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LOM Ch 13 Vocab

Pathology and Misc

Leukocyte white blood cell
Erythrocyte red blood cell
Platelet thrombocyte (clotting cell)
polymorphonuclear granulocytic leukocytes eosinophil, neutrophil, basophil
mononuclear agranulocytic leukocytes monocyte, lymphocyte
plasma liquid part of the blood consisting of water ,dissolved proteins, sugar, wastes, salts, hormones, and other substances including plasma proteins (albumin, globulin, fibrinogen, prothrombin)
Blood types A, B, AB, O (including Rh factor in each)
serum liquid portion of blood left behind after clotting has occurred
albumin protine in blood; maintains the proper amount of water in the blood
aplastic anemia failure of blood cell production in the bone marrow
hemolytic anemia reduction in rbc due to excessive destruction
pernicious anemia lack of mature rbc caused by inability to absorm bitamin B12 into the body
sickle cell anemia hereditary condition characterized by abnormal sickle shape of rbc and hemolysis
thalassemia inherited defect in the ability to produce hemoglobin, usually seen in persons of Mediterranean background
hemochromatosis excess iron deposits throughout the body
polycythemia vera general increase in rbc (erythremia)
hemophilia excessive bleeding caused by hereditary lack of blood clotting factors (factor VIII or IX) necessary for blood clotting
purpura multiple pinpoint hemorrhages and accumulation of blood under the skin
leukemia increase in cancerous wbc
acute mylogenous leukemia (AML) immature granulocytes predominate
acute lympocytic leukemia (ALL) immature lympocytes predominate (Most often in children and adolescents - sudden onset)
chronic myleogenous leukemia (CML) both mature and immature granulocytes are present in large numbers. Slowly progressive illness.
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) abnormal numbers of relatively mature lymphocytes predominate. Most common form of leukemia usually occurs in the elderly and follows a slowly progressive course. Often does not require immediate treatment.
granulocytosis abnormal increase in granulocytes in the blood (increase in neutrophils may be due to infection; increase in eosinophils may be due to allergic conditions; increase in basophils by be due to certian types of leukemia)
mononucleosis infection disease marked by increased numbers of leukocytes and enlarged cervical lymph nodes (Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)
multiple myeloma malignan neoplasm of bone marrow
Created by: cskinner
Popular Medical sets




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