -Uncoordinated -Ataxia -Drowsy -Decreased BP -Decreased inhibitions (risk) -Impaired judgment
CNS Depressants: OD -CV depression/arrest -Coma -Shock -Convulsions -Death
CNS Depressants: Treatment of OD -Induce vomiting -Charcoal -Clear airway -IV fluids -Seizure precautions -Romazicon IV
CNS Depressants: Withdrawal -N/V -Tachycardia -Diaphoresis -Anxiety -Tremors -Insomnia -Grand mal sz -Delerium
CNS Depressants: Withdrawal Tx -Tiltrated detox with similar drug -Abrupt withdrawal can lead to death -Only withdrawal that can truly be deadly
Alcohol Withdrawal -Associated with severe morbidity and mortality unlike withdrawal from other drugs -Develop w/in a few hours after cessation (2-8h) -Peak at 24-48h after stop using -Disappear rapidly after peak
Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms -Anxiety -Anorexia -Insomnia -Hand Tremor -"Shaking Inside" -N/V -Vivid nightmares -Illusions -Sweating -I HR/BP -Psychomotor agitation -Grand mal seizures
Alcohol Withdrawal Delirium Tremens -Medical Emergency - 10% mortality -Peak 48-72h -lasts 2-3d -Altered consciousness -Changes in cognition - memory/ language impairment,disorientation -Perceptual Disturbances - hallucinations, illusions -Fever -I pulse, BP, diaphoresis -Seizur
CNS Stimulants -Cocaine -Crack -Amphetamines -Caffeine -Nicotine -Accelerate normal body function -Dependence develops rapidly -Highs followed by deep depression
CNS Stimulants: Signs of Abuse -Pupil dilation -Dryness oronasal -Excessive motor activity -Tachycardia -I BP -Twitching -Insomnia -Anorexia -Grandiosity -Impaired judgment -Paranoid thinking -Hallucinations -Hyperpyrexia -Convulsions -Death
Cocaine, Crack Intoxication -Dilated pupils -Dryness of oronasal cavity -Excessive motor activity -N/V -Insomnia -Grandiosity -Impaired judgment -Euphoria
Amphetamine Intoxication -Paranoid -Delusions (may last for months) -Psychosis -Hallucinations -Panic level anxiety -Potential for violence
CNS: Overdose -Resp. Distress -Ataxia -Fever -Convulsions -Coma -Stroke -MI -Death
CNS: Tx of Overdose -Antipsychotics -Medical management of fever, convulsions, resp. distress and CV systems
CNS: Withdrawal -Depression -Paranoia -Craving -Lethargy -Anxiety -Insomnia -N/V -Sweating -Chills
CNS: Tx of Withdrawal -Antidepressant -Dopamine agonists -Bromocriptine
Marijuana (Cannabis Sativa) -From Indian hemp plant -THC active ingredient -Depressant/Hallucinogenic -Usually smoked -Desired effects euphoria, detachment,relaxation -Long term:lethargy,anhedonia, trouble concentrating,loss of memory,D motivation -OD&w/drawal rare
Opiates -Opium -Heroin -Demerol -Morphine -Codeine -Methadone -Fentanyl
Opiates: Intoxication -Constricted pupils -D resp. -Drowsiness -D BP -Slurred speech -Psychomotor retardation -Initial euphoria followed by dysphoria -Impaired attention, judgment, memory
Opiates: OD -Possible dilation of pupils -Resp. Depression/arrest -Coma -Shock -Convulsions -Death
Opiates: OD Tx -Narc antagonist (Narcan)
Opiates: Withdrawal -Feels like bad flu -Insomnia -Irritability -Runny nose -Panic -Sweating -Cramps -N/V -Fever -Chills
Opiates: Withdrawal Tx -Methadone: synthetic opiate -Clonodine -Buprenophine: Treat symptoms
Hallucinogens:LSD, Mescaline, Psilocybin -Trip: slowing of time, lightheadedness, images in intense colors, visions in sound -BAD trip: severe anxiety, paranoia, terror, distortions in time and distance
Hallucinogens: Phencyclidine Piperidine -PCP, angel dust, horse tranquilizer, peace pill -Route significant: Oral(1h);IV, sniffing,smoking (5 min) -Symptoms:blank stare, ataxia, musc. rigidity, violence -High dose:hyperthermia,chronic jerk of extrem. HTN, renal fail -Suicidal Ideation
Long term use of Hallucinogens -Result in dulled thinking, lethargy, loss of impulse control, poor memory, and depression
Flashbacks -Transitory recurrence of perceptual disturbance caused by a person's earlier hallucinogenic drug when he or she is in a drug free state -Examples: Club drugs - ecstasy, GHB, Rohypnol, LSD -Can happen with any drug but more common w/ hallucinogen
Hallucinogens: Intoxication and OD -Dilated pupils -Tachycardia -Sweating -Palpitations -Tremors -Uncoordinated -I temp, resp, pulse -Paranoid -Anxiety -Depression/SI -Synesthesia -Depersonalization -Hallucinations -Bizarre behavior -Labile -Violent
Hallucinogens: Tx -Minimal Stimuli -Manage symptoms
Inhalants -Volatile Solvents: spray paint, glue,cigarette lighter fluid, propellant gases used in aerosols, room deodorizers, anesthetics
Inhalants: Intoxication/OD -Excitation followed by drowsiness -Disinhibition -Lightheaded -Agitation -Enhancement of sexual pleasure -Giggling, laughter -Damage to nervous system -Death
Inhalants: Tx -Support affected systems (mostly nervous system) -B12 and folate
Club Drugs -Ecstasy (adam, yabba, XTC) -3,4 methylenedioxy-methamephetamine -Ketamine
Club Drug: Effects -Euphoria -I energy -I self-confidence -I socialability -Psychedelic effects -Dehydration -Fever -Rhabdomyolysis -Acute renal failure -Hepatotoxicity -CV collapse -Depression -Panic attacks -Psychosis -Death
Date Rape Drugs -Flunitrasepam (Rohypno) or Roofies -GHB-y-Hydroxybutyric acid -Rapidly produce: disinhibition, relaxation of voluntary muscles, retrograde amnesia -Alcohol synergistic drug
Asst. Guidelines -Most important Question: When did you last drink/use? -In last year have you ever drunk or used drugs more than you meant to? -Have you felt you wanted or needed to cut down on your drinking or drug use in the last year?
