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Big GRE Vocab List

Definitions include synonyms.

abacus A calculating table or frame.
abase To lower physically or depress; humiliate, humble, degrade, debase.
abash To make ashamed, embarrass, confuse, confound; to put to shame; disconcert; discomfit.
abate To reduce to a lower state, amount, or degree; diminish in force or intensity; ebb, relent, lessen, diminish, subside, wane.
abdicate To surrender, renounce or relinquish, as sovereign power of office, throne; to resign.
aberration Deviation from what is expected; abnormality, anomaly, divergence, irregularity.
abet To assist, encourage by aid, countenance; especially in crime.
abeyance Suspension; temporary suppression; condition of being undetermined.
abhor To regard with horror or detestation; to shrink back with shuddering from; to detest, loathe, abominate, hate.
abide To endure; sustain; bear patiently; tolerate; put up with.
abjure To renounce upon oath; forswear, disavow, recant, abandon, reject, repudiate.
abnegation Renunciation; self-denial, repudiation.
abominate Detestable, detested, loathsome; to detest, hate, loathe, abhor.
abraded Rubbed off, worn away by friction.
abrogate To repeal or annul by authority; to abolish, as of laws, decrees, ordinances, customs, etc.
abscond To hide, withdraw, or depart secretly, especially to avoid prosecution; decamp, flee, escape.
absolve To set free, release or discharge from obligation, debt, responsibility, blame, sin, guilt.
abstain To choose not to do something; forbear, refrain, withhold.
abstemious Used with temperance or moderation; sparing in diet or indulgence; continent, self-restraining.
abstruse Difficult to comprehend or understand; obscure; recondite.
abut To border on; to lie adjacent; to project; to terminate; to be contiguous; to meet.
abysmal Bottomless; pertaining to or resembling an abyss; extremely bad.
acarpous No longer fertile; worn out; effete.
accede To give in; to agree or assent to a proposal or a view.
acclaim To applaud; to express great approval.
acclaimed Greatly praised or lauded, revered, highly respected.
acclivity Incline; ascent.
accolade An expression of approval, praise; a special acknowledgment or award.
accord Agreement or concurrence of opinion, will, or action.
accouter To equip; attire, array.
accretion Increasing by natural growth; growing together of parts naturally separate.
acerbity Sourness of taste; harshness, bitterness, or severity as of temper, of language, of pain.
acidulous Sour in taste or manner; acerbic, biting, piquant, tart.
acme Highest point; apex, summit, peak.
acquiesce To rest satisfied or without opposition; submit, comply, yield, assent, consent, accede.
acrimonious Sharp, bitter, mean-spirited, hateful; sharp in language or tone.
acrophobia Fear of heights.
actuarial Calculating; relating to statistical calculation, especially of life expectancy.
actuate To motivate or activate.
acuity Sharpness, acuteness.
adamant Resistant to reason; determined, inflexible, unshakable, unyielding.
addle To muddle, confuse.
adherent Supporter; having the quality of clinging or sticking.
adjunct An appendage; something attached to something else in a subordinate capacity.
adjuration A grave warning or solemn urging.
admonitory Of or pertaining to counsel against fault or oversight; of admonition; of warning.
adorn To make more beautiful and attractive; to decorate.
adroit Dexterous, deft, skillful.
adulation Flattery; fulsome praise.
adulterate To make impure; debase, doctor, dope, load.
adulteration Mixing with extraneous material, substitution of one substance for another; to make impure.
adventitious Not innate or inherent, foreign; accidental, additional, appearing casually.
adversity The state of adverse conditions; state of misfortune or calamity.
advert To call attention, refer.
aegis Shield, defense, protection, guidance, endorsement.
aerie The nest of a large bird; any high and remote but commanding place.
aesthetic Concerning the appreciation of beauty.
affable Easily approachable, polite, friendly.
affected Influenced or changed by something; artificial, simulated in order to impress.
affinity A natural attraction or feeling of kinship to a person or thing.
affliction A state of pain, suffering, distress, agony; the cause of such state.
affront An open or intentional offense, slight, or insult.
agglomeration The act or process of collecting in a mass; a heaping together.
aggrandize Increase in power, influence, reputation; to make appear great or greater; exalt, elevate, glorify.
aggravate To make worse, or more severe; to render less tolerable, more offensive; to intensify.
agile Quick; apt or ready to move; nimble; active.
agnostic One who is uncertain of the existence of a deity; unaware or non concerned with the specific nature of interaction.
agog Highly excited, anxious, eager, impatient.
agrarian Pertaining to land; agricultural or rural.
ail To cause to suffer or hurt; to trouble; to afflict.
alacrity Speed, quickness; celerity, dispatch, haste; eagerness, liveliness, enthusiasm.
alcove Nook, recess, partially enclosed place.
allay To make quiet or put at rest; to pacify or appease; to quell; to calm.
allegiance Loyalty; fidelity; adherence.
allegory A story in which characters are used as symbols; fable.
alleviate To reduce in severity, as in pain; allay, assuage, comfort, ease, relieve.
alliteration The repetition of beginning sounds.
alloy To mix or combine; often used of metals.
allude To refer to something indirectly or by suggestion; insinuate, hint, imply, indicate, suggest, intimate.
allure To entice, attract, bait.
allusion Indirect reference, hint, covert indication.
aloof Reserved, indifferent, without sympathy, away, apart.
altruistic Beneficent; unselfish; selfless; humane.
amalgamate To combine, mix, unite; merge, mingle, blend, coalesce.
ambidextrous Able to use the left hand or the right equally well.
ambiguous Open to multiple interpretations; vague; unclear; uncertain, nebulous.
ambivalence A state of uncertainty or indecisiveness; the coexistence of opposing attitudes or feelings.
ambrosial Succulently sweet or fragrant; worthy of the gods.
ameliorate To heal, improve, make better, solve.
amenable Readily manageable; open to suggestion; willing; receptive.
amity Friendship.
amok Out of control, especially when armed and dangerous.
amoral Being neither moral nor immoral.
amorous Inclined to love; having a propensity to love; indicating love or sexual desire.
amorphous Without form or shape.
amortize To decrease an amount gradually or in installments, especially to write off an expenditure or liquidate a debt.
amulet An ornament worn as a charm against evil spirits; talisman, fetish.
anachronism Something misplaced in time.
analgesic Reducing pain without loss of consciousness.
analogous Comparable; corresponding to something else.
analogy A relationship of resemblance or equivalence between two things, as a basis for explanation.
anarchist One who believes in or advocates the absence of government.
anathema A solemn curse, denunciation, imprecation; anything pronounced as such.
anecdote A short account of an incident, often humorous.
anguish Severe suffering; excruciating distress.
animadversion A criticism, a critical remark.
animosity Violent hatred leading to active opposition; active enmity; strong dislike.
animus Hostile feeling; basic impulses and instincts which govern one's actions.
anneal To make less brittle; to temper; to toughen.
annotate To comment; to add critical or explanatory commentary or analysis.
anodyne Capable of soothing or eliminating pain; comforting; analgesic.
anoint To consecrate; to smear or rub over with oil or an unctuous substance, especially for consecration.
anomalous Abnormal; irregular.
anomaly A deviation from a rule or from what is regarded as normal; aberration, irregularity, abnormality.
antagonism A strong natural opposition, dislike, or hatred; antipathy.
antecede To precede; to predate or antedate.
antediluvian Extremely ancient or antiquated; old; prehistoric.
anthology A book of literary selections.
anthropoid Human-like; humanoid.
anthropomorphic Given human attributes; having human form.
anticlimax A break in the final crescendo or climax of a narrative, producing a disappointing end.
antidote Medicine used against a poison or disease.
antipathy Extreme dislike; aversion, incompatibility, repugnance, distaste, emnity, contrariety.
antiquated Out of date; old-fashioned; obsolete.
antithesis Opposite; contrast.
antithetical Directly opposing.
apartheid The policy of racial separation used in South Africa from 1948 to 1990.
apathy Lack of interest or enthusiasm; disinterest.
aphasia Loss of speech or language faculty.
aphorism An original laconic phrase conveying some principle or concept; a saying or maxim.
apiary A place where bees and their hives are kept.
