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Smash 1

Drugs affecting Sexuality and Reproduction

What is the action of estrogen (Premarin) promote the growth and development of female sex organs and the maintenance of secondary sex characteristics in women
Estrogen (Premarin) Uses non-estrogen secreting breast cancer, prostate cancer, post menopausal hormone replacement
Precautions/Contradictions of Estrogen (Premarin) pts with Hx of heart disease, preggo, breast cancer, thrombolotic disease
ADRs of estrogen (Premarin) 1. Thombolitic event. Increase blood coagubility. increase LDL decrease HDL. Decrease bowel motility
Estrogen (Premarin) promotes... Secondary sex characteristics, maintenance of skin and muscle mass, retain sodium and water. maintain bone density
What to monitor when taking estrogen (Premarin)? BP, and teach about clots. Monitor liver. Diabetics have problems with estrogen. If pregnant stop taking!
medroxyprogesterone (Provera) is used for? Lining of the uterus. Maintain fetal growth. Prevents monthly cycle. Helps with ammorrhea.
Precautions/ contradictions of medroxyprogesterone (Provera) Fluid retention, pregnancy, HTN, CHF, liver problems. Conta in thrombophlembitis
ADRs of medroxyprgesterone (Provera) Menstrual irregularities, stop having menses. mental depression, wt gain.
Nursing care for medroxyprogesterone (Provera) Monitor Wt, s/sx depression, menstrual cycle. explain is does not protect against STD's
What is Ovcon 35? Contraceptive that contains both estrogen and progestins
People on Ovcon...nuva ring, patch experience what kind of bleeding? Withdrawl bleed..not really an actual period
Precautions and contradictions of Ovcon 35 HTN, problems with clotting, esp if you smoke
ADRs of Ovcon 35 Diarrhea, constipation, BP (check every time, can be unpredictable HTN), diabetics more problems because of glucose intolerance
Drug interactions of Ovcon 35 Metabolized in the liver, carbomaizapines. Some antibiotics cause ineffectiveness.
Nursing care for Ovcon 35 Monitor BP and weight. Teach what to do with a missed poll. avoid smoking, take oral dose with food to decrease nausea.
What is oxytocin used for? Putting a person into labor
Why is oxytocin a catagory X? It will either cause a miscarriage or put someone into labor
What should you monitor on mom and baby when taking oxytocin? Baby -- rapid Mother -- contractions can be so intense they can rupture uterus.
testosterone enanthate (Delatestyl) is used for what? Delayed puberty, steroid use. if you have chemo and gonads are fried, must take for rest of life. Males with hypogonadism
Precautions/contradictions with testosterone enanthate (Delatestyl) Males with breast or prostate cancer, hypercalemia or severe liver/renal disease. caution in cardiac pts.
testosterone enanthate (Delatestyl) ADRs acne, facial hair, abnormal hair loss, clit enlargement, gycocomastia, impotence, priaprism, can cause fluid retention
sildenafil (Viagra) Precation/contradiction Do not use with a pt using any type of Nitro
Why use sildenafil (Viagra)in peds? Decreases pulmonary hypertension.
sildenafil (Viagra) ADRs HA, flushing, vision problems
Created by: smashmckenz
Popular Pharmacology sets




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