Quick Screening Tools (CAGE) -C - cut down on drug/drinking use? -A - annoyed with criticism -G - guilty about use -E - early morning (eye opener) to get day started -Yes, sometimes or often to 2+ of these and they may have a problem
BAL -Blood Alcohol Level -Legal limit in OH = .08 -How many drinks? 1 or 2 -Lethal BAL = .5
Mood -A pervasive and sustained emotion that when extreme can markedly color the way the individual perceives the world -A prolonged emotional state that affects a persons life and personality
Affect -The external manifestation of feeling or emotion which is manifested in facial expression, tone of voice, and body language -How an individual presents feelings and mood
Major Depressive Disorder Characteristics -Symptoms interfere with usual functioning -Severe emotional, cognitive, behavioral,and physical symptoms -Hx of one or more major depressive episodes -No hx of manic or hypomanic episodes -At least 60% can expect to have 2nd episode
MDD - DSM-IV-TR Criteria -Change in previous functions -Symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impair social, occupational or other important areas of functioning -5+ occur nearly every day in 2 wk period:Depressed,anhedonia,wt loss/gain,Insomnia/hypersomnia,anergia,motor activity,guilt,indecisiveness,death SI
MDD Subtypes -Psychotic (voices, delusions) -Catatonic -Melancholic -Postpartum onset (4wks after birth) -SAD -Atypical: hypersomnia,overeating -seen in young ppl
Dysthymic Disorder -Chronic depressive syndrome -Present for most of the day -More days than not -At least 2 years -Hosp. rare -Early age of onset, still able to function
Depression Epidemiology -Leading cause of disability in the US -More common in Females -Prevalence unrelated to: ethnicity, edu, income, marital status -Dominates symptom in adolescents- irritability -Depression in elderly - major problem
Depression Comorbidity -Schizophrenia - go on schizo drugs and relieve symptoms but realize they'll have to be on them for the rest of their life and become depressed -Substance abuse -Eating disorders -Anxiety disorders -Personality disorders -Medical disorders - fibromya
Depression Etiology -Biological:genetic,biochemical(serotonin, NE), Alt. in hormonal regulation, Diathesis-stress model -Psychological:Beck's Triad (neg.view of self, world, future), learned helplessness
Three Phases in Treatment and Recovery -The acute phase (6-12wks): psychiatric mngt and initial tx -The continuation phase (4-9mos): tx continues to prevent relapse -The maintenance phase (1+yrs):continuation of antidepressants to prevent relapse;edu=relapse prevention
ECT -Use of electrically induced sz for the tx of severe depression -Indications:Elderly,non responsive to drug therapy -80% effective -Contraindications:severe cardiac disease,HTN,lesions of brain/spinal cord -Side Effects:memory loss transient,confusion
ECT Procedure -6-12txs over 3-4wks -Admin. anticholinergic -Prebreathe O2 -Anesthetic -Air way w/ventilator assist -bilaterlly,unilaterally -Musc contraction -Tonic/Clonic phase(barely noticeable) -Spontaneous breathing w/in 60-120 sec -Regain consciousnes
Bipolar Disorder -Bipolar I Disorder: spans whole spectrum -Bipolar II Disorder: hypomania to sever depression -Cyclothymia: hypomania to mild depression
Epidemiology -Bipolar I more common in males -Bipolar II more common in females -Cyclothymia usually begins in adolescence or early adulthood
Etiology -Biological Factors: genetic, neruobiological, neuroendocrine (adrenal, pit, thyroid) -Psychological factors - drug use -Environmental factors - upper socioeconomic status, higher incidence
Bipolar: Lithium Carbonate -Levels: Therapeutic:0.8 - 1.4; Maintenance:0.4 - 1.3; Toxic: 1.5 - 2.0 -Contraindications: Kidney Disease -Relapse: w/in wks of stopping drug, need to be on it for lifetime -Watch salt, electrolytes
Sleep Disorders -Sleep Deprivation: not getting an optimal amount of sleep every night -Leads to: chronic fatigue, memory problems, energy deficits, mood difficulties, feeling out of sorts
Consequences of Sleep Loss -Excessive sleepiness -Serious enough to: impact social, vocational functioning, increase risk for accident/injury -Comorbidity: sleep apnea - HTN, HF - fewer antibodies can't fight infection, obesity, diabetes; addiction
Sleep Requirements -Varies from individual to individual; most adults require 7-8h each night -Long sleepers: require more than 10h each night -Short sleepers: can function effectively on few than 5h per night
Normal Sleep Cycle -Complex interaction b/w CNS and environment -Non-REM sleep:composed of 4 stages, peaceful, restful -REM Sleep: reduction and absence of skeletal muscle tone,bursts of REM, myoclonic twitches of facial and limb musc, dreaming, ANS variability
Regulation of Sleep -Complex interaction b/w 2 processes: homeostatic process or sleep drive promotes sleep; Circadian process or circadian drive promotes wakefulness -Influenced by endogenous factors (neurotransmitters, hormones) or exogenous factors (light and dark)
Dyssomnias -Primary insomnia -Primary hypersomnia -Narcolepsy -Breathing-related sleep disorders -Circadian rhythm disorders -Dyssomnias not otherwise specified (restless leg syndrome)