aplomb Self-confidence; poise, composure, assurance.
apocryphal Of doubtful authenticity, or lacking authority; anecdotal, doubtful, disputed, fraudulent.
apologist one who speaks or writes in defense of a cause
apophthegm A short, witty, instructive saying; an aphorism or maxim
apostate One who renounces long-held religious or political convictions; defector, deserter, traitor.
apothecary A person or store providing drugs and medicines.
apothegm A short, witty, instructive saying; an aphorism or maxim.
apotheosis Glorification, exaltation; glorified example or ideal; apex.
appease To make pacify; dispel, placate, quell, mollify, propitiate.
appellation A name, title, or designation.
apposite Appropriate, relevant, well-suited; fit for; positioned at rest in respect to another.
apprehensive Anticipating something with anxiety or fear; Perceptive; quick to learn; intelligent.
apprise To notify or inform.
approbation Approval, sanction, commendation or official recognition; praise, acclaim.
appropriate To claim or use as by an exclusive right; to take at the exclusion of others;
appurtenance Subordinate possession; equipment used for a specific task or purpose; gear.
apropos Regarding or concerning, with reference to; appropriate or pertinent to the situation
apt Well-suited, quick-witted.
aquiline Curved; hooked; of, pertaining to, or characteristic of eagles.
arabesque An elaborate design of intertwined floral figures or complex geometrical patterns.
arbitrage Any market activity in which a commodity is bought and then sold quickly for substantial profit.
arbitrary Determined by chance or impulse; indiscriminate, erratic, random, changeable.
arbitrate To make a judgment on a dispute; adjudicate, moderate, intervene, judge.
arboreal Of, relating to, or resembling a tree.
arboretum A place where many varieties of trees are grown for research, educational, and ornamental purposes.
arcade A row of arches; a covered passageway with shops.
arcane Obscure; secret; esoteric.
archaic Antiquated; out-dated; ancient, bygone, obsolete, stale, vintage.
archetype Prototype, primitive pattern; a quintessence.
ardor Intense and passionate feeling; devotion, fervor, fire, zeal, enthusiasm.
arduous Difficult to ascend; laborious; strenuous.
argot Jargon; slang; specialized informal vocabulary.
aria Operatic solo.
arraign To charge in court; indict.
arrant Utter; complete; in the highest degree.
array To clothe, ornament, adorn, attire; An orderly series, arrangement, sequence.
arrogance Proud, superior manner of behavior.
arrogate To claim for oneself without justification or right; take, appropriate, presume.
arroyo A water course; rivulet; gully.
articulate To speak clearly and expressively; fluent, eloquent; to connect by joints.
artifice Trickery, deception.
artless Without guile, cunning, or deceit; honest, natural; lacking art, knowledge, or skill.
ascend To go up.
ascendancy Controlling influence; supremacy; superiority; dominant control.
ascertain To find out; discover; establish; determine.
ascetic Practicing self-denial; austere; stark.
ascribe To refer; to attribute.
aseptic Free from microbes; sterile.
ashen Ash colored; pale, wan, pallid.
asinine Stupid; failing to exercise intelligence or judgment.
askance Sideways; obliquely; (of a look or glance) with disapproval, skepticism, or suspicion.
askew Turned or twisted to one side; unfavorable.
asperity Roughness; harshness; ill temper, irritability.
aspersion A slanderous remark.
assail To assault; beset, strike, storm.
assay To analyze or evaluate; a trial, attempt, essay.
assiduous Diligent, hard-working; sedulous.
assuage To make an unpleasant thing less severe; ease, allay, alleviate, mitigate, relieve, pacify, soothe.
asterisk A symbol to highlight words or characters.
astral Relating to or resembling the stars.
astringent Sharp, caustic, severe, binding; a substance causing tissue contraction.
astute Quick to find an advantage; shrewd; clever; critically discerning.
asunder Into separate parts or pieces; apart.
atavism The recurrence/reversion to a past behavior, characteristic, or style after a long period of absence.
atheistic Absence of, or rejection of, belief in the existence of deities
atonement A repair done for the sake of a damaged relationship.
atrophy Wasting or withering away, from lack of use.
attenuate To reduce in size, force, value, amount, or degree; weaken, enervate, dilute.
attribute A characteristic or quality of a thing; To associate ownership with.
attune To bring into harmony.
audacious Daring, foolishly bold; impudent.
augury An omen, prediction, or prophecy; auspices, harbinger, portent, presage.
august Dignified, grand; of noble birth; admirable, majestic, awe-inspiring, venerable.
auspicious Of good omen; indicating future success.
austere Severely simple, unornamented, strictly plain, forbiddingly stern.
autocratic Having absolute, unchecked power; dictatorial.
automaton Mechanism that follows precise sequences of instructions; a formal system.
auxiliary Helping, supporting; additional or subsidiary.
avarice Excessive or inordinate desire of gain; greed for wealth; cupidity
aver To assert the truth of; affirm with confidence; declare in a positive manner; justify.
aversion Strong dislike; opposition, antipathy, disinclination, reluctance.
avert To turn aside or away; to prevent.
aviary A house, enclosure, large cage, or other place for keeping birds confined; a bird house.
avid Enthusiastic; passionate; longing eagerly; eager; greedy.
avocation Secondary or minor occupation.
avow To declare openly, boldly, as something believed to be right; to own, acknowledge or confess frankly.
avuncular Like an uncle.
awl A pointed tool for piercing.
awry Oblique, crooked; askew; perverse, improper.
azure Sky blue.
babble Idle talk; senseless prattle; gabble; twaddle; inarticulate speech; a sound like flowing water.
bacchanalian Of or pertaining to the festival of Bacchus; given to reveling and drunkenness.
badinage Teasing conversion; playful raillery; banter.
bait To intentionally harass, tease; attract, entice.
baleful Portending evil; ominous; having a malign influence; deadly.
balk To stop, check, block, foil, refuse suddenly; a ridge or beam.
balmy Soothing, fragrant, mild, pleasant.
banal Predictable, boring, or cliched; common, hackneyed, insipid, stale, tired, prosaic, vapid.
bandy To use or pass about casually, as a name; to exchange.
baneful Causing harm or ruin; pernicious; destructive.
baroque Ornate; intricate; embellished; decorated; laden with detail.
barrage An artificial obstruction, such as a dam, in a river; a concentrated discharge of projectile weapons; an overwhelming outburst of words, especially of criticism.
barren Of poor fertility, infertile; sterile; bleak.
bastion A stronghold; one who strongly defends some principle.
bathetic Possessing insincere or excessive pathos;
bawdy Obscene, unchaste, filthy; of rudely humorous sexual nature.
beatific Blessed; blissful; heavenly.
beatify To make blissful; to bless or ascribe a virtue to.
beatitude Supreme, utmost bliss; blessedness; happiness.
bedizen To ornament something in showy, tasteless, or gaudy finery.
beholden Owing something to another; indebted, bound, obligated.
beleaguer To surround with troops; besiege; vex, harass, or beset.
belie to give a false representation of, to misrepresent; to contradict, to show (something) to be false.
bellicose Belligerent; pugnacious; warlike; hostile.
belligerent Of or pertaining to war; engaged in warfare; warring; antagonistic, bellicose, combative, pugnacious, quarrelsome, truculent.
benign Kind; gentle; mild. Not malign or malignant.
benison A blessing; beatitude, benediction.
berate To rate or chide vehemently; to scold or lecture; to reprehend.
bereft Deprived of, lacking, stripped of, robbed of; pained by the loss of someone.
besmirch To make dirty or soiled; tarnish, especially someone's reputation; debase.
bevy A large group; bunch, pack, band, troop.
bilk To cheat or defraud; beat, gyp, overreach, swindle.
blandishment Flattering speech or actions designed to persuade or influence.
blithe Joyful, cheerful, or without concern; carefree, careless, merry.
bluff An expression of self-confidence for the purpose of intimidation; braggadocio.
bolster To support or prop up; brace, buttress, stay, sustain, underpinning, uphold.
bonhomie Good-natured geniality; atmosphere of good cheer.
boor Crude person lacking manners; oaf, clod, lout, vulgarian, rude, uncultured, insensitive.
