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Bondi Vocab April 20

!!1Bondi vocab April 2011

refurbish(v) to change and improve a plan, idea or skill
replenish(v) to fill something up again
mandatory(adj) describes something which must be done, or which is demanded by law
insidious(adj) gradually and secretly causing harm
dilute(v) to make liquid weaker by mixing something else
subtle(adj) 1. not very noticeable or obvious OR 2. small but important
condemn(v) criticize strongly
discernible(adj) able to be seen or understood
pivotal(adj) central and important
ubiquitous(adj) exist in all places, everywhere
lenient(adj) not as severe or strong in punishment or judgement as would be expected.
exacerbate(v) to make a bad situation worse
jeopardize(v) to risk sth or spoil sth important
confound(v) to confuse and very much surprise someone
embrace(v) to accept sth enthusiastically
harsh(adj) unpleasant, unkind, cruel or unnecessarily severe
impoverished(adj) very poor, made weaker or worse in quality
magnitude (n) the large size or importance of something
exodus(n) movement of a lot of people from a place
outrageous(adj) strange or morally unacceptable
moratorium(n) an agreed amount of time to stop sth
momentum(n) the force that keeps an object moving or developing
deprivation(n) When you do not have things or conditions that are usually considered necessary for a pleasant life
jurisdiction(n) authority of an official organisation to make legal decision about sb/sth
outright(adv) completely or immediately
looming(adj) sth unwanted or unpleasant, happening soon and causing worry
cumulative(adj) increasing by one addition after another
confine(v) limit an activity, person or problem in some way
censure(v) strong criticism or disapproval
recede(v) move further away into the distance or become less bright
propel(v) push or move something forcefully
penetrate(v) go into or through (sth) especially with force or effort
irresistible(adj) impossible to refuse, avoid or oppose because too pleasant or attractive
abandon(v) to leave sme/sth, especially sme/sth you are responsible for.
augment(v) increase the size or value of sth by adding sth to it
curb(v) control, limit something
escalate(v) become or make bigger or more serious
strife(n) violent or angry agreement; state of conflict
susceptible(adj) easily influenced or harmed by something
Counteract(v) reduce the effect of sth
sparse(adj) small in number or amount and not dense or close together
eminent(adj) famous, respected, important
benevolent(adj) kind and helpful
deploy(v) use sth or sb, especially in effective way
perpetual(adj) continue all the time without changing or stopping.
undergo(v) experience something which unpleasant or which involves change
mitigate(v) to make less severe or painful
exploitation(n) the action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work
vulnerable(adj) exposed to possibility of being attacked or harmed either physically or emotionally
jeopardy(n) in danger of being damaged or destroyed
discernible(adj) able to be seen or understood
rivalry(n) a situation in which two or more people are competing especially in long period of time
innocuous(adj) causing no harm
abrupt(adj) describe sth that is sudden and unexpected, and often unpleasant
controversy(n) a disagreement, often a public one, that involves different ideas or opinions about something
dissident(n) a person who publicly disagrees and criticizes their government
Created by: paul.c
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