Primary Insomnia -Most common sleep complaint -Difficulty with sleep initiation -Sleep maintenance -Early awakening -Non-refreshing nonrestorative sleep
Pharmacological Interventions:Primary Insomnia -Benzo (promote sleep, crisis/short term therapy) -Sonata, Ambien, Lunesta (Atypical): less addcitive, longer term -Antidepressants - sedative effects -Barbiturates - short term -Antihistamines
Herbals: Pharmacological Interventions -Melatonin -Appears to be helpful in treating insomnia in older adults and insomnia r/t circadian rhythm disruption -Risks: Not FDA approved -Forms: Natural from pineal glands of animals- risk of virus; Synthetic - no risk of virus
Parasomnias -Unusual or undesirable behaviors or events -Occur during: sleep/wake transitions, certain stages of sleep; arousal from sleep
Depression -Prevalence varies among reported studies -People can mix up depression and dementia in elderly -Depression and anxiety are the biggest issues in the elderly
Predictors of Suicide in Elderly -Over 65 -Male -Caucasian -Chronic/ uncontrolled pain -Bereavement -Unmarried (widowed/divorced) -Social Isolation -Retirement -Financial difficulty -Hoplessness/helplessness -Alcohol/drug abuse -Major depressive disorder -Hx of previous att
Anxiety: Psychological Manifestations -Apprehension -Fearful -Feelings of dread -Irritable -Intolerant -Panicky/preoccupied -Tense/worried -Phobic -Paranoia
Anxiety: Physical Manifestations -GI/GU:ab pain, anorexia, butterflies, D,V, urinary freq -CV: chest discomfort, diaphoresis, dyspnea, flushing, HTN, pallor -MS: backache, fatigue, musc tension -Neuro: tremolos, dizziness, paresthesia
Alcohol and Substance Abuse: Potential Alcohol-related problems -Fluctuations in ADL and IDL -Self-neglect -Trauma -Wt loss -Dehydration -GI complaints -Incontinence -Confusion -Depression -Legal trouble
Delirium -Disturbance in consciousness and a change in cognition -Develops over a short period of time -Usually reversible if underlying cause identified -Serious, should be treated as a medical emergency
Delirium: Diagnostic Criteria -Impairment in consciousness*** -Elderly - most common in this group, often mistaken as dementia
Delirium: Etiology -Complex and usually multidimensional -Most commonly identified causes: variety of brain alterations, infections, meds, fluid/electrolyte imbalance -Reduction in cerebral functioning -Damage of enzyme systems, bbb or cell membranes
Delirium: Etiology -Reduced brain metabolism: instead of using gray matter use white -Imbalance of neurotransmitters -Raided plasma cortisol level -Involvement of white matter
Delirium: Priorities -Pay attention to life threatening disorders -Rule out life threatening illness -Stop all suspected meds -Monitor vs
Delirium: Biological assessment -Pay special attention to CBC, BUN, creatinine, electroylytes, liver function and O2 saturation
Delirium: Pharmacological -Substance abuse Hx -Assessment of drug combinations -Polypharmacy (greater than 5) -OTC/Herbals - grapefruit
Delirium: Psychological Assessment -Cognitive Changes with rapid onset: fluctuations in LOC, reduced awareness of environment; difficulty focusing, sustaining, or shifting attention; severely impaired memory -May be disoriented to time and place but RARELY person
Delirium: Psychological Assessment -Environmental perceptions altered -Illogical thought content -Behavior change: Hyperkinectic - psychomotor, hyperactivity, excitability, hallucinations; Hypokinetic - lethargic, somnolent, apathetic
Dementia: Alzheimer's type -Degenerative, progressive neuropsychiatric disorder that results in cognitive impairment, emotional, and behavioral changes physical and functional decline and ultimately death -Types:early onset-65 yrs&younger, rapid progression;late onset-over 65 yrs
Stages of AD -Stage 1 (mild) forgetfulness -Stage 2 (moderate) confusion -Stage 3 (moderate to severe) ambulatory dementia -Stage 4 (late) end stage
AD: Diagnostic Criteria -Essential feature-multiple cog deficit -1or more:Aphasia(trouble forming words),Apraxia(cant perform purposeful movements),Agnosia(cant recognize familiar objects),Disturbance of exec func,
Later stages of Dementia -Agraphia (can't rd/write) -Hyperorality(put everything in mouth) -Hypermetamorphosis(touch evrything)
AD: Etiology -Neuritic Plaques (extracellular lesions) -Neurofibrillary tangles -CHolinergic hypothesis - ACh is reduced -Genetic factors - roles of chromosome 1, 14, 21 -Oxidative stress and free radicals -Inflammation
Dementia: Priority Care Issues -Priorities will change throughout the course of the disorder -Initially, delay cognitive decline -Later, protect patient from hurting self -Later, physical needs become the focus of care (nutrition, hydration)
Dementia: Pharmacological Interventions -Cognitive Enhancers - Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors: work by increasing CNS ach concentrations by inhibiting AcheEl -Donepezil,Tacrine,Rivastigmine,Galantamine -Used to delay cognitive decline -Most common side effects: N,V -Not a cure but can help
Later stage medication -Memantine
Dementia: Domain Assessment -Mood Changes: depression, anxiety, catastrophic reactions -Behavioral responses: apathy, withdrawal, restelessness, agitation, aggression, aberrant motor behavior, disinhibition, hypersexuality -Stress and coping skills
