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Stack #598323

What are the 5 elements of plot? Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution
First Person Point of View Pronoun I
Third Person Point of View Someone else tells the story and uses pronouns.
Ominiscent All Knowing Narrator
Setting Place the story takes place
Character Development Character changes from beginning to end
foreshadowing Hints or clues that tells the reader what might happen next.
Transition Words that move a reader from one idea to the next.
First step of writing a persuasive essay. The essay must be a minimum of five paragraphs.
Second step of writing a persuasive essay. Each paragraph should be 5-7 sentences long.
Third step to writing a persuasive essay Your introduction must have a thesis statement that explains what your essay is about and contains 3 reasons.
Fourth step of writing a persuasive essay. The first sentence of your essay must grab your reader's attention. (hook)
Fifth step of writing a persuasive essay. Stick to one side! Never say you have pro's or con's. - pick one side
Sixth step of writing a persuasive essay. Paragraphs 2-5 Must begin with a transition!
Seventh step of writing a persuasive essay. You must use facts and statistics to prove your point. You are allowed to make them up.
Eighth step of writing a persuasive essay. Give supporting examples to support your reasons and observations.
Ninth step of writing a persuasive essay. Avoid saying: "I", "think", "i will show you", "kids" etc. NEVER use slang of text message.
Tenth step of writing a persuasive essay. Final paragraph: Must restate thesis and three reasons. Last sentence must leave reader with a final thought or Call to Action.
What paragraphs have the thesis statement found in them? First and last
How many reason do you need to have to support your thesis statement? Three reasons
The ............ should be in your conclusion, and inspires your audience to take action and support your cause. Call to Action
What are transitions used to do? Move your reader to the next reason.
Nonfiction Books fives factual information on many different topics
Biographies are the nonfiction books about real people living now or in the past.
Autobiographies are nonfiction books people write about their own lives.
Historical documents are records or historical events.
Newspaper Articles presents factual information. the authors of editorial pages and columns write essays that give opinions.
Folklore refers to legends,tall tales, and stories based on beliefs and customs. Classical myths and legends are also forms of this genre
Fantasy refers to fictitious stories that may have unreal effects such as talking animals or flying cars.
Mystery stories arouse curiosity because they are secretive or hard to understand.
Science Fiction stories may combine facts and fiction about the future.
Historical Fiction writing about a particular time in history and the setting must be accurate but the characters can be fake.
Fable is a short, pithy animal tale, most often written with a moral tagged on as a form of proverb.
Fiction stories created from imagination.
Proper Noun a noun that names a specific person, place, thing, or idea.
Common Noun person, place, thing, or idea.
Personal Pronoun Pronouns that refers to people or things (ex: i, me, she, you , them, it)
Demonstrative Pronoun Points out a specific person, place, thing, or idea (ex: this, that, these, those)
Interrogative Pronoun Refers to a person, place, thing, or idea that may not be specifically named. (ex: all, any , anybody, both, each)
Main and Helping Verbs is a single word used to express the action or state of being.
Action Verbs are the easiest verbs to identify because they express physical or mental activity.
Linking Verb connects or links the subject of the sentence to a word group that describes the subject.
Adverbs word that are used to describe a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.
Prepositional Phrase has at least one noun or pronoun as its object the noun or pronoun is called the subject of the preposition.
preposition is a word that shows the relationship or direction between the noun/pronoun and another word in the sentence, it usually is a small word that tells were something is.
Conjunction are words that join other words or groups together.
FANBOYS For And Nor But Or Yet So.
Interjections is a word that expresses emotion.
When is a period used? At the end of a declarative sentence and after initials and abbreviations.
When is a question mark used? At the end of an interrogative sentence.
When is an exclamation mark used? After an interjection, phrase, or sentence that shows emotion.
When is a semicolon used? To separate independent clauses very close in meaning, but not separated by FANBOYS to separate in a series when it already contains commas
When is a colon used? Before a list of items or details pr before a statement that summarizes the original statement.
When are parentheses used? To set off words, phrases, clauses, or sentences which are independent of the main parts of the sentence.
When are quotation marks used? Used to set off a direct quotation
Tone The attitude a writer takes towards a subject or character: serious, humorous, sarcastic, etc.
Alliteration The repetition of a sound in words, in a line of a poem. These are mostly commonly consonate sounds at the beginning of words.(like tongue twisters)
Idiom An expression whose meanings cannot be inferred from the meanings of the words that make it up.
Assonance The repetition of vowel sounds.
Imagery Refers to the use of language to represent things, actions, or abstract idea descriptively. Imagery uses the written word to create images in the mind of the readers. imagery appeals to the five senses. also to descriptive writing.
Created by: SkylerT
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