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Terminology Unit 4

Terminology Unit 4 (Heather Lopez)

PHI Protected Health Information(HIPAA)
EPHI Protected Health Information in Eletronic form
Electronic Signature A method of marking an electronic record as “signed” having the same legal authority as a written signature
Consent Under the revised HIPAA Privacy Rule, a patient gives consent to the use of their PHI
Authorization Authorization differ from consent in that it does require the patients permission to disclose PHI
Bussiness associate agreement The HIPAA Privacy Rule requires covered entities that use the services of other persons or businesses to obtain a written agreement that the business associate will comply with the protection of PHI under the Privacy Rule
Security rule HIPAA security standards requiring implementation of appropriate security safeguards to protect health information stored in electronic form
Administrative simplification subsection The Administrative Simplification Subsection of HIPAA covers providers, health plans, and clearinghouses
Technical safeguard Primarily automated processes used to protect EPHI data and control access to data
COB Coordination of Benefits
EDI Electronic Data Interchange
FEIN Federal Employer Identification Number
MOU Memorandom of Understanding (between government entities)
OCR Optical Character Recognition
PIN Personal Identification Number
PKI Public Key Infrastructure
PDA Personal Digital Assistant
LAN Local Area Network
PC Personal Computer
SSL Secure Socket Layer
RAM Random Access Memory
VPN Virtual Private Network
WEP Wired Equivalent Privacy
Speech Recognition(software) Software that regognizes the patterns in human speech as words and turns them into computer text
E-visit An E-visit is a patient encounter conducted over the internet, without an office visit
Chrom/o color
Pallid/o globus, pallidus
IQ Institute of Quality
OCD obsessive-compulsive disorder
PTSD post-traumatic stress disorder
APA American Psychiatric Association
CNS central nervous system
GAD generalized anxiety disorder
Apathy condition in which a person lacks feelings emotions and is indifferent
Delusion Occurrence of bizarre thoughts that have no basis in reality
Phobia Morbid and persistent fear of specific object, activity, or situation that results in compelling desire to avoid the feared stimulus
Tic Disorder charactized by spasmodic muscular contraction most commonly involving
Psychoanalysis method of investigating the metal processes of an individual using the techniques of free association, interpretation, and dream analysis
Rorschach inkblot test in which pictures are used stimuli for the patient to create stories
Schizophrenia mental disorder charactized by positive and negative symptoms; include social withdrawal, extreme apathy, diminished motivation, and blunted emotional expression
Agor/a market place
-orexia appetite
Ego I, self
Para to bear, bring forth
Pyro- fire
Schiz/o to divide
Agoraphobia abnormal fear of being in public places; fear of leaving the safety of home; an anxiety syndrome and panic disorder
Autism mental disorder in which the individual may be self-absorbed, inaccessible, unable to relate to others, and has language disturbances
Depression metal disorder marked by altered mood and loss of interest in things that are usually pleasurable such as food, sex, work, friends, hobbies, or entertainment
Hallucination process of experiencing sensations that no source; some examples include hearing nonexistent voices, see nonexistent things, and experiencing burning or pain sensations with no physical cause
Popular Medical sets




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