Sexual Dysfunction -a disturbance in the sexual response cycle or pain on sexual intercourse -Nonmedical/ non physiological, it's all mental
Types of Sexual Dysfunction -Sexual Desire:hypoactive sexual desire disorder(r/t body image,no desire to have sex,Sexual aversion (thinking about sex makes you "sick") -Sexual Arousal Disorders:female sexual arousal disorder,male erectile disorder(erectile dysfun,impotence)
-Orgasm Disorder:Female orgasmic disorder(inhibited female orgasm or anorgasmia);Male orgasmic disorder (inhibited orgasm, retarded ejaculation); Premature Ejaculation
-Sexual Pain Disorders (not due to med condition):Dyspareunia (pain in labia or vagina during intercourse), Vaginismus (contraction/spasm of vaginal during intercourse) -Sexual dysfunction due to a general medical condition
-Substance-Induced Sexual Dysfunction: alcohol and drugs, prescribed meds (antidepressants, antipsychotics) -Sexual Dysfunction NOS
Medication-Induced Sexual Dysfunction -Antidepressants and antipsychotics commonly affect 3 phases of normal sexual response cycle: sexual interest (libido), Physiological arousal (including lubrication in women and erection in men), orgasm (and ejaculation in men)
Paraphilias -Recurrent,intense sexually arousing fantasies,sexual urges,or behaviors that involve:preference for use of nonhuman object;sexual activity w/ suffering or humiliation of self or others;repetitive sexual activity w/children or other nonconsenting adults
Paraphilias: Types -Exhibitionism: intentional display of the genitals in public place -Fetishism: use of nonliving objects -Frotteurism: touching or rubbing against a nonconsenting person
-Pedophilia:sexual activity with a prepubescent child (13 and younger), perp must be at least 16 and 5 y older than victim -Sexual Masochism (self): sexual satisfaction by being humiliated, beaten, bound or made to suffer
-Sexual Sadism (others): sexual satisfaction form the physical or psychological suffering or humiliation of victim -Neither masochism nor sadism is wrong if it's b/w 2 consenting adults
-Transvestic fetishism: sexual satisfaction is achieved by dressing in the clothing of the opposite sex - cross dressing -Voyeurism: viewing of other people in sexual situations
Gender Identity Disorder -Strong and persistent cross gender identification -Persistent discomfort about one's own assigned sex -Gender dysphoria: feelings of unease about their maleness or femaleness -Transsexualism: wishes to change anatomical sexual characteristics
Categories of Gender Identity Disorder -Gender Identity Disorder: in children or in adolescents or adults -Gender Identity Disorder NOS -Sexual Disorder NOS
Gender Identity Disorder: Interventions -Psychotherapy -Hormone treatment -Sex reassignment surgery
Central Concepts of Family -Boundaries: diffuse or enmeshed, rigid or disengaged -Triangulation -Scapegoating -Differentiation
Functions of a Healthy Family -Management:adults agree how these functions are to be performed -Boundary:clear, help define roles&allow for differences -Communication:clear/direct messages abt wants/needs
Functions of a Healthy Family -Emotional-supportive:feeling of affection dominate family pattern, members emotional needs are met -Socialization: members flexible in adapting to new roles within the family
Dysfunctional Family Patterns -Management:inappropriate member makes decisions -Boundary:diffuse/enmeshed,thoughts merged together,rigid/disengaged -Comm:manipulate,distract, general,blaming,placating -Emotional-Support:conflict/anger -Socialization:role change difficult, I stress
Ecomap -tool used to diagram relationship qualities of a family system; addresses boundaries and interactions
Contraindications: Family Therapy -If there is physical harm being done (family secret by being brought out will do more harm than good) -If members of family aren't honest -Family members can't keep confidentiality
Healthy Boundaries -Clear = balance -Know where self starts and stops -Maintains separateness -Emphasizes belonging to family system
Rigid Boundaries -Rigid rules, shoulds, little tolerance and understanding -Unable to see another's perspective -Can't connect -Isolated -Disengaged
Diffuse Boundaries -Parent intrusive, overprotective-can't exist without supervision/approval, can't set limits -Easily distracted -Can't separate (try to live through kids) -Enmeshed
Resiliency -Relationship b/w a child's constitutional endowment and environmental factors -Temperament that adapt to change -Ability to form nurturing relations -Distance self from chaos -Social intelligence -Problem solving skills
Pervasive Developmental Disorders:Autism -impairment in social interaction, impairment in communication, restricted repetitive sterotyped patterns of behavior, delay abnormal social interaction, language and imaginative play
Pervasive Developmental Disorders: Asperger's Disorder -Self-injurious/aggressive behavior -Impairment in social interaction -Restricted repetitive pattern -No sign delays in language,development, self help skills, curiosity
Pervasive Developmental Disorders: Retts -Normal until about 5 month -Lack of purposeful hand movement -Severe social disengagement
Pervasive Developmental Disorders: Child Disintegrative -Poorest prognosis -From few months -Personality disinegratives before its even formed -Die at very young age
