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The Heart-Practice Test

The heart is located ________ to the diaphragm and _______ to the lungs? Superior, medial
The diaphragm is located _______ to the heart and the lungs are _______ to the heart? Inferior, lateral
The area in which the heart is located is called the? Mediastinum
The heart is located in an area called the mediastinum, and is protected by the? Rib cage
The outermost of the pericardial membranes is the ______ pericardium? Fibrous
The middle layer of the pericardial membranes is the ______ pericardium? Parietal
The innermost of the pericardial membranes is the _______ pericardium? Visceral
The visceral pericardium is also called the? Epicardium
The endocardium is the lining of the heart, and its function is to? Prevent abnormal clotting
The walls of the chambers of the heart are formed by the? Myocardium
The layer of the heart wall that pumps blood is the? Myocardium
The __________ returns blood from the upper body to the right atrium? Superior vena cave
The __________ returns blood from the lower body to the right atrium? Inferior vena cava
The _________ return blood from the lungs to the left atrium? Pulmonary veins
The atria of the heart produce the hormone ___ when blood pressure _______? ANP, increases
The function of ANP is to increase excretion of _______ and _______ by the _______? Sodium ions, water, kidneys
The ______ emerges from the left ventricle and takes blood to the _____? Aorta, body
The ______ emerges from the right ventricle and takes blood to the ____? Aorta, body
The left ventricle pumps blood into the? Aorta
The right ventricle pumps blood into the? Pulmonary artery
The ventricle that has a thicker wall is the _____, because it must pump blood to the ____? Left, body
The general function of all the valves of the heart is to? Prevent backflow of blood
The __________ valve prevents backflow of blood from the left ventricle to the left atrium? Mitral; left AV; bicuspid
The _______ valve prevents backflow of blood from the ________ to the _________? Right, ventricle, Right atrium
The right and left AV valves close when the _______ contract? Ventricles
The aortic semilunar valve prevents backflow of blood from the _____ to the ________? Aorta, left ventricle
The pulmonary semilunar valve prevents backflow of blood from the _______ to the ________? Pulmonary artery, right ventricle
The aortic and pulmonary semilunar valves close when the _______ relax? Ventricles
The coronary arteries are branches of the ______ and supply blood to the ________? Aorta, myocardium
For the myocardium, the most important substance in blood is? Oxygen
The coronary sinus is the union of the _________ and returns blood to the _________? Coronary veins, right atrium
The term for contraction of the chambers of the heart is? Systole
The term for relaxation of the chambers of the heart is? Diastole
The sequence of events in one heartbeat is called the? Cardiac cycle
During the cardiac cycle, when the ventricles are in systole the atria are in? Diastole
During the cardiac cycle, when the atria are in systole, the ventricles are in? Diastole
During the cardiac cycle, the _____ contract first, followed by contraction of the _______? Atria, ventricles
In the cardiac cycle, all blood from the ventricles to the arteries must be? Pumped
In the cardiac cycle, some passive blood flow occurs from the _____ to the ______? Atria, ventricles
In the cardiac cycle, the most important pumping of blood occurs from the _______ to the ______? Ventricles, arteries
The heart is a double pump: The right side of the heart receives blood from the _____ and pumps it to the ______? Body, lungs
The heart is a double pump: The left side of the heart receives blood from the ______ and pumps it to the _____? Lungs, body
The part of the heart that initiates each beat is the? SA node
The SA node is located in the? Wall of the right atrium
The normal range of resting heart rate for a healthy adult is ___ to ___ bpm? 60-80
The electrical impulses for the heartbeat pass from the _____ of the atria to the _______ in the ventricles? AV node, AV bundle
The parts of the cardiac conduction pathway in the ventricles, in order, are the ______, ______, and _______? AV bundle, bundle branches, Purkinje fibers
The electrical activity of the heart may be seen in a tracing called a(n)? ECG (electrocardiogram)
The part of the heart muscle that usually depolarizes first in a heartbeat is the? SA node
Cardiac output is the amount of blood pumped by the left ventricle in? One minute
Stroke volume is the amount of blood pumped by a ventricle in? One beat
To calculate cardiac output, multiply ______ times ______? Stroke volume, pulse
If cardiac output is 4900 mL and pulse is 70 bpm, then stroke volunme is? 70 mL
If stroke volume is 80 mL and pulse is 70 bpm, then cardiac output is? 5600 mL
If cardiac output is 6000 mL and stroke volume is 75 mL, then pulse is? 80 bpm
During exercise, if cardiac output is 15,000 mL and stroke volume is 120 mL, then pulse is? 125 bpm
During exercise, if pulse is 140 and the stroke volume is 110 mL, the cardiac output is? 15,400 mL
A basketball player has a resting cardiac output of 5400 mL, a stroke volumes of 90 mL, and a resting pulse of? 60 bpm
A certain level of cardiac output is needed at all times to maintain a normal _______ and to deliver sufficient _______ to all tissues? Blood pressure, oxygen
The difference between the resting cardiac output and the maximum cardiac output is called the? Cardiac reserve
The percent of the blood in a ventricle that is pumped out during systole is called the? Ejection fraction
The part of the brain that regulates heart rate is the? Medulla
The heart rate is increased by impulses carried by ______ nerves? Sympathetic
The heart hate is decreased by impulses carried by ________ nerves? Parasympathetic;vagus
The carotid and aortic sunuses contain _______ to detect changes in _______? Pressoreceptors, blood pressure
The carotid and aortic bodies contain _______ to detect change in ________? Chemoreceptors, blood oxygen level
the sensory nerves for the carotid sinus and body are the ________ nerves? Glossopharyngeal
The sensory nerves for the aortic sinus and body are the _____ nerves? Vagus
The carotid sinus is strategically located to detect changes as the blood is on its way to the? Brain
The aortic sinus is strategically located to detect changes as soon as the blood leaves the? Heart
A sudden drop in blood pressure will stimulate the cardiac ______ center in the ______ of the brain? Accelerator, medulla
The response to a sudden drop in blood pressure is a rapid ______ in heart rate, brought about by _______ nerve impulses? Increase, sympathetic
Created by: laceylake
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