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Biology- chapter 31

which system coordinates the body's response to changes in its internal and external environment? nervous system
which system enables you to understand words you read? nervous system
the PNS collects info about changes in internal body temp using what structures? nerves and supporting cells
how does info flow in the nervous system? info is gathered, info is processed, and a response forms and is carried away by glands and muscles
what is the main function of the nervous system? to process info and form a response
which division of the PNS transmits impulses from sense organs to the CNS? sensory division
which division of the nervous system speeds up your heart rate? autonomic
cells of the nervous system transmit electrical signals to various organs in the body called? neurons
how are neurons classified? by the direction in which they carry impulses
which neuron reminds you to get ready for school when you hear your alarm clock? sensory neuron
which structure carries impulses to the body? dendrite
which structure carries impulses away from the body? axon
what begins when a neuron is stimulated by another neuron or stimulus? an impulse
what is the function of neurotransmitters? transmits nerve impulses across the synapses
when an impulse reaches the end of neuron, it triggers the release of? neurotransmitters
what are the steps that describe what happens as an impulse travels in the correct order? see study guide
how many pairs of spinal nerves branch out from the spinal cord connecting the brain to diff parts of the body? 31
what part of the brain tells you you are hungry? hypothalamus
which hemisphere is involved in writing using your right or left hand? right hemisphere in the cerebrum
what part of the brain is being stimulated when drugs produce a sensation of feeling and well being? limbic system
what is the most widely used legal drug? alcohol
how does nicotine affect dopamine synapses? it increases the release of dopamine
when exposed to addictive drugs, how does the brain react to excessive dopamine levels? reduces the number of receptors for the neurotransmitters
name some drugs that impact the nervous system nicotine, alcohol, cocaine
which sensory receptor responds to bright light causing you to squint in bright light? photoreceptor
sensory receptors that are sensitive to chemical info from the environment nose and taste buds
diff sensory receptors in the body respond to? temperature
which receptors respond to a scraped knee? pain receptors
which receptor is responsible for smell and taste? chemoreceptor
when you swat a fly, which type of neuron stimulates your arm to move? semicircular canal
when you move your finger to type a text message, you are using motor neurons of the? somatic nervous system
which sense relies on the largest sense organ in the body? touch
which organ does not have pain receptors? the brain
what are the taste bud receptors? salty, bitter, sweet, savory
what is the taste sensation called umami stimulated by? monosodium glutamate
what structure in the ear causes dizziness? semicircular canal
which structure sends impulses to your brain enabling you to stand on one foot? semicircular canal
which structure in the ear produces pressure waves in the cochlea? oval window
which structure in the ear contains tiny hairs that send nerve impulses to the brain, which processes them as sound? cochlea
which sense is associated with rods and cones? sight
through which structure does light first enter the eye? cornea
which structure of the eye carries impulses to the brain? optic brain
if the muscles in the iris are damaged, how is ones eyesight directly affected? cannot regulate the amt of light that enters the eye
(sa) why are impulses always transmitted across the synapse in one direction? because axons, not dendrites, release neurotransmitters
(sa) how is the spinal cord like a major telephone line? the spinal cord is the main communication link between the brain and the rest of the body, transmitting info, just as a telephone line carries many calls at once
(sa) how does cocaine affect dopamine receptors in the brain? causes dopamine to remain in the synapses for longer than normal
(sa) describe how 3 sensory receptors are activated at an amusement park smells from food activate chemoreceptors, going on rides activates mechanoreceptors, photoreceptors are stimulated by the sunshine or flashing lights
(sa) why is the "knee jerk reflex" test important? tests the operation of the reflex arc. provides info about the general condition of the spinal cord, peripheral nerves, and muscles.
Created by: lovetodance29
Popular Biology sets




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