Marked Behavior Disorders: Oppositional Defiant Disorder -Negativistic hostile and defiant -No violent of other's rights -Pull the cat's tail
Marked Behavior Disorders: Conduct Disorder -Basic rights and societal norms are violated -Psychogenic not biological -Pour gasoline on the cat and set on fire
Symptoms of anxiety in children (physical) -Sweaty palms -Trembling -Muscle aches and tension -Upset stomach -Headaches -Difficulty sleeping -Change in eating habits
Symptoms in anxiety in children (mental) -persistent worry -irrational fears -irritability -lack of social activity -fits of crying
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder -Inattention -Hyperactivity -Impulsivity (interrupting people, acts without thinking)
ADHD Symptoms -are in constant motion -squirm and fidget -don't seem to listen -are easily distracted -don't finish tasks
Pharmacological management -Stimulant drugs:adderall, ritalin -physical tolerance can occur -insomnia,anorexia, wt loss, tachycardia, temporary decrease in rate of growth and development
Nursing Considerations -Assess mental status -to reduce anorexia, administer after meals -prevent insomnia, administer 6h before bedtime -drug holiday-titrate med during summer when not in school -avoid OTC -gradual withdrawal
Other Disorders -Tic Disorders: tourette's syndrome, involuntary movements and utterances especially in head and neck -Eating disorders
Elimination and Intake Disorders -Pica: eating substances that shouldn't be eaten (clay,dirt,chalk) -Rumination: chewing excessively -Enuresis: after 5, inappropriate wetting -Encopresis: defecating inappropriately after the age of 4
Mood disorders-depression -Presentation in kids: irritability, boredom, poor motivation; HA, stomaches; poor concentration; not listless, will play with peers -Teens: hypersomnia, delusions, substance abuse, promiscuity, running away
Factors Associated with Adolescent Suicide -Depression or mania -Antisocial or aggressive behavior -Hx of suicidal behavior in family -Availability of firearms -Incarcerated youths -Shameful event
Schizophrenia -Very rare in kids -Beginning symptoms in adolescence: acute hypochondria,strange fears, school phobia, insomnia, concrete paranoid thinking -Intelligence and Orientation are okay
DSM-IV Criteria Anorexia -Refusal to maintain body wt at or above a minimally normal wt for age and ht (15% wt loss) -Intense fear of gaining wt or becoming fat even though underwt -Body image disturbance, denial of the seriousness of current low wt -Amenorrhea
DSM-IV Criteria Bulimia Nervosa -Recurrent episodes of binge eating (large amounts of food in a discrete period of time, sense of lack of control over eating)
DSM-IV Criteria Bulimia Nervosa -Recurrent inappropriate compensatory behaviors in order to prevent wt gain -Occur on avg at least 2x a wk for 3 mo -Self evaluation in unduly influenced by body shape and wt -Does not occur during episodes of anorexia nervosa
Purging Type: Bulimia -During the current episode the person engages in vomiting or the misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas
Non-Purging Type: Bulimia -During the current episode the person uses other inappropriate compensatory behaviors such as fasting and excessive exercise
Anorexia -Diet out of control -Wt loss -Avoid food to cope -Deny -Rigid and controlled -Avoid sexual issues
Bulimia -Eating out of control -Wt maintenance -Use food to cope -Aware of abnormality -Impulsive, extrovert -Struggle with sexual issues
Binge Eating Disorder -Recurrent episodes of binge eating at least twice per week for 3 months -No use of extreme measures to lose weight -Awareness that eating pattern is abnormal -Fear of not being able to stop eating
-Depressed mood&self-deprecating thoughts following binges -No evidence of body image disturbance other than body size dissatisfaction -Episodes not related to AN,BN or physical disorder -Consumption of high calorie, easily ingested food during binge
-Secretive eating during binge -Repeated efforts to diet in an effort to lose weight -Negative affect, which often starts the binge eating -Frequent wt flucuations of greater than 10 lbs caused by alternating binges and dieting
Personality traits of ED patients -Perfectionism -Social insecurity -Instability -Interoceptive deficits(inability to correctly respond to bodily sensations) -Alexithymia(difficultly naming/expressing emotions) -Immaturity -Compliance -Sense of ineffectiveness in dealing w/the
Physiological Symptoms -Dental concerns -Ulcers/Colitis -Esophageal bleeding/trauma/tears/hair/skin/lanugo hair/rashes/menses -Osteoporosis -Hypothermia -Constipation/Diarrhea
Electrolyte Disturbances -Hypokalemia (most frequently in pts who abuse diuretics and laxatives) -Fatigue,lassitude -Paresthesias -Metabolic alkalosis -Cardiac arrthmias -Hypokalemic nephropathy
Complications of Laxative Abuse -Nonspecific gastrointestinal complaints -Cathartic colon (a pathologic state of colon structure and function) the colon is dilated and distended, inflammation of the mucosa and muscular layers, multiple superficial ulcers, limited reversibility
Diuretic Abuse -Electrolyte disturbances -Excessive loss of fluid: dehydration, thirst, dry mucus membranes, tachycardia, poor skin turgor, postural hypotension -Severe cases: delirium, acute tubular necrosis
