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BrenMovie/Film Terms

animation liveliness of cartoon characters
box office where tickets are sold
casting choosing actors to fit roles
cinematography filming, visuals, backdrop of the film
close-up shot shows a magnified view of person or object
composition use of lighting, camera angles, and arrangements of objects and characters within a film frame to achieve an effect
cut the word used to stop action during filming
dissolve transition where one scene or images fades out as another fades in
editing arrangement of the number of shots in sequence
freeze-frame an effect that stops the motion in a scene
montage a succession of shots
music score when and how the music is used in a movie
Oscar an award presented for professional accomplishment
pan to rotate the camera from side to side to create the impression of a continuous view, or to follow an object with the camera
point of view shot shows what a character sees
quick cuts a series of very quick shots from many angles that follow the action in the scene
reaction shot shows a character reacting to another character's dialogue or movement
screenplay the script, writing, storyline of a movie
special effects when and how effectively unusual scenes are taped for the film
still either a photo or frame from a motion picture
storyboard a device used to plan the shooting of the film
superimposition where two or more shots appear on the screen at the same time, creating the apperance of layers or "images"
tilt a shot that scans a location with an upward or downward movement
voiceover narration commentary or dialogue spoken by a character or person who does not appear in the scene
zoom in/zoom out changing the frame of the shot
Created by: dcaudill51
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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