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JRA Plate Tectonics

Chapter 1 Earth's Layers, Heat Transfer, CD, Sea-floor Spreading, + PT

An island located south of Iceland. Surtsey
Scientists who study the forces that make and shape planet Earth. geologists
The material that forms Earth's hard surface. rock
The features formed in rock and soil by water, wind, and waves. landforms
The study of planet Earth that began in the late 1700s. geology
Forces that shape the Earth's surface by building up mountains and landmasses. constructive forces
Forces that slowly wear away mountains and, eventually, every other feature on the surface. destructive forces
Great landmasses that are surrounded by ocean. continents
Waves produced by earthquakes that scientists study to interpret the layers of Earth. seismic waves
The force pushing on a surface or area. pressure
A layer of rock that forms Earth's outer skin. crust
The crust beneath the ocean. oceanic crust
A dark, dense rock with a fine texture that makes up oceanic crust. basalt
The crust that forms the continents. continental crust
A rock that has larger crystals than basalt, is not as dense as basalt, is usually a lighter color than basalt, and makes up continental crust. granite
A layer of hot rock below the boundary below the surface of the earth. mantle
A rigid layer consisting of the crust and the uppermost part of the mantle. lithosphere
The soft layer below the lithosphere that can bend like plastic. asthenosphere
A layer of molten material that surrounds the inner core. outer core
A dense ball of solid metal located inside of the outer core. inner core
A force surrounding Earth that causes the planet to act like a giant bar magnet. magnetic field
The movement of energy from a warmer object to a cooler object. heat transfer
The transfer of energy through empty space. radiation
Heat transfer by direct contact of particles of matter. conduction
Heat transfer involving the movement of liquids or gases. convection
A measure of how much mass there is in a volume of a substance. density
The flow that transfers heat within a fluid. convection current
A German meteorologist who had the idea of continental drift. Alfred Wegener
A single landamass that, according to Wegener, existed 300 million years ago. Pangaea
Wegener's idea that the continents slowly moved over Earth's surface. continental drift
Wegener's book published in 1915 that contained his evidence for continental drift. The Origin of Continents and Oceans
Any trace of an ancient organism that has been preserved in rock. fossil
The fossils that, when they were alive, could not swim in salt water. Mesosaurus and Lystrosaurus
The fossil that, when it was alive, had very fragile seeds that could not travel in water. Glossopteris
An island that lies in the Arctic Ocean north of Norway. Spitsbergen
The longest chain of mountains in the world. mid-ocean ridge
A device that bounces sound waves off underwater objects and then records the echoes of these sound waves. sonar
An American geologist who studied the mid-ocean ridge. Harry Hess
The process that continually adds new material to the ocean floor. sea-floor spreading
A small submersible built to withstand the crushing pressures four kilometers down in the ocean. Alvin
Stripes in the ocean rock that create a pattern for scientsts to use. magnetic stripes
A drilling ship built in 1968. Glomar Challenger
Deep underwater canyons formed when oceanic crust bends downward. deep-ocean trenches
The process by which the ocean floor sinks beneath a deep-ocean trench and back into the mantle. subduction
A Canadian scientist who observed that there are cracks in the continents similar to those on the ocean floor. J. Tuzo Wilson
Separate sections in the lithosphere. plates
A well-tested concept that explains a wide range of observations. scientific theory
The geological theory that states that pieces of Earth's lithosphere are in constant, slow motion, driven by convection currents in the mantle. plate tectonics
Breaks in Earth's crust where rocks have slipped past each other. faults
A place where two plates slip past each other, moving in opposite directions. transform boundary
The plates where two plates move apart, or diverge. divergent boundary
A deep valley that forms along a divergent boundary. rift valley
A rift valley in east Africa that marks a deep crack in the African continent that runs for about 3,000 kilometers. Great Rift Valley
The place where two plates come together, or converge. convergent boundary
Created by: math47ja
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