Most Common Patient Complaints -Inability to concentrate -Fatigue -Chest pain -Fainting spells -Orthostatic hypotension -Feeling of bloat after eating/drinking anything -Depression -Cold
Hospice -Available to everyone regardless of age,dx, or the ability to pay -Requires a physicians best clinical judgment that the pt is terminally ill w/a life expectancy of 6 mo or less -Pt chooses this rather than curative tx -Ensuring pt dignity and respec
Styles of Confronting the Prospect of Dying -Struggle:living&dying are a struggle -Dissonance:dying isnt living -Endurance:triumph of inner strength -Incorporation:beliefs accommodates death -Coping:working to find a new balance -Quest:seeking meaning in dying -Volatile:unresolved,unresigne
Fears of Dying Person -Loss of control -Pain -Having death prolonged artificially -Submitting to the suffering of death -Palliative nursing returns a sense of control to a dying person as well as hope that uncomfortable symptoms can be alleviated
Four gifts of resolving relationships -important role of hospice care is to encourage families to consent to the inevitability of death -Four gifts: forgiveness,love, gratitude, farewell
Loss -Something of value is actually or potentially: changed or gone
Types of Loss -Actual: identified by others, lost mom or lost pet -Perceived: can't necessarily be verified by others - loss of self esteem -Anticipatory: before a loss happens
Circumstances of Loss -Maturational: results from normal life transitions (empty nest syndrome, retirement) -Situational: specific live event (losing someone, job, house fire)
Bereavement -Mourning: public rituals, external displays -Grief: emotional, physical, spiritual
Bereavement -The social experience of dealing with the loss of a loved one through death -Encompasses grief experience and mourning -Period of time after a loss during which grief is experienced and mourning occurs
Mourning -The culturally patterned behavioral response to loss -What people see -People will show this differently -Process by which people adapt to a loss
Grief -Individual process -Due to a loss of a loved one or cherished object
Manifestations of Grief -Physical -Emotional/Psychological -Cognitive -Behavioral -Spiritual
Physical Responses to Grief -Fatigue -Exhaustion -Insomnia -HA -Tension -Digestive -Medical flare ups -Crying -Tightness in chest, throat -Heartache -Noise sensitivity
Emotional/Psychological Responses to Grief -Shock -Numbness -Sadness -Depression -Hopelessness -Overwhelmed -Powerlessness -Confusion -Anxiety -Abandoned -Anger -Fear -Guilt -Restlessness -Irritability -Loneliness -Freedom -Relief
Anticipatory Grief -Anxiety or sorrow experienced prior to an expected loss or death -Often unrecognized -Nurses should be able to recognize
Delayed Grief -Postponed response in which the bereaved person may have a reaction at the time of the loss but it is not sufficient to the loss -A later loss may trigger a reaction that is out a proportion to the meaning of the current loss
Disenfranchised Grief -A response to a loss or death in which an individual is given the opportunity to grieve or is unable to acknowledge the loss to others -Can't publicly grieve the loss -A mistress, gay partner, healthcare workers, neighbor
Dysfunctional Grief -People fear experiencing the pain of loss therefore grief work is unresolved -Unresolved: prolonged or extended in length and severity of response -Inhibited: suppressed response that may be expressed in other ways, such as somatic complaints
Grief vs Depression:Grief -Relates directly to loss -Sx disappear after the loss if resolved -Sad,angry,hopeless,despair,agitation -Physical symptoms cover wide spectrum -Spiritual beliefs may provide comfort
Grief vs Depression: Depression -Not specifically r/t loss -Must be > 2 mo -Guilt abt things other than death -Cyclic or static -Symptoms get more intense than grief -Anger less seldom expressed -SI much more common -Spiritual beliefs seldom provide context or meaning
Factors Influencing Grief: Childhood -Preschool-fear separation and do not understand finality -5-6y - death is reversible,magical -6-9y-accept finality, see death as destructive -10y-death is inevitable -Teen-intellectualize, but repress feelings
Factors Influencing Grief: Early Middle Adult -Loss and death as normal developmental task
Factors Influencing Grief: Older Adult -Loss of health, function and or independence -Loss of longtime mate -Multiple losses-control,competence, material possessions, important people
Five stages of Grief: Kubler Ross Model 1)Denial 2)Anger 3)Bargaining 4)Depression 5)Acceptance
Bereavement Process -Acute stage (4-8wks) -Shock and disbelief (denial) -Development of awareness (somatic symptoms, anger, guilt, crying) -Restitution
-Long-term stage (1-2y) -Most people resolve with support -Broken-heart syndrome (during 1st year of significant other passing, person passes) -Suicide rates higher -Dysfunctional/Unresolved grief
Successful Bereavement -Accept reality of loss -Share in the process -Adjust to an environment without the deceased -Restructure the family's relationship
Effective Coping Skills -Optimistic attitude -Confronts the issues -Seeks information -Shares concerns -Has capacity for healthy denial -Redefine the situation -Constructive use of distractions
