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100 workd

accolade a award, honar
acrimony harshness in a speech
angst feeling dread, anxiety, or anguish
anomaly a devatation from the common rule, type, or form
antidote medicen for posiens
avant-garde advance group in any feild, ground breaking
barogue style of art in the 17th century, inegular shape
bonafide authentic, true
boondoggle trying to look busy when you have nothing to do
bourgeois member of the middle class
bravado swaggering display of courage
brogue any strong regional accient
brusque abruption in manner, blunt, rough
byzantine fine arts
cacophony harsh disordance of sound
camaraderie good fellowship
capricious subject to
carte blanche full power
catch 22 a fustrating situation in wish one is trapped by conditions
caustic capable of burning or destorying live tissue
charisma a gift of power
cloying sickly sweet
deja vu already seen or experience
dichlomy division
dilettante a person who takes up an art for amusement
disheveled wrinkled unkept apperence
elan dash, impetuous order
ennui lack of interest
epitome a person that is typical of a high degree, the features of a whole class
equanimity mental or emotional stability
equivocate to use ambiguous or unclear expressions, to deceave
esoteric inside joke, understood by a few
euphemism thought to be offensive
fait accompli an accomplished fact
fastidious (ocd) critical or demanding
faux pas embarrising, mistake
fiasco a complete failure
finagle to tric or cheat
freudian slip slip of the tounge, saying something your not suppose to
glib readily fluent, often thought lessly so
gregarious sociable
harbinger forerunner
hedonist life to pleasure
hersey opinion
idiosyncratic peculiar
idyllic perfect
indelicate obscene
infinitesinal small
insidious sneaky
junket a trip
kitsch appeal to popular taste
litany recilifiction that resemble a litany
lurid norrible
machiavellian cunning
malasie condition of bosy weakness
malinger pretend illness
mantra expressing something over and over again
maudin weakly emotional
mercenary working for money or a reward
minimalist low expectation
Created by: meehanenglish
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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