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100 words

accolade a mark of acknowledgement
acrimony harsh or biting sharpness, esp. in words or manner
angst a feeling of anxiety, apprehension or fear
anomaly a deviation from the norm
antidote a remedy
avant-garde experimental in design
baroque a style marked by bold ornamentation and complex forms
bona fide genuine
boondoggle a product of simple manual skill
bourgeois middle class
bravado swaggering display of courage
brogue a strong, regional accent
brusque curt, surly
byzantine complex
cacophony discordance in sound
camaraderie friendship
capricious subject to whim
carte blanche complete authority
catch-22 no-win situation
caustic capable of burning, corroding, or destroying skin
charisma a personal quality that gives an individual influence or authority over a large number of people
cloying annoying due to excess
deja vu the illusion of having previously experienced something that is actually occuring for the first time
dichotomy division into two parts
dilettiante a person who takes part in an activity merely for amusement
disheveled hanging loosely or in disorder
elan dash
ennui a feeling of utter weariness and discontent resulting from lack of interest
epitome a person or thing that possesses to a high degree the feature of a whole class
equanimity mental or emotional stability or composure, esp. under stress
equivocate fjkghfjg
esoteric design for or understood by a certain few
euphemism a more agreeable or polite term
fait accompli something accomplished irreversibly
fastidious hard to please
faux pas blunder
finagle to obtain by deception
freudian slip a slip of the tongue that conveys what the speaker is really thinking
glib marked by ease or informality
fiasco a complete failure
gregarious fond of the company of others
harbinger something that forshadows a future event
hedonist a person who lives only for pleasure
heresy opinion or doctrine at variance with the orthodox
idiosyncratic of or pertaining to a characterstic that is peculiar to an individual
idyllic perfect or extremely pleasant
indelicate offensive
infinitesmal exceedingly small
insidious stealthily treacherous
junket a pleasure excursion
kitsch made to appeal to the masses
litany a ceremonial form of prayer
lurid gruesome or horrible
machiavellian the use of craft or deceit to maintain authority
malaise a condition of general bodily weakness
malinger to pretend illness to shirk one's duty
mantra a word or formula chanted or sung as an incontation
maudlin overly sentimental
misnomer a misapplied name
narcassist being unordinarly fascinated with yourself
nirvana freedom from the endless cycle of reincarnation
non sequitur a conclusion that does not follow from the premises
nouveau riche the newly rich
oblivion the state of being completely forgotten
ogle to eye flirtatiously
ostentatious showy to impress others
ostracize to exclude by general consent
panacea a cure-all
paradox a statement that seems self-contradictory but is in fact true
peevish cross or fretful
perfunctory performed merely as routine
philistine a person who is indifferent to other cultures
precocious mature or advanced for one's age
propriety conformity to an established set of rules
quid pro quo one thing in return for another
quintessential the perfect embodiment
red herring something intended to divert attention from the real problem
revel to take pleasure in
rhetoric the use of exaggeration
scintillating animated
spartan sparce
stigma a mark of disgrace
stoic not showing emotion
suave smooth and polite
svengali a person who completely dominates another through mind power
sycophant a suck up
teetotaler someone who abstains from drinking alcohol
tete-a-tete a private conversation between two people
tirade a long speech
tryst an appointment to meet at a specified place or time, esp. between lovers
ubiguitous seeming to be present everywhere at once
unrequited not reciprocated or returned in kind
untenable that cannot be held, defended, or tamed
vicarious shared in or experienced by imagined participation
Created by: meehanenglish
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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