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Misc Points

Misc Points for Kyo Bastyr

Yintang (印堂) - Calm the shen/mind
Sishencong (四神聰) - Stimulate brain - Calm the spirit, especially due to LV yang or fire rising
Yuyao (魚腰) - Benefit the eyes and frontal sinus L: Top of Center of Eye
Taiyang (太陽) - Eliminate wind and clear heat: headache at the temples (mostly due to LV yang or fire rising)
Erjian (耳尖) - Clear heat and dissipates swelling - Benefit the eyes and throat
Bitong (鼻通) - Benefit the nose and sinuses
Bailao (百勞) - Transform phlegm, dissipate nodules - Treat neck pain L: 1 Cun Lateral, 2/3 between C7 and Hirline
Anmian (安眠) - Treat insomnia (point is close to nervous system) L: Behind the ear, midway between Fengchi GB-20 and Yifeng SJ-17.
Dingchuan (定喘) - Calm dyspnea and wheezing, stop cough L: 0.5 to 1 cun lateral to the depression below the spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra (Dazhui DU-14).
Weiguanxiashu (aka Yishu) (胃管下俞) - "Inner back shu of pancreas" 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the eighth thoracic vertebra (T8).
Yaoyan (腰眼) - Benefit the lumbar region In the depression approximately 3.5 cun lateral to the lower border of L4 (Yaoyangguan DU-3).
Shiqizhuxia (十七椎下) - Tonify KD and promote urination: especially for pregnant women L: On the midline of the lower back, in the depression below the spinous process of the fifth lumbar vertebra.
Huatuojiaji points (華佗夾脊) - Affect spinal nerve dermatomes: good for nerve pain (ex. shingles) - C1-7: neck problems - T1-4: LU, upper limbs - T4-7: HT - T7-10: LV, GB - T10-12: SP, ST - L1-2 KD - L3-5: UB, SI, LI, uterus, lower limbs
Zigong (子宫) - Reservoir of jing for female reproductive parts: fertility issues
Shixuan (十宣) - Drain heat, open the portals, revive consciousness L: On the tips of the ten fingers, approximately 0.1 cun from the fingernail.
Sifeng (四縫) - Fortify SP and dissipate accumulation: treat childhood digestive disorders, colic in infants L: On the palmar surface of the hand, at the midpoints of the transverse creases of the proximal interphalangeal joints of the index, middle, ring and littl
Baxie (八邪) - Clear heat and dissipate swelling: help peripheral neuropathy - Treat disorders of the hands and fingers LOCATION: When the hand is made into a fist, six of these points lie in the depressions between the metacarpal heads, proximal to the web margin
Bafeng (八風) - Clear heat and dissipate swelling: help peripheral neuropathy - Treat disorders of the toes LOCATION: On the dorsum of the foot, between the toes, 0.5 cun proximal to the margin of the web.
Yaotongxue (腰痛穴) - Treat acute back sprain (needle with AROM) LOCATION On the dorsum of the hand, two points located between the second and third and the fourth and fifth metacarpal bones, in the depressions lying immediately distal to the bases of the metacarpals.
Luozhen (落枕) - Treat acute neck pain (needle with AROM) LOCATION On the dorsum of the hand, in the depression just proximal to the second and third metacarpophalangeal joints.
Erbai (二白) - Treat hemorrhoids, anal prolapse LOCATION On the flexor aspect of the forearm, 4 cun proximal to Daling P-7, either side of the tendon of flexor carpi radialis.
Jianqian (肩前) - Benefit the shoulder joint, anterior deltoid LOCATION On the anterior aspect of the shoulder joint, midway between the anterior axillary crease and Jianyu L.I.-15.
Baichongwo (百蟲窩) - Clear heat from blood, eliminate wind: itching LOCATION 3 cun proximal to the superior border of the patella, in a tender depression on the bulge of the vastus medialis muscle.
Heding (鶴頂) - Benefit the knee joint
Xiyan (膝眼) - Treat knee disorders LOCATION On the knee, in the hollows formed when the knee is flexed, immediately below the patella and both medial and lateral to the patellar ligament.
Lanweixue (闌尾穴) - Treat appendicitis (right leg only) LOCATION Approximately 2 cun distal to Zusanli ST-36 on the right leg.
Dannangxue (膽囊穴) - Treat GB disorders (right leg only) LOCATION Between 1 and 2 cun distal to Yanglingquan GB-34 on the right leg.
Qiuhou (球後) - Benefit eyes: myopia, presbyopia LOCATION Along the inferior border of the orbit, at the junction of the lateral one quarter and medial three quarters of the infra-orbital margin.
ZHOUJIAN This point is treated by moxibustion only. ACTIONS: Transforms phlegm and dissipates swelling INDICATIONS: • Scrofula, carbuncles and furuncles, deep-rooted ulcers, intestinal abscess. LOCATION: On the tip of the olecranon process of the ulna.