bowdlerize To remove parts of a work considered to be offensive; expurgate, censor; after Thomas Bowdler.
braggadocio A braggart; empty boasting.
braggart Someone who boasts.
brevity The quality of being brief in duration; succinctness, conciseness.
brook To tolerate; a small body of running water.
burgeon To grow or expand; swell to the point of bursting; bud, bloom, flourish, prosper, thrive.
burlesque A derisive art form that mocks by imitation or parody; a variety adult entertainment show, usually including titillation such as striptease.
burnish To make smooth or shiny by rubbing; polish, shine, buff.
buttress Anything that serves to support something; a prop.
cabal A secret group seeking to overturn something; coterie, circle, clan, clique, mafia, ring.
cacophony A harsh, jarring noise; chaos, clamor, din, noise.
callow Immature, lacking in life experience; lacking color; shallow or weak-willed.
canard A lie or false rumor.
candid Impartial and honest; direct, frank, sincere, forthright.
caprice A whim; an impulsive, seemingly unmotivated notion or action.
capricious Impulsive and unpredictable; determined by chance, impulse, or whim; fickle; whimsical; arbitrary.
castigate To punish or criticize harshly; admonish, rebuke, reprimand, reprove, upbraid.
catholic Universal, broad, comprehensive; extensive, general.
celerity Speed.
chary Cautious, wary, careful, shy; sparing, ungenerous.
chicanery Deception by use of trickery or subterfuge; a false argument; artifice, deception, dishonesty, sophistry, underhandedness.
chimeric Fantastically improbable; unrealistic; of or related to a chimera.
circlet A small circle; a crown without arches or a covering.
circumspect Cautious; aware of potential consequences; prudent, mindful, solicitous, wary.
clarion Loud and clear; a medieval brass instrument, related to the trumpet, or its sound.
coeval Existing during the same era, age, time period; contemporary.
cogitate To meditate, ponder, think deeply; consider, devise.
collation Bringing together, collecting or gathering.
colligate To formally link or connect together logically.
collusion Conspiracy, collaboration, or complicity; intrigue, machination, connivance.
commensurate Equal in extent; proportionate.
complaisance Tending to comply; obliging; willing to please; amiable; agreeable.
complaisant Willing to do what pleases others; obliging; compliant. [Distinct from homophone: "complacent."]
conceit Overly high self-esteem; vain pride; hubris; a whimsical idea, notion, thought, extravagant metaphor.
conclave A prive, confidential or secret meeting.
consort The spouse of a monarch; a partnership or association.
contagion The agent that causes a contagious disease, such as a bacterium or a virus.
contemn To view with contempt; despise.
contrite Filled with deep sorrow for wrongdoing; penitent, apologetic, regretful, remorseful.
convoluted Intricate, complicated; byzantine, complex, elaborate, perplexing.
corroborate To support with evidence; authenticate, back, buttress, confirm, substantiate, validate, verify.
cosset To treat with great care; overly indulge; pamper, spoil.
coterie An intimate group of persons with a similar purpose; clique, set.
craven Lacking courage, cowardly; spineless, timid, fainthearted.
cupidity Greed; avarice, covetousness, rapacity.
cygnet A young swan.
cynosure That which serves to guide or direct; something that is the center of attention; an object that serves as a focal point of attraction and admiration.
debutante A young woman making formal debut in society; maiden.
declivity Downward slope; decline, descent, slant.
décolleté Having a low-cut neck line.
decorous Proper, tasteful, socially correct; appropriate, courteous, polite, comme il faut.
decorum Appropriate behavior or conduct; propriety, decency, etiquette.
deference Courteous regard for another’s wish; respect, courtesy, honor, obeisance, reverence, veneration.
deluge A torrential rain; to overwhelm or overrun; inundate.
demagogue An orator or leader who gains favor by appealing to emotion or o prejudice; agitator.
demoniac Of or pertaining to demons; demonic, fiendish; possessed by a demon.
demotic Of or relating to the common people; popular.
denizen Inhabitant or resident; regular visitor.
depredation An act of consuming agricultural resources (crops, livestock), especially as plunder; a raid or predatory attack
dereliction Willful neglect of one's duty; the act of abandoning something, or the state of being abandoned
deride To speak of or treat with contempt; mock; ridicule, gibe, jeer, scoff, sneer, taunt.
descry To discover by looking carefully; detect.
diadem A royal crown.
diaphanous Allowing light to show through; delicate, gauzy, sheer, tenuous, translucent.
diatribe An abusive, condemnatory speech; invective, tirade, jeremiad, fulmination, harangue.
dictum An authoritative statement; adage, apothegm, aphorism, decree, edict, maxim.
dilate To expand or cause to be expanded; to speak or write at length, adding details and clarifying meaning.
dilatory Intended to cause delay; dragging, flagging.
dint Means, way, agency.
dirge A funeral hymn or mournful speech; lament, elegy.
disabuse To correct a false impression; undeceive; set right.
disaffected Resentful and rebellious, especially against authority; disloyal, antagonistic, seditious.
discrete Individually distinct, separate, unconnected, non-continuous.
disenfranchise To deprive of a civil right.
disparate Essentially different, entirely unlike; divergent, diverse, variant.
disputatious Argumentative, fond of arguing; of or relating to something that is in question as to its value or intent; contentious.
dissemble To present a false appearance; to disguise one's true intentions or character; act, affect, camouflage, disguise, pose, sham.
dissent To disagree or withhold assent; a difference of opinion; protest, objection, resistance.
divestiture The sale, liquidation, or spinoff of a corporate division or subsidiary.
divulge To make known something private or secret; disclose, reveal, expose.
docket A calendar of cases awaiting action in a court; a list of things to be done; an agenda.
doctrinaire Unable to compromise; dogmatic, unyielding, dictatorial.
doggerel Drivel, nonsense; comic verse, usually irregular in measure.
dogmatic Dictatorial in opinion; authoritarian, arbitrary, doctrinal, imperious, domineering.
droll Amusing in a wry, subtle way; funny, entertaining, witty.
duplicity Intentional or deliberate deception; double dealing; hypocrisy.
dyslogistic Expressing censure or disapproval. Opposite of eulogistic.
eclectic Selecting from or composed of elements drawn from various sources; broad, selective, catholic.
edify To instruct morally and spiritually; educate, enlighten, guide, teach.
efficacy Effectiveness; vigor, strength, force, dynamism, efficiency, productiveness, proficiency.
effigy Likeness of a person, stuffed doll; dummy, figure, image.
effrontery Impudence, boldness; audacity; brashness; gall; nerve; presumption; temerity.
egress An exit or way out; the process of exiting or leaving. Opposite of ingress.
elegy A speech, poem, song expressing sorrow; dirge, lament.
elucidate To make clear; to clarify; to shed light upon; to explain, enlighten, explicate, illuminate.
emblazon To adorn with prominent markings; to draw, inscribe; to celebrate or extol as with deeds or merit.
encomium Warm praise, especially a formal expression of such; tribute, salutation, eulogy, panegyric.
enduring To continue or carry on with something, despite obstacles or hardships; to last.
enervate To reduce strength; debilitate, sap, weaken, enfeeble, unnerve.
entreat To make an earnest petition or request; importune, supplicate, beseech; to prevail upon by prayer or solicitation; persuade.
epicure Person with refined taste in food and drink; connissuer, gastronomist, gourmand.
erratic Irregular, wandering, and unpredictable; capricious, irresolute, whimsical, inconstant.
erudite Learned, scholarly, with emphasis on knowledge gained from books; scholastic.
eschew To avoid; to shun; applied to the avoidance or shunning of an idea, concept, or other intangible.
esoteric Understood only by a few; related to concepts that are highly theoretical, without obvious practical application; abstruse, obscure.
espouse To accept, support, adopt, take on as one’s own; to become married to.
estimable Admirable; commendable, laudable, praiseworthy, venerable, worthy.
ethos The character or fundamental values of a group; culture, philosophy, ethic.
eulogistic Praising highly is speech or writing; of or pertaining to a eulogy; meliorative.
eulogy An oration to honor a deceased person, usually at a funeral; the act of praising, speaking highly, commending; panegyric.
euphemism A word or phrase used to replace one that is considered distasteful.