Ineffective Coping Skills -Sees glass as half empty instead of half full -Forgets it happened, minimizes critical health status -Shows tendency to escape or withdraw -Prolonged denial -Feels hopeless -Withdraws, brood overwhelmed
Personality Disorder -Behaviors rigidly maintained -Endure in face of disastrous consequences -Create significant problems in daily living -Onset-adolescence/early adulthood -NOT egosyntonic
Categories of Personality Disorders -Cluster A: odd, eccentric -Cluster B: dramatic, emotional, erratic -Cluster C: Anxious, fearful
Cluster A -Paranoid Personality Disorder -Schizoid Personality Disorder -Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Paranoid Personality Disorder -Suspicious -Distrusting -Hypervigilant -Argumentative -Humorless
Schizoid Personality Disorder -Prefers solitude -Socially Distant -Unmotivated by feedback -Lacks spontaneity -Does not make small talk
Schizotypal Personality Disorder -Uncomfortable around people -Poor social skills -Eccentric -Odd behaviors
Cluster B -Histrionic Personality Disorder -Narcissistic Personality Disorder -Antisocial Personality -Borderline Personality
Histrionic Personality Disorder -Love me, please -Self-centered -Attention seeking -Seductive -Exaggerates and dramatizes
Narcissistic Personality Disorder -Look at me, I'm special -Demands admiration,recognition, attention -Insensitive to anyone except self -Overestimation of abilities and importance
Antisocial Personality -Pattern of disregard for rights of others -Repeated acts that are grounds for arrest -Impulsivity -Repeated physical fights or assaults -Reckless disregard for safety of self or others -Failure to sustain consistent work behavior or $ -Lack of re
Interventions: Antisocial Personality -Set firm, matter of fact limits -Anger control assistance -Avoid preaching or moralizing -Monitor personal feelings -Focus on behaviors
Borderline Personality -Frantic attempts to avoid real/imagined abandonment -Unstable relationships -Unstable sense of self -Impulsivity -Recurrent suicidal behav -Chronic feelings of emptiness -Inappropriate anger -Tranisent paranoid ideation -Self-mutilating behav
Reasons for Self-Injury -Tension release -Return to reality -Establishing control -Security and uniqueness -Influencing others -Neg perceptions -Sexuality -Euphoria -Venting from anger -Relief from alienation
Thought Distortions and Corrective Statements -Catastrophizing- make whatever is going on horrible, bigger deal than it is -Dichotomizing-take things apart without putting it back together -Self-attribution Errors-believe everything is their fault
Interventions: Borderline Personality Disorder -Provide support,empathy -Provide structure -Use consistent approach by all caregivers -Point out when client's attempts to manipulate are counterproductive
Cluster C -Avoidant Personality Disorder -Dependent Personality Disorder -Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder
Avoidant Personality Disorder -Poor self image -Highly sensitive to criticism -High anxiety about being OK, so limits contact with people
Dependent Personality Disorder -Make decisions for me, I'm so helpless -Submissive -Over compliant regardless of cost -Helpless -Passive so does not initiate self care
Obsessive Compulsive Personality -If it's not perfect, I will make it perfect -Rigid and unbending -Get lost in details -Needs to feel in control -Perfectionist -Comfortable with rules,order and conformity -Doesn't interfere with life
Content vs Process -Content: all that is said in the group -Process: structural development of the group
Facilitating Roles Task -Initiator- offers new ideas/outlook -Information seeker-clarify group values -Summarizer-summarize group progress Maintenance -Evaluator-measure group work against standard -Encourager-praise,seeks input
-Gate Keeper-Monitors participation of all members to keep communication open -Compromiser-group harmony -Harmonizer-tries to mediate b/w members
Blocking Roles -Computer-only gives facts -Self confessor-always want to talk about themselves -Big talker-want to hear themselves talk -Clown-make joke/lighten things -Withdrawer-sit there,don't say anything
Anger -An emotional response to one's perception of a situation that is threatening to ones needs -Normal emotion
Aggression -A physical or verbal behavior intended to threaten or injure the victim's security or self esteem
Violence -A hx of violence is the single best predictor of violence -Threats including verbal or written statements that imply harm to a person or property -Physical assault with or without a weapon that results in actual harm -Damage to property
Stages of Anger and Aggression -Feeling of vulnerability -Uneasiness -Anxiety -Anger -Aggression -Violence
Signs and Symptoms that usually precede violence -Limit setting by nurse -Hyperactivity -Increase in anxiety and tension -Verbal abuse -Very loud/soft -Absolute silence -Intoxication of alcohol/drugs -Possession of weapon -Recent hx of violence
Stages of Violence: Interventions -Preassaultive: de-escalation, meds -Assaultive:Restraint, meds, seclusion -Postassaultive: debriefing, documentation