- Calm the shen/mind Yintang (印堂)
- Stimulate brain - Calm the spirit, especially due to LV yang or fire rising Sishencong (四神聰)
- Benefit the eyes and frontal sinus L: Top of Center of Eye Yuyao (魚腰)
- Eliminate wind and clear heat: headache at the temples (mostly due to LV yang or fire rising) Taiyang (太陽)
- Clear heat and dissipates swelling - Benefit the eyes and throat Erjian (耳尖)
- Benefit the nose and sinuses Bitong (鼻通)
- Transform phlegm, dissipate nodules - Treat neck pain Bailao (百勞) L: 1 Cun Lateral, 2/3 between C7 and Hirline
- Treat insomnia (point is close to nervous system) Anmian (安眠) L: Behind the ear, midway between Fengchi GB-20 and Yifeng SJ-17.
- Calm dyspnea and wheezing, stop cough Dingchuan (定喘) L: 0.5 to 1 cun lateral to the depression below the spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra (Dazhui DU-14).
- "Inner back shu of pancreas" Weiguanxiashu (aka Yishu) (胃管下俞) L: 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the eighth thoracic vertebra (T8).
- Benefit the lumbar region Yaoyan (腰眼) L:In the depression approximately 3.5 cun lateral to the lower border of L4 (Yaoyangguan DU-3).
- Tonify KD and promote urination: especially for pregnant women Shiqizhuxia (十七椎下) L: On the midline of the lower back, in the depression below the spinous process of the fifth lumbar vertebra.
- Affect spinal nerve dermatomes: good for nerve pain (ex. shingles) Huatuojiaji points (華佗夾脊)
- neck problems C1-7: Huatuojiaji points (華佗夾脊)
- LU, upper limbs T1-4: Huatuojiaji points (華佗夾脊)
- HT T4-7: Huatuojiaji points (華佗夾脊)
- LV, GB T7-10: Huatuojiaji points (華佗夾脊)
- SP, ST T10-12: Huatuojiaji points (華佗夾脊)
- KD L1-2: Huatuojiaji points (華佗夾脊)
- UB, SI, LI, uterus, lower limbs L3-5:
- Reservoir of jing for female reproductive parts: fertility issues Zigong (子宫)
- Drain heat, open the portals, revive consciousness L: On the tips of the ten fingers, approximately 0.1 cun from the fingernail. Shixuan (十宣)
- Fortify SP and dissipate accumulation: treat childhood digestive disorders, colic in infants L: On the palmar surface of the hand, at the midpoints of the transverse creases of the proximal interphalangeal joints of the index, middle, ring and littl Sifeng (四縫)
- Clear heat and dissipate swelling: help peripheral neuropathy - Treat disorders of the hands and fingers Baxie (八邪) LOCATION: When the hand is made into a fist, six of these points lie in the depressions between the metacarpal heads, proximal to the web margins. The remaining two points lie equidistant between the thumb and index metacarpals, proximal t
- Clear heat and dissipate swelling: help peripheral neuropathy - Treat disorders of the toes Bafeng (八風) LOCATION: On the dorsum of the foot, between the toes, 0.5 cun proximal to the margin of the web.
- Treat acute back sprain (needle with AROM) Yaotongxue (腰痛穴) LOCATION On the dorsum of the hand, two points located between the second and third and the fourth and fifth metacarpal bones, in the depressions lying immediately distal to the bases of the metacarpals.
- Treat acute neck pain (needle with AROM) Luozhen (落枕) LOCATION On the dorsum of the hand, in the depression just proximal to the second and third metacarpophalangeal joints.
- Treat hemorrhoids, anal prolapse Erbai (二白) LOCATION On the flexor aspect of the forearm, 4 cun proximal to Daling P-7, either side of the tendon of flexor carpi radialis.
- Benefit the shoulder joint, anterior deltoid Jianqian (肩前) LOCATION On the anterior aspect of the shoulder joint, midway between the anterior axillary crease and Jianyu L.I.-15.
- Clear heat from blood, eliminate wind: itching Baichongwo (百蟲窩) LOCATION 3 cun proximal to the superior border of the patella, in a tender depression on the bulge of the vastus medialis muscle.
- Benefit the knee joint Heding (鶴頂)
- Treat knee disorders Xiyan (膝眼) LOCATION On the knee, in the hollows formed when the knee is flexed, immediately below the patella and both medial and lateral to the patellar ligament.
- Treat appendicitis (right leg only) Lanweixue (闌尾穴) LOCATION Approximately 2 cun distal to Zusanli ST-36 on the right leg.
- Treat GB disorders (right leg only) Dannangxue (膽囊穴) LOCATION Between 1 and 2 cun distal to Yanglingquan GB-34 on the right leg.
- Benefit eyes: myopia, presbyopia Qiuhou (球後) LOCATION Along the inferior border of the orbit, at the junction of the lateral one quarter and medial three quarters of the infra-orbital margin.
-ACTIONS: Transforms phlegm and dissipates swelling INDICATIONS: • Scrofula, carbuncles and furuncles, deep-rooted ulcers, intestinal abscess. ZHOUJIAN This point is treated by moxibustion only. LOCATION: On the tip of the olecranon process of the ulna.
Created by: Bastyr40
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