euphony Pleasant, harmonious sound; melody, music, sweetness. Opposite of Cacophony.
euthanasia The practice of killing a human being or animal for humane reasons; an easy death.
exacerbate To make worse; aggravate, irritate, intensify, provoke, annoy.
exculpate To free from blame or guilt; vindicate, exonerate, acquit.
exegesis An explanation or critical interpretation of a religious text.
exigency Urgent requirements, pressing needs (often used in the plural).
exonerate To free from accusation or blame; acquit; to free from an obligation, responsibility or task.
exorbitant Exceeding proper limits; extravagant; excessive or unduly high, as a fee or interest rate.
explicate To explain meticulously or in great detail; to elucidate; to analyze or interpret.
exploit A heroic action, achievement, or deed; to use for one's own advantage; to use.
exponent One who champions or advocates; supporter, representative, proponent.
expurgate To censor; sanitize, cut, purge, bowdlerize.
exscind To cut out.
extant Still in existence; currently existing; not having disappeared; still alive; not extinct.
factotum A person having many diverse activities or responsibilities; a general servant; handyman.
fallacious Characterized by fallacy; false or mistaken; deceptive or misleading.
fallow Inactive; undeveloped; uncultivated, as of land.
falter To waver or be unsteady; to stammer; to stumble; to hesitate or be uncertain.
fanatical Filled with unquestioned devotion to a cause; extremist, zealous, frenzied, fiery.
fancied Imagined, unreal; desired.
faneant Shiftless, lazy, work-shy.
farce A style of humor marked by broad improbabilities with little regard to regularity or method; sarcasm; broad comedy; mockery.
fatuous Stupid; foolishly self-satisfied; inane, ludicrous, preposterous, silly.
febrile Feverish, or having a high temperature; full of nervous energy.
feckless Lacking purpose, careless; without skill, ineffective, incompetent.
fecundity Fertility; fruitfulness; the ability to cause growth.
feint A movement made to confuse an opponent; that which is feigned; an assumed or false appearance; a pretense, stratagem, or fetch.
felicitous Well-fitting, happening at the right time; well-chosen; apropos, appropriate, opportune, apt.
felicity Happiness; apt and pleasing; appropriateness.
fell Having an extremely cruel or irrational trait; deadly; to cut, knock, bring down.
felon A person convicted of a serious criminal offense.
ferment To stir up, agitate, cause unrest; to react, brew, catalyze, foment.
ferocity Marked by extreme and violent energy; extreme or intense; savage cruelty; fierceness; furiousness; fury; vehemence; wildness.
ferret To uncover and bring to light by searching; to drive or hunt out of hiding
fervid Intensely hot, emotional, or zealous; extremely hot; very passionate; fervent, ardent.
fervor An intense, heated emotion; passionate enthusiasm; passion, ardor.
fester To become septic, rotten; to worsen from lack of attention; rankle, resentment.
fete A festival open to the public, the proceeds from which are often given to charity; a feast, celebration, or carnival.
fetid Foul-smelling; malodorous.
fetter To shackle, bind, restrain, impede; to hamper; anything that restricts or restrains in any way.
feud A state of long-standing mutual hostility.
fiat An authoritative command or order to do something; an effectual decree; a command
fidelity Faithfulness, loyalty; accuracy, or exact correspondence to some input or given.
fidget To wiggle or twitch; to move around nervously, idly, restlessly.
figurehead A carved figure on the prow of a ship; someone in a nominal position of leadership who has no actual power; a front.
filch To steal.
filial Pertaining to son or daughter; of generations descending from a specific previous one.
filibuster Delaying tactics, especially long, often irrelevant speeches given in order to delay progress or block legislation.
filigree A delicate and intricate ornamentation made from twisted metal wire.
firebrand An argumentative troublemaker or revolutionary; one who agitates against the current situation; hothead; agitator.
flak Criticism; anti-aircraft artillery.
florid Elaborately ornate; flowery, embellished, baroque, rococo; red in color.
foil Defeat, frustrate, prevent, counter; contrast.
foment To arouse or incite; agitate, inflame, instigate, kindle.
ford A shallow place where a a body of water can be crossed on foot; to cross a body of water on foot; traverse, wade.
foreman The member of a jury who presides over it and speaks on its behalf; leader of a work crew.
fortuitous Happening by chance, fortunate; lucky, propitious, haphazard.
fragile Easily broken or destroyed; often of subtle or intricate structure.
furtive Stealthy or secretive; clandestine, covert, shifty, surreptitious, underhand.
gambol To dance, skip, leap playfully; caper, cavort, frolic, rollick, romp.
gaudy Very showy or ornamented; excessive, or in a tasteless or vulgar manner.
glower To glare or stare angrily and intensely; scowl, frown.
grave Of importance; momentous; weighty; influential; sedate; serious; solemn; staid; weighty.
gregarious Outgoing, sociable; congenial, affable, communicative.
grievous Causing grief or sorrow; series and distressing; dire, dolorous, grave, mournful.
guile Deceit or trickery; artifice, duplicity, chicanery, cunning.
gust A strong, abrupt rush of wind; any rush or outburst.
gymnosperm A coniferous plant.
hapless Unfortunate, having bad luck; ill-fated, unlucky, jinxed.
heterogeneous Diverse in kind or nature; composed of diverse parts; assorted, mixed, varied.
hoary White with age; ancient, venerable, antique.
hoi polloi The masses; Greek for 'the many'.
husband To manage economically, use sparingly; conserve.
hyperbole Exaggeration for effect; embellishment, overstatement, inflation.
ichthyology The study of fish.
iconoclast One who attacks popular beliefs or traditions; rebel, nonconformist, revolutionary, maverick.
idiosyncrasy A structural or behavioral characteristic peculiar to an individual or group; quirk, mannerism, foible.
idolatry Blind or excessive devotion to something; worship of idols.
idyll A short poem or prose piece depicting a rural or pastoral scene, usually in idealized terms; a carefree or romantic interlude.
ignoble Having low moral standards; not noble in character; lowly; vulgar; common; undignified.
ignominious Marked by shame or disgrace; dishonorable, undignified, degrading.
impecunious Poor; indigent, destitute, impoverished.
impetuous Quick to act without thinking; impulsive, rash, reckless, spontaneous.
impious Not devout; profane, immoral, irreverent.
imprecation A curse; damnation.
impugn To call into question; challenge, dispute, contradict.
incarnadine Blood-red in color; reddened; ruddy.
inchoate Not fully formed; amorphous, elementary, immature, rudimentary, chaotic, confused, incoherent.
inculcate To teach, impress in the mind; implant, indoctrinate, instill, preach.
indolent Habitually lazy or idle; faneant, languid, slothful, sluggish.
ineluctable Impossible to avoid or escape; inescapable, irresistible; inevitable.
inerrancy Freedom from error.
inexorable Unyielding; relentless, implacable, adamant, obdurate.
ingrate ungrateful person; cad, churl.
ingratiate To seek to please another to gain favor or advantage; flatter, suck up.
inimical Adverse; hostile, unfriendly, harmful, detrimental.
inquest An investigation or inquiry; probe, quest, research.
insipid Flavorless; flat; lacking character or definition; cloyingly sweet or sentimental; dull, bland, vapid.
interregnum A period between two reigns; interval.
intractable Not easily manipulated; stubborn, unyielding, unruly.
intrepid Fearless; brave, courageous.
inundate To overwhelm; to cover with water; deluge; drown; engulf; flood; submerge.
invective Abusive language; denunciation, revilement, vituperation.
investiture Ceremony conferring authority; inauguration, induction, initiation, installment.
invidious Envious, obnoxious, or offensive; likely to promote ill-will; insulting, discriminatory, jaundiced, resentful.
irascible Irritable, easily angered; cantankerous, ornery, testy.
isthmus A narrow strip of land, bordered on both sides by water, and connecting two larger landmasses.
jabber To talk rapidly, indistinctly, or unintelligibly; to utter gibberish or nonsense.
jettison To discard, as something encumbering or unneeded; eject,dump.
jibe A facetious or insulting remark; a jeer, taunt, barb.
jingoism Belligerent nationalism; chauvinism.
jocular Playful; humorous, amusing, comical.
judicious Sound in judgement; circumspect, prudent, sagacious, sapient.
