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occupied China in the 1930s and the mid 1940s Japan
Ancient Japanese warriors were called samurai
a period in Japan when the emperor regained power and Japan opened its doors The Meiji Restoration
two Japanese cities destroyed when the USA dropped atomic bombs on them at the end of World War II Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Student demonstrators were killed in 1989 at ? Tiananmen Square
the Chinese leader who brought economic reform to China in 1978 Deng Xiaoping
fought from 1950-1953 between a communist country and a democratic country in East Asia Korean War
Most Chinese people belong to the Han ethnic group
an archipelago and has a chain of more than 3000 islands Japan
an exchange of goods for other goods without the use of money Bartering
Instead of an alphabet that uses sounds, the Chinese, Korean, and Japanese language uses ? characters that represent words
the type of Buddhism most common in Japan Zen
The two main religions in Japan Buddhism and Shinto
Japanese concept of putting others first is known as on
in 1900 was put down by a combination of foreign forces The Boxer Rebellion
the leader who led the Chinese Communist party to victory in 1949 Mao Zedong
defeated China in the Opium Wars The British
The highly educated Chinese landowners who could pass the civil service exam were called the scholar-gentry
The Rites of Zhoe stated that the Zhoe ruled because they possessed the Mandate of Heaven
Government by a small privileged class is called aristocracy
Confucius taught two ways to be in harmony with the Dao duty and humanity
Until 1911, a key component of the Chinese political system was state Confucianism and civil service examination
Because of the call for reform following the failure of the Great Leap Forward, Mao launched a movement called the Cultural Revolution
After its defeat in 1949, who ruled Taiwan? Chinese Nationalist Party
During World War II, Japan occupied China
During World War II, Japan attacked the USA at Pearl Harbor
Created by: indycreed
Popular Geography sets




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