Seclusion and Restraint -Only be used if client is a danger to self/others -When less-restrictive methods have failed -Require physicians order
Cycle of Violence -Tension-building stage: pushing/shoving, verbal abuse,victim doesn't speak up for self, abuser rationalizes abuse, victim tries to make things better -Acute battering stage: physical violence, victim depersonalize situation, both parties in shock
-Honeymoon stage: perpetrator feels remorseful, victim believes perp, thinks things will be better -Tension builds and cycle continues
Actual Occurrence of Violence requires: -Perpetrator -Vulnerable Person -Crisis situation
Characteristics of Perpetrators -Consider their own needs more important than needs of others -Poor social skills -Extreme pathological jealously -May control family finances -Likely to abuse alcohol or drugs -Relationships are usually enmeshed and codependent
Characteristics of Abusing Parents -Hx of violence -Low self esteem -Isolation/suspicious of others -in a crisis situation -rigid expectations -Harsh punishment -Violent outbursts -Substance abuse -Poor impulse control
Characteristics of Vulnerable Persons: Children -Younger than 3 yrs -Perceived as different -Remind parents of someone they don't like -Product of unwanted pregnancy -Interference with emotional bonding b/w parent and child -Don't meet fantasy -Adolescents also at risk
Effects of Violence on Children -Depressive disorders -PTSD -Somatic complaints -Low self esteem -Phobias -Antisocial behaviors -Child/Spouse abuse
Effects of Violence on Adolescents -Poor grades -Difficulty relationships -Legal problems -Promiscuity -Running away from home
Characteristics of Vulnerable Persons: Older Adults -Poor mental or physical health -Dependent on perpetrator -Female, older than 75, white, living with relative -Elderly father cared for by a daughter he abused as a child -Elderly woman cared for by a husband who has abused her in the past
Self-Assessment -It is imperative that nurses assess their own attitudes and feelings about abuse prior to working with families where abuse is present or has occurred
Don'ts of Assessment -Don't judge or accuse -Don't use the words abuse or violence -Don't display horror,anger,shock, or disapproval -Don't force a child or anyone else to remove clothing
Sexual Assault -Any type of sexual activity the victim doesn't want or agree to -From inappropriate touching to penetration -Verbal sexual assault can occur by phone/online -Forced activities: prostitution
Rape -Nonconsensual vaginal and or oral pentration, obtained by force or by threat of bodily harm or when a person is incapable of giving consent -Majority of rapes are perpetrated by someone known to the victim
Characteristics of Incestual families -High incidence of other forms of abuse -Enmeshed -Boundary issues -Role reversal
Sexual Abuse/Incest Perpetrator Characteristics -Low self esteem -Unrealistic dependence needs -Immaturity -Self absorption -Lack of empathy for others -Hx sexual abuse during childhood
Sexually Abused Children -Typically the oldest daughter -Age of onset 6-9 -Secret frequently not revealed until older -Early identification of sexual abuse victims is crucial to the reduction of suffering of abused
Forensic Nursing application of nursing science to public or legal proceedings and scientific investigation and treatment of trauma and/or death of victims and perpetrators of abuse, violence, criminal activity, and traumatic accidents
-Provide direct services to crime victims&perp -Consultation services to colleagues in nursing,med&law agencies -Expert court testimony in cases of trauma and/or ?death -Adequacy of service delivery -Specialized dx of specific conditions as r/t nursin
Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) -Care of adult/pediatric victims of sexual assault -Sexual assault response teams (SARTs) -Expert care in acute setting -Advocacy for acute&long-term needs of victim -Referral for counseling for survivors (D long-term effects from assault)
Nurse Coroner/Death Investigator -Public official charged with duty of determining how and why people die -Assessing the deceased through:Understanding the evidence,Discovery of evidence, Preservation of evidence,Use of evidence
Terms -Legal sanity:able to distinguish right from wrong -Legal insanity:presence of major mental disorder -Irresistible impulse:knew act was wrong but couldnt control behavior
-Guilty but mentally ill -Competence to proceed:defendant’s present thinking at time of trial
Evaluation -Federal law prohibits persons from being tried if deemed legally incompetent -Incompetent defendant will be in a mental hospital for treatment to regain competency
Witness -Fact witness – testifies about what was personally seen, heard, performed, or documented regarding a patient’s care -Expert witness – recognized by the court as having a certain level of skill or expertise in a designated area
Correctional Nursing: Suicide -First 24 hours most dangerous-jail -10 times of general public
Stressors: Client -Overcrowding -Double stigmatization -Grief, isolation, loneliness -Violence -Living conditions -Lack of privacy -Segregation
Stressors: Nurse -Violence -Language -Need to be “on guard” -Professional isolation
Created by: prettyinpink7
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