juncture A place where things join, a junction; a critical moment in time; crossroads, confluence, convergence.
junket A feast, banquet, picnic; a trip, meeting, errand, especially one taken for pleasure by an official at public expense.
ken Range of knowledge.
kinetic Relating to motion; characterized by movement; active, dynamic, mobile.
knell The sound of a bell, especially to indicate a funeral, disaster, failure; toll, peal, chime.
knoll A small mound or rounded hill. Variant of knell.
kudos Fame, glory, honor; acclaim, encomium, praise, homage.
labile Liable to slip, err, fall, or apostatize; apt or likely to change; unstable.
lachrymose Pertaining to tears; tearful, weeping.
laconic Using few words; briefing and to the point; concise, curt, pithy, terse, taciturn.
lapidary Relating to precious stones or the art of cutting them.
larceny The theft of property; robbery, stealing.
largess Generous giving; benevolence, boon, compliment, favor.
lascivious Driven by lust; wanton, lewd.
lassitude A state of diminished energy; fatigue, languor, weariness, tiredness.
latent Present but not yet apparent, active, or developed; concealed, dormant, inert, potential, quiescent.
lavish Extremely generous of extravagant; giving unsparingly; opulent, luxuriant, profuse, superabundant.
legerdemain Trickery or sleight of hand; chicanery, conjuring.
levity An inappropriate lack of seriousness; frivolity, humor, amusement.
libertine A free thinker, usually used disparagingly; one without moral restraint; hedonist, debauched person, roué.
libidinous Having lustful desires; characterized by lewdness; sensual, lascivious.
libretto The text of a dramatic musical work, such as an opera.
licentious Lacking restraint, or ignoring societal standards, particularly in sexual conduct; amoral, incontinent.
limpid Clear, transparent; lucid; pellucid; serene.
lionize To treat as a celebrity; honor, ply, regail.
lissome Easily flexed; limber, agile, lithe, graceful.
livid Discolored from a bruise, black and blue; enraged, furious, reddened, insulted; pale, ashen, pallid.
loquacious Talkative; effusive, garrulous, verbose.
lugubrious Sorrowful, mournful; dismal, gloomy, somber, woeful, funeral.
macerate To soften or separate something into pieces by means of immersing it in liquid.
maelstrom Whirlpool, turmoil; agitated state of mind; Charybdis, eddy, turbulence.
magisterial Of or relating to a magister; commanding, authoritative, domineering, dictatorial.
malady Any ailment or disease of the human body; especially, a lingering or deep-seated disorder.
malapropism The blundering use of an inappropriate word or expression in place of a similar sounding one.
malediction A curse; evil speech.
malign Evil or malignant; malevolent; to make defamatory statements about someone or something.
malison A curse; malediction.
mantic Prophetic; of or relating to divination and prophecy.
martinet Strict disciplinarian; one who rigidly follows rules; stickler, tyrant, dictator.
maudlin Overly sentimental; bathetic; mawkish; saccharine; weepy.
mawkish Overly sentimental; nauseating or insipid in taste or smell.
mellifluous Sweet, smooth, flowing; often used of a person's voice, tone or writing style; melodious.
mendacious Dishonest; deceitful, false, lying, untruthful.
mendicant Panhandler, beggar, pauper.
mercurial Quick, shrewd, and unpredictable; capricious, clever, volatile, fickle, whimsical.
meretricious Attractive on the surface but of little value; flashy, gaudy, tawdry, insincere.
mesmerize To hypnotize; enchant.
metaphor An figure of speech that creates an implicit, non-literal comparison, e.g. 'sea of troubles'.
mete To measure; dispense, measure (out), allot, especially punishment, reward etc.
militate To operate against; influence, affect, change.
miscellaneous Consisting of a variety of ingredients or parts; having diverse characteristics; sundry, various.
missive A letter or message.
moribund Near death; stagnant, obsolete, declining; without force or vitality.
multifarious Diverse; motley, legion, varied, assorted.
munificent Very generous; liberal, lavish, unsparing.
mutable Capable of or subject to change or alteration; prone to frequent change.
myriad Constituting a very large, indefinite number; innumerable; composed of numerous diverse elements or facets.
nadir Lowest point. Opposite of Zenith.
naiveté Lack of sophistication, experience, judgement or worldliness; artlessness; gullibility; credulity.
nascent Coming into existence; incipient, emerging, embryonic, inchoate.
natation The act or process of swimming.
neologism New word or expression; slang.
neophyte Novice; beginner, apprentice, greenhorn, tyro.
nettle To irritate; annoy, vex.
noisome Stinking; putrid, disgusting, foul, malodorous.
nominal Existing in name only; minimal, negligible, trifling, titular.
nonplus To perplex or bewilder; to confound, flummox; surprise.
nostrum A medicine or remedy in conventional use which has not been proven to have any desirable medical effects.
noxious Unpleasant and possibly also harmful, typically in reference to odorous fumes
nuance A subtle expression of meaning or quality; minor distinction; gradation, subtlety, tone.
nubile Of an age suitable for marriage; marriageable; attractive.
nugatory Trivial, trifling or of little importance; ineffective, invalid or futile.
numismatics Coin collecting.
nuptial Of or pertaining to wedding and marriage; capable or characteristic of breeding.
obdurate Hardened, resistant to persuasion; inflexible, intransigent, recalcitrant, tenacious, unyielding.
obloquy Abusive language; disgrace suffered from abusive language; defamation, insult, slander, disgrace, infamy.
obtain To get hold of; gain possession of, procure, acquire; to exist or be the case; to hold true, be in force, or last.
obviate To prevent, or make unnecessary; preclude, prohibit, forestall.
odious Arousing or meriting strong dislike, aversion, or intense displeasure; repulsive; hateful; vile.
odium Hatred, dislike, detestation; the quality that provokes hatred; offensiveness.
odor Any smell, whether fragrant or offensive, scent, perfume; strong, pervasive quality; esteem, repute.
odoriferous Giving off an odor.
officious Offensively intrusive or interfering; meddlesome, eager, intrusive, pushy.
ominous Foreboding misfortune or evil; having significance as an omen; menacing, threatening.
onerous Burdensome; troublesome and oppressive; arduous, difficult, exacting, laborious, trying.
opaqueness Preventing passage of light; not transparent; obscure.
opine To express an opinion; point out, voice.
opprobrium Public disgrace; disrepute; ignominy; infamy, obloquy.
ornithology The scientific study of birds.
overweening Unduly confident, arrogant, presumptuous, conceited; exaggerated, excessive, overbearing.
paean Any loud and joyous song; a song of triumph; an expression of praise.
palatial Relating to a palace; magnificent; grand; stately
panegyric A formal speech or opus of public praise; homage; eulogy; encomium.
panoply Impressive array; display; fanfare; parade; pomp; shine; show.
paradox a contradiction or dilemma; ambiguity, incongruity.
parry To ward off or deflect; avoid, evade, repel.
pastiche A work imitating another work of literature, music, arts; medley, spoof.
pastoral Of or pertaining to shepherds; relating to rural life; relating to the care of souls, or to the pastor of a church.
patent Explicit and obvious; open to the public to read.
pathological Pertaining to pathology, disease; relating to or caused by a physical or mental disorder.
pathos That quality which which awakens tender emotions, such as pity, sorrow; contagious warmth of feeling, action, or expression.
patina The color or incrustation which age and wear give to objects; green crust on bronze; tone slowly taken by varnished paintings.
patois A local or provincial dialect; Creole.
patrician Of or pertaining to a person of high birth; noble, privileged, not plebeian.
patron A supporter, customer, sponsor.
paucity Fewness in number; a small number or amount; meagerness; dearth; scantiness; scarcity.
peccadillo A small flaw, offense, sin; a weakness in one's character; lapse, failing, fault, misstep.
pecuniary Of, or relating to, money; monetary.
pedant One who is overly concerned with formal rules, technicalities, and trivial points of learning.
pedantic Being overly concerned with formal rules and trivial points; showing off one’s knowledge, often in a boring manner.
pedestrian Ordinary, dull, unimaginative; everyday; unexceptional, unremarkable, commonplace.
peerless Having no equal, incomparable.
