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phleb a-cuvette trms

phleb terms

Adrenocorticotropic hormone Hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland to stimulate secretion of adrenal cortex hormones
Aerosol fine suspension of particles in the air
Aldosterone Hormone produced by the adrenal cortex to regulate electrolyte and water balance
Alveoli Air sacs in the lungs in which the exchande of O2 and CO2 occurs.
Amphiarthrosis Slightly movable joint
Amylase Pancreatic enzyme to digest starch
Androgen Male hormone produced by the adrenal cortex to maintain secondary sex characteristics
Angioplasty Reconstruction of a blood vessel
Anterior (ventral) pertaining to the front of the body
Antidiuretic hormone Hormone produced by the posterior pituitary gland to stimulate retention of water by the kidney.
Antiglycolytic agent Substance that prevents the breakdown of glucose
Aortic semilunar valve structure that prevents the backflow of blood from the aorta to the left ventricle
Apex Rounded tip of the heart
Apical pulse Heartbest taken at the fifth intercostal space (apex of the heart)
Appendix Small organ that extends from the cecum
Arachnoid membrane middle layer of the meninges
Ateriospasm Spontaneous constriction of an artery
Atria the two upper chambers of the heart
Atrail fibrillation Rapid, random contractions of the atria
Atrioventricular valve Structure that prevents backflow of blood from the right ventricleto the right atrium
Auscultation listening with a stethoscope
Autoantibody Antibody formed against a self-antigen
Autonomic nervous system System regulating the body's involuntary system functions by carrying impulses from the brain and spinal cord to the muscles, glands, and internal organs
Axillary Pertaining to the armpit
Basillic vein vein located on the underside of the arm
Benign Noncancerous
Bevel Area of the needle point that has been cut on a slant
Bicuspid valve Structure that prevents backflow of blood from the left ventricle to the left atrium
Bilirubin yellow pigmented hemoglobin degradation product
Bowman's capsule Structure that encloses the glomerulus and collects filtered substances from the blood
Brachial artery Artery located in the antecubital fossa
Brain stem Portion of the brain that consists of the medulla, pons, and midbrain
Bronchi Two main branches of the trachea leading to each lung
Bronchioles Smallest air passageways within the lungs
Buccal Pertaining to the cheek
Bulbourethral glands Glands on either side of the prostate gland that produce a mucous secretion before ejaculation
Bundle of His Muscle fibers connecting the atria the the ventricles of the heart
Calcitonin Hormone produced by the thyroid gland to reduce calcium levels in the blood
Cannula tube that can be inserted into a cavity
Carcinogenic Capable of causing cancer
Cardiac catheterization Insertion of a catheter into the coronary arteries
Cardiologists Specialist in the study of the heart
Carpals Bones of the wrist Bones of the wrists
Cecum First part of the large intestine
Celite Substance that stimulates blood clotting
Cephalic vein Vein located on the thumb side of the arm
Cerebellum Back part of the brain and spinal cord
Cerebrum Largest part of the brain (responsible for mental processes)
Cerebrospinal fluid Fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord
Cerebrum Largest part of the brain (responsible for mental processes)
Certification Documentation assuring that an individual has met certain professional standards
Chorionic gonadotropin First hormone secreted by the placenta in the pregnancy
Circumflex artery Branch of the left coronary artery supplying the posterior of the heart
Clavicle Collar bone
Coccyx Last four of five tiny vertebrae at the base of the spine (tailbone)
Collagen Protein in connective tissue, cartilage, and bone
Collecting duct Part of the renal tubule that extends from the distal convoluted tubule to the renal pelvis
Computerized axial tomography A series of sectional radiographs taken at the transversse body plane
Congenital Exsisting at birth but not hereditary
Conjugated Joined closely to another substance
Constipation Infrequent bowel movements
Contracture Permanent muscle contraction
Cortisol Hormone produced by the adrenal cortex to regulate the use of sugars, fats, and proteins by cells
Coumadin anticoagulant monitored by the prothrombin time
Cranium Bones of the skull enclosing the brain
Cubic centimeter one milliliter (one thousandth of a liter)
Cuvette Container used in optiical testingof solutions
Created by: Brittanyj
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