pejorative Negative in connotation; disparaging, belittling, derogatory, dyslogistic.
pellucid Transparent; easily understood; clear; limpid.
pensive Having the appearance of deep, often melancholic, thinking; looking thoughtful, especially from sadness.
penury Severe poverty; oppressive lack of resources; destitution, impoverishment.
perfidious Treacherous, disloyal, faithless.
perfunctory Done in a routine way; lacking interest, care, or enthusiasm; indifferent, superficial, not thorough.
peripatetic Wandering, esp on foot; itinerant; nomadic; wayfaring.
permeate To penetrate and pass through without causing rupture or displacement; pervade, suffuse, imbue, infuse.
peruse To look over casually; to skim; to read with care.
pervade To permeate; imbue, infuse, penetrate, suffuse.
perverse Willfully erring; obstinately in the wrong; stubbornly wayward; intractable; vexing; wicked; contrary.
pest An annoying, harmful, often destructive creature; an annoying person.
pestilential Producing pestilence or plague; pestilent; baneful.
petrify To produce rigidness akin to stone; to immobilize with fright.
phalanx A compact or organized body of people or things; legion, mass, formation.
philistine Lacking in appreciation for art or culture; narrow minded; exclusively interested in material gain; boor, materialist.
philology The humanistic study of historical linguistics.
phlegmatic Calm and unemotional, indifferent, impassive, apathetic, sluggish.
phoenix A symbol of rebirth or immortality; anything that is reborn after apparently being destroyed.
phylum A rank in the classification of organisms, below kingdom and above class; a division.
physiognomy The general appearance or aspect of a thing; the face or countenance.
physiological Pertaining to the science of the functions of life and of the physical and chemical phenomena involved.
pied Decorated or colored in blotches; variegated.
pith The spongy substance in the center of the stems of many plants; the essential or vital part of an idea, theory, thing; core, marrow, essence, substance.
plastic Able to be molded, altered, or bent; adaptable, ductile, malleable, pliant.
pleonastic Using an excessive number of words, especially using different words having the same meaning; redundant; "killed it dead."
plethora Excess; glut, overabundance, surfeit.
polemic Controversy; argument, denunciation, refutation.
politic Shrewd and practical; diplomatic; tactful.
posit To assume as real or conceded; propose as an explanation; suggest.
posse A group of people summoned to help law enforcement; a group of associates.
pragmatic Useful in practice, not just theory; functional, practical, utilitarian, realistic.
prate To talk much and to little purpose; be loquacious, speak foolishly, chatter, babble.
precept A rule or principle, especially one governing personal conduct.
precipitate To bring about abruptly; lacking deliberation; abrupt, hasty, ill-considered, impetuous, rash, reckless.
precis A short summary of facts; abstract, overview, dossier.
preclude To remove the possibility of; rule out; prevent or exclude.
precocious Characterized by exceptionally early development or maturity.
predilection Condition of favoring or liking; tendency towards, proclivity, predisposition.
prefatory Introductory, preliminary, serving as a prelude or preface.
prevaricate To lie or deviate from the truth; equivocate; perjure.
prim Very precise and formal; prudish, overly correct in behavior, straight-laced.
primogeniture Seniority by birth; an exclusive right of inheritance belonging to the eldest son.
probity Complete honesty and integrity; virtue, rectitude, uprightness.
proclivity A natural inclination or predisposition; tendency, bias, leaning, penchant, predilection, prejudice, propensity.
prodigal Lavish; wasteful; extravagant; profligate.
profligate Corrupt or degenerate; dissolute, wasteful, extravagant, improvident, prodigal.
progenitor Any of a person's direct ancestors; a predecessor of something, especially if also a precursor or model.
propitiate To conciliate or appease; mollify, pacify, placate.
propriety Obeying customs and rules; decency, decorum, modesty, appropriateness.
provoke To incite to anger or resentment; harass, molest, goad; to bring about deliberately; induce, elicit, evoke, cause, stimulate.
prudence Wisdom, caution, or restraint; astuteness, circumspection, judiciousness, discretion.
prurient Arousing or appealing to sexual desire; lustful, lascivious.
puerile Childish or immature; juvenile, jejune, silly, infantile.
pugilist Professional boxer.
punctilious Strictly attentive to detail; meticulous or fastidious, particularly to codes or conventions; precise or scrupulous; finicky, nitpicky.
pusillanimous Lacking courage; cowardly, fainthearted, timid, craven.
qualified Meeting the standards, requirements, and training for a position; restricted or limited by conditions.
quibble A trivial or minor complaint, objection or argument; To complain or argue in such a manner.
quiescent Dormant, latent; at rest, motionless.
raconteur A witty skillful storyteller; monologist.
ratiocination The activity or process of reasoning; thought or reasoning that is exact, valid and rational; a proposition arrived at by such thought.
rebus A kind of word puzzle which uses pictures to represent words or parts of words.
recreant Unfaithful or disloyal to a cause; a faithless or disloyal person, a coward.
redoubtable Eliciting respect or fear; imposing; awe-inspiring; formidable.
redress Relief for wrong or injury; amends, reparation, restitution, quittance, indemnity.
refractory Obstinate, unruly, stubborn, unmanageable; strongly opposed to something; incapable of registering a reaction or stimulus.
rejoinder Response; retort, riposte, come-back.
render To cause to become; to interpret; to deliver, give, provide; to secretly capture and turn over.
renowned Famous, celebrated, or well-known.
repast A meal.
repine To regret; to complain; to be low spirited or fretful.
replete Abundantly supplied, complete; full, abounding.
repose Relaxation; leisure, calmness, tranquility.
repudiate To reject validity; deny, disavow, disclaim, disown, renounce.
restive Restlessly impatient, obstinately resisting control; agitated, anxious, fretful.
retroactive Extending to a prior time or to prior conditions; ex post facto.
retrograde Directed backwards, retreating; reverting especially inferior state, declining; inverse, reverse.
rider Amendment or clause added to a legislative bill
rococo Very highly ornamented; 18th century French artistic style of elaborate ornamentation.
roseate Like the rose flower, pink, rosy; optimistic.
rostrum A dais, pulpit, or other platform for a speaker, conductor, performer; the snout of a dolphin.
rote Mechanical routine; a fixed, habitual, repetitive, or mechanical course of procedure; learning by this method.
rout To roar; to bellow; to snort; to snore loudly; to defeat completely, forcing into disorderly retreat; to search or root in the ground, as a swine.
rubric A heading or title highlighted in red; a title of a category or a class; an established rule, custom, guideline.
rue To repent of or regret (some past action or event); to wish that a past action or event had not taken place.
ruffian A scoundrel, rascal, or unprincipled, deceitful, brutal and unreliable person; rogue; scamp.
ruminate To chew over; to meditate or reflect; mull over, ponder.
rumple To make wrinkled.
runic Of, pertaining to, or written using runes; mysterious.
rustic Rural; bucolic, pastoral.
saccharine Of or relating to saccharin or sugar; excessively sweet; syrupy; cloying.
sacrosanct Most sacred, inviolable; holy; beyond alteration, criticism, or interference, especially due to religious sanction.
sagacious Having keen discernment, judgment, farsightedness; shrewd, wise, astute, sage-like.
salacious Promoting sexual desire or lust; lascivious or bawdy; obscene or lewd; lascivious, lustful, obscene.
salient Worthy of note, pertinent or relevant; prominent, marked, outstanding.
sallow Having a grayish, yellow-green hue; dirty, murky; sickly in color.
salubrious Promoting health or well-being, especially related to air; wholesome, bracing, therapeutic, tonic.
salutary Effecting or designed to effect an improvement; remedial: as advice; promoting good health; wholesome; curative.
sanctimonious Making a show of being morally better than others, especially hypocritically pious; self-righteous, phony.
sanction An approval, by an authority, that makes something valid. A penalty or coercive measure, intended to ensure compliance, esp. one adopted by nations or an international body.
sanguinary Eager for bloodshed; bloodthirsty; bloody, gory.
sanguine Ruddy or rosy; cheerfully optimistic; confident, hopeful, positive.
sapient Possessing wisdom and discernment.
sardonic Scornfully mocking or cynical; disdainfully or ironically humorous; sarcastic, acerbic, caustic, satirical, snide.
sartorial Of or relating to the quality of dress; to tailoring; vestiary.
sash A decorative length of cloth worn as a broad belt or over the shoulder, often for ceremonial purposes; opening part of a window.
sate To satisfy; fill up.
satiate To fill to satisfaction or excess; glut, gorge, surfeit.
saturnine Of or born under Saturn's influence; containing lead, or suffering from lead poisoning; gloomy, depressed, dull.
satyr A lecherous man; a faun.
savant A person of learning, scholar; a person extremely knowledgeable in one area, but deficient in others.
savor To possess a particular taste, smell, distinctive quality; to appreciate, enjoy or relish something.
scad A large number or quantity; a type of fish.
scent A smell or odor; a perfume.
schism A split or separation within a group or organization, typically caused by discord; a formal division or split within a religious body.
scintilla A small spark or flash; a trace amount; iota, mote, speck.
scotch Of Scottish origin; a surface cut or abrasion; to cut or score; to debunk or discredit an idea or rumor.
scourge A persistent pest, illness, or source of trouble; a whip often of leather; to strike, as with a whip.
scribble To write or draw carelessly, hurriedly.
scurrilous Given to vulgar verbal abuse, foul-mouthed; (of language) coarse, vulgar, abusive, or slanderous.
scurry To run away with quick light steps, to scamper.
sedition Behavior that promotes rebellion or civil disorder against the state; conspiracy, insurrection, insubordination.
seemly Proper, appropriate.
seine A long net having floats attached at the top and weights at the bottom, used in shallow water for catching fish.
semblance Likeness, similarity; seeming, outward appearance, guise, show; figure, form.
sententious Using as few words as possible; pithy, concise, terse; tending to use trite aphorisms or maxims.
sentient Capable of sensation, aware, conscious; intelligent, thinking, feeling, sensitive.
sequester To separate from all external influence; isolate, segregate, seclude.
seraphic Angelic; sweet, cherubic, heavenly.
sere Without moisture, dry; the entire sequence of ecological communities successively occupying an area from the initial stage to the climax.
serendipity An unsought, unintended, unexpected discovery or learning experience that happens by accident.
sermon Religious discourse; a written or spoken address on a religious or moral matter; a lengthy speech of reproval.
servile Of or pertaining to a slave; submissive or slavish.
sever To cut free.
shallow Having little depth; concerned with superficial matters; lacking interest or substance.
sham A fake; an imitation that purports to be genuine; trick, hoax; a decorative cover for a pillow.
shard A piece of broken glass or pottery, especially one found in an archaeological dig.
sheaf Any collection of things bound together; a bundle.
shrew Any of numerous small mouselike chiefly nocturnal mammals; an ill-tempered, nagging woman: a scold.
shunt To divert, turn aside, re-direct.
shyster Someone who acts in a disreputable, unethical or unscrupulous way, especially in the practice of law and politics, or a con artist.
sibylline Of or pertaining to a sibyl or female oracle; prophetic, oracular, clairvoyant.
simian Of or pertaining to apes; ape-like.
simile A figure of speech in which unlike things are compared, generally using "like" or "as."
simper To smile in a frivolous, self-conscious, often coy manner.
simulate To model, replicate, duplicate the behavior, appearance or properties of.
sinecure A well paid job or office with little responsibility.
skein A length of thread or yarn wound in a loose long coil; something suggesting the coil of a skein; a complex tangle.
skiff A small flat-bottomed open boat with a pointed bow and square stern; a boat small enough for sailing or rowing by one person.
skinflint One who is excessively stingy or cautious with money; a tightwad; a miser.
skit A short comic performance.
skittish Easily scared; timid.
skullduggery Activities intended to deceive; a con or hoax.
slack Lax; not tense; not hard drawn; not firmly extended; weak; not holding fast.
slake To become mixed with water; to quench, sate, satisfy.
sleeper Something that achieves unexpected success, value, or importance after an interval of time; a saboteur who lives unobtrusively until activated by a prearranged signal.
sleight Cunning, craft, artful practice; dexterity, skill.
slew A large quantity; change of position; to rotate or turn something about its axis.
smolder To burn with no flame and little smoke; to show signs of repressed anger or other strong emotion.
solecism Error in the use of language, especially etiquette; any faux pas against behavioral norms; intentional use of grammar/spelling errors for effect.
solicitous Anxious or concerned; marked by or given to anxious care, hovering attentiveness.
soliloquy The act of a character speaking to himself so as to reveal his thoughts to the audience; written discourse of this form.
solstice Either of two points when the sun is at its greatest distance from the celestial equator.
somatic Of the body.
sonnet A fixed verse form of Italian origin; a poem.
sophistry An argument that seems plausible, but is fallacious or misleading, often deliberately; trickery, rhetoric.
sophomoric Conceited and overconfident of knowledge but poorly informed and immature; overblown; affected.
soporific Causing sleep or lethargy; hypnotic, somnolent, narcotic.
specious Deceptively attractive; of questionable truth or merit; illusory, sophistic, spurious.
spurious False, not authentic or genuine; illegitimate, fake, counterfeit.
squander To waste, lavish, splurge.
staid Serious, organized, and professional; always fixed in the same location; stationary; composed, regular, steady, sober.
stasis A state of balance or equilibrium; standstill, inertia.
stickler One who is extremely fussy or particular; one who insists on precision or correctness.
stilted Stiff and artificially formal; supported by stilts.
stint A period of time spent doing or being something; a spell; to be sparing, thrifty, stingy, mean.
stoic Indifferent to pleasure or pain, impassive; of or related to Stoicism.
stolid Unemotional, impassive; indifferent, phlegmatic, stoic, apathetic.
stratagem A trick designed to deceive an opponent; trojan horse, artifice, feint, ruse, wile.
strut To walk proudly or haughtily; to bulge out; a supporting bar.
stygian Dark, gloomy; infernal, hellish, deathly; of the river Styx.
subaltern Of a lower rank or position; inferior or secondary; subordinate.
subdue To overcome or bring under control.
sublimate To change from solid to gas; to purify or refine; to divert the primitive instinct into socially acceptable behavior.
sublime Lofty or grand; exalted, glorious, magnificent, majestic, noble, resplendent.
suborn To induce someone to commit an unlawful or malicious act, or to commit perjury.
substantiate To verify something by supplying evidence; corroborate, authenticate; to give material form or substance to something; embody.
subsume To include or contain under something else; encompass; in logic, to consider an occurrence as part of a principle or rule.
succor Aid, assistance or relief given to one in distress; ministration.
sully To soil, stain, tarnish; to dirty; to damage or corrupt, as a reputation.
summarily Performed speedily and without formal ceremony; over a short period of time, briefly.
superannuated Obsolete due to age; retired, discarded, disqualified due to age.
supercilious Arrogantly superior; showing contemptuous indifference; haughty, condescending, patronizing, disdainful.
supererogatory More than needed or demanded; pertaining to supererogation, or doing more than is required, especially with reference to good works in Roman Catholicism; superfluous.
superfluous In excess of what is needed or required; excessive, extraneous, extra, pleonastic.
supplant To replace by force; to take place of; displace, supersede.
suppliant Entreating with humility; beseeching; one who pleads or requests earnestly.
supplicate To petition humbly; pray, beg, plead.
sustain To maintain (something), or keep it in existence; provide for or nourish; experience or suffer.
swarthy Tawny, dusky, dark; dark-skinned; evil, malicious; weathered, rough.
swathe A bandage, band; to bind with a swathe, band, bandage, or rollers.
swerve To go out of a straight line; to bend; to turn aside or deviate to avoid impact.
swill To drink greedily; kitchen waste, garbage.
sybarite A person devoted to pleasure and luxury; hedonist, sensualist, voluptuary.
sycophant A self-serving flatter; toady, bootlicker, yes-man.
syllogism A subtle or deceptive piece of reasoning; a deductive inference in logic.
sylvan Pertaining to the forest or woodlands; wooded.
symbiosis A mutually beneficial relationship; cooperation, interdependence, association.
synoptic Of, or relating to a synopsis; pertaining to or affording an overall view.
tacit Done without using words; implicit, implied, unsaid, undeclared.
taciturn Habitually silent; untalkative, reticent, laconic.
talon A sharp, hooked claw of a bird of prey or other predatory animal.
tarnish To discolor due to oxidation; to soil, sully, damage or compromise.
tautology A redundant or repetitive use of words; a logical statement that is true for all values of its variables.
tellurian Of, relating to, or inhabiting the Earth.
tendentious Marked by a strong implicit point of view or tendency; partisan, biased.
terrene Pertaining to the earth; earthly, terrestrial, worldly as opposed to heavenly.
terrestrial Earthly; earthbound, commonplace, sublunary, tellurian, terrene.
thrall One who is enslaved or mind-controlled; the state of being under another's control; enthall.
timorous Fearful, afraid, timid.
tirade A long, angry or violent speech; diatribe, obloquy, fulmination, revilement, harangue.
torpid Apathetic, sluggish, or lethargic; unable to move or feel; dormant.
torpor Extreme mental and physical sluggishness; languor, lethargy, lassitude, apathy.
torque A turning or twisting force producing rotation about an axis.
transitory Lasting for a brief time; ephemeral, fleeting, impermanent, evanescent, momentary.
travesty An absurd or grotesque misrepresentation; a parody or stylistic imitation; caricature.
trenchant Acute, sharp, or incisive; biting, caustic, cunning, keen; very effective and articulate.
turgid Swollen from fluid; bloated, distended.
tyro Beginner; novice, apprentice, neophyte, tenderfoot.
ulterior Beyond what is obvious or evident; subsequent; situated beyond.
umbrage Anger or annoyance caused by something offensive; doubt or suspicion; leaves that provide shade, as the foliage of trees.
unconscionable Unfair or unjust; unscrupulous; dishonorable, indefensible.
uncouth Rough, clumsy, awkward, unrefined, crude.
unction A religious or ceremonial anointing; a smug, exaggerated use of language; smarminess.
unctuous Insincerely and profusely polite; oily, slimy; rich, lush, concentrated.
undermine Hinder, sabotage; to dig, tunnel, hollow out as if making a cave or opening.
undulate To move or cause to move in a wavelike motion; fluctuate, oscillate.
unequivocal Absolute or certain; categorical, clear, explicit, express, unambiguous.
unerring Not missing the target; consistently accurate; infallible.
unfledged Immature or inexperienced.
unguent Any cream containing medicinal ingredients applied to the skin for therapeutic purposes; ointment, salve.
union jack The flag of the United Kingdom.
unrequited Not reciprocated.
upbraid To criticize severely; reprove, rebuke, chide, exprobrate, blame, censure, condemn, reproach.
upshot Outcome.
urbane Socially refined and assured from wide experience; polite, polished, svelte, suave.
ursine Resembling, characteristic of, pertaining to bears.
usury An exorbitant rate of interest, in excess of any legal or moral standards; the practice of lending at such rates.
uxorious Overly devoted or submissive to one's wife.
vacillate To alternate between extremes; to be indecisive; fluctuate, oscillate, waver, dither.
vagary An erratic notion, action, desire; caprice, whim.
vainglorious With excessive vanity or unwarranted pride; boastful; conceited.
vanguard The leading units at the front of an army or fleet; the persons at the forefront of any group or movement.
vanquish To defeat or conquer in battle; subjugate; to defeat in a contest, conflict, or competition; to overcome or subdue.
vassal A person, nation, etc., in a subordinate, suppliant, or dependent position relative to another.
vaunted Highly or widely praised, boasted, publicized.
venerable Respected because of age; distinguished, respectable, honored, revered, elderly.
ventral Related to the abdomen or stomach; abdominal; on the front side of the human body.
verbiage An overabundance of words; the manner in which something is expressed in words.
verdant Green, lush in vegetation; grassy, leafy, wooded; inexperienced.
verdigris A blue-green patina on weathered copper, brass, or bronze; also used as a paint pigment.
verisimilar Appearing to be true or real; probable, likely.
verisimilitude The property of seeming true, of resembling reality; realism; something which merely appears to be true.
veritable True, real, rightly named.
verity The quality of being true, factual, or real; lasting truth or principle.
vernal Pertaining to spring; fresh, youthful.
verve Excitement of imagination, artistic energy and enthusiasm; vigor, vitality, liveliness; rapture, spirit, energy.
vestige A faint trace or sign left by something no longer present; remnant, remains, hint, relic.
vex To annoy, irritate, puzzle, confuse; bother, chafe, exasperate, irk, nettle, provoke.
vexillology The study of flags.
viand An item of food; a choice of dish.
vicarious Experienced or gained by substitution of another, such as through watching or reading; done on behalf of others, by a deputy or intermediary.
vicissitude Regular change or succession from one thing to another, or one part of a cycle to the next; alternation, mutual succession, interchange, a change in one's fortunes.
victuals Food supplies; provisions.
vim Vitality and energy; force; power.
virago A large, strong, courageous or aggressive woman; a noisy, scolding, or domineering woman.
visceral Perceived in or as if in the viscera; profound; instinctive.
viscid Adhesive, gluey, gummy, viscous.
vitiate To spoil, make faulty; to reduce the value, quality, or effectiveness of something; to corrupt; debase
vitriol Bitterly scathing or abusive language; corrosive, caustic criticism.
vituperation Overly harsh criticism or invective; severe censure, castigation, reproach.
volition The mental power or ability of choosing; agency, will.
voluble Talkative; garrulous, loquacious, glib, verbose.
voracious Having a great appetite for something; ravenous; wanting or devouring great quantities of food.
vouchsafe To condescendingly grant a right, benefit, outcome; to deign to acknowledge; guarantee
vulpine Of, resembling, or characteristic of a fox; cunning; clever.
waffle To speak equivocally; to vacillate; to be vague.
waft To float easily or gently through the air.
wanderlust A strong impulse or longing to travel.
wane To decrease in size, power, value, intensity; draw gradually to an end; decline; often used of light and moon phases.
wangle To obtain through manipulative or deceitful methods; falsify.
wanton Unrestrained, undisciplined, reckless; capricious, malicious, lewd, licentious.
welter To be soaked or steeped in, to wallow; a general confusion, a disorderly mixture.
wend To go or proceed along some course or way.
wheedle To cajole or attempt to persuade by flattery; to obtain something by guile or trickery.
whelp The young of a mammal; an insolent youth.
whimsical Determined by, arising from, or marked by whim; capricious, impulsive, fanciful, playful, arbitrary, flippant.
whinny To neigh, as a horse.
whorl A pattern of concentric circles; a volution or turn in concentric lines, as in fingerprints. Homophones: whirl.
wince A sudden movement or gesture of shrinking away; to flinch as if in pain or distress.
winsome Charming; inspiring trust and approval in an innocent manner; attractive, delightful.
wispy Lacking clarity or distinctness; barely discernible; thin, slight, faint.
wistful Full of yearning or longing; sadly pensive.
witless Without wit or understanding; hence, indiscreet; not under the guidance of judgment; foolish, idiotic.
witticism A witty remark; wisecrack, joke, jape, bon mot.
wizened Withered; wrinkled, shriveled, dried up, as from age or illness.
woe Deep distress or misery, as from grief; wretchedness, sorrow.
wont Accustomed or used (to or with a thing); likely.
woo To seek the affection of with intent to romance; to seek to achieve, try to gain; to tempt or invite; to entreat, solicit, importune.
wraith A ghost; a ghost of a living person seen just before his/her death; apparition, shade, spirit.
wrest To obtain by pulling or violent force; to usurp forcefully.
writ A written order.
writhe To twist, as in pain, struggle, or embarrassment; to move with a twisting or contorted motion; to suffer acutely.
xenophobia An exaggerated or abnormal fear of strangers or foreigners.
yarn A story, a tale, especially one that is incredible; bundles of fibers twisted together.
yen A strong desire, urge, yearning, longing; the unit of Japanese currency.
yeoman A subordinate, deputy, aide, or assistant; person owning small estate, commoner of good standing.
yoke To link, to join; to unite, to connect.
yokel An unsophisticated person (pejorative); a person of rural background.
zephyr A light wind from the west; a gentle breeze; any thing of fine, soft, or light quality, especially fabric.
Created by: noahcollins
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