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Lesson 19

Lesson 19/Disease Processes

abnormality state of being abnormal
acquired not inherited or present at birth
allergic relating to allergy
allergy abnormality of immune system
antibiotic substance used to cure inectious diseases caused by bacteria
atherosclerosis hardening of the arteries
autoimmune allergic to one's own tissues
bacteri/o bacteria
bacterial relating to bacteria
benign slow growth of neoplasm, does not destroy normal function
congenital exist from birth
developmental etiology category which includes abnormalities in growth of tissue or organ
diabetes mellitus disease caused by abnormal sugar metabolism
dwarf, dwarves disease involving abnormal bone development
dwarfism condition of being a dwarf
etiologic, etiological relating to etiology
etiology cause of an abnormality or injury
eti/o cause
hereditary genetic
hydrocephalus water on the brain
hyperplasia abnormal increase in number of normal cells
hyperplastic relating to hyperplasia
iatrogenic pathology caused by actions of a doctor, treatment, medication
idiopathic disease where etiology is unknown
inflammation tissue response to injury
infection caused by bacteria, viruses and parasites
infectious relating to infection
infestation infested with parasites
inflammatory relating to inflammation
inflamed tissue response to injury
malignant cancerous
neoplasia new growth of cells whose anatomy is abnormal
neoplasm any new and abnormal growth
neoplastic relating to neoplasm
nosocomial disease acquired in hospital environment
parasite living organism which invades body and causes disease
parasitic relating to parasite
penicillin antibiotic
rheumatoid widespread inflammation with unknown cause
rickets vitamin D deficiency
secondary to caused by
trauma causes injury to tissue by force or toxic agents
traumatic relating to trauma
vascularize formation of new vessels
abscess collection of pus closed off in a sac
acute sudden, of short duration
alcoholic relating to alcohol
anoxia absence of oxygen
anoxic relating to absence of oxygen
atrophic relating to atrophy
atrophy cells decrease in size or number
calor heat
caloric relating to heat
carbuncle small abscess
caseous type of necrosis
chron/o time
chronic slow, ongoing
chronicity relating to chronic
coagulate to clot or curdle
coagulation clotting; type of necrosis
degenerate decrease or deteriorate
degeneration relating to degenerate
degenerative relating to condition of degeneration
dolor pain
edema swelling caused by increased fluid in area
edematous swollen
exudate fluid of inflammation
fatty metamorphosis fatty change
fibrin/o fibrin, a blood clotting material
fibrinous type of exudate which forms scabs
fibrosis scarring
fung/o fungus
fungus forms of yeasts and molds
granuloma tumor
granulomatous type of inflammation tyat forms tumors
hyperemia increased blood flow
hypertrophy enlargement of cells
hypertrophic relating to hypertrophy
hypoxia reduced oxygen
hypoxic relating to hypoxia
ir/ in/ before r (prefix meaning not)
irreversible not reversible
lethal anything that kills
leukocytes cells which fight infection
liquefaction type of necrosis
macrophage cell that comes to clear out infection
metamorphosis change
monocytes type of leukocyte
mono/, mon/o one or single
morbid loss of function
morbidity damage to a whole organism
mortal pertaining to or causing death
mortality state of being mortal
myocardial sudden, severe heart attack
necrosis death of cells
nectrotic relating to death of cells
neutrophils leukocytes that eat foreign materials
perinephric relating to connective tissue around kidney
polyarthritis simultaneous inflammation of several joints
polymorphonuclear neutrophils
phil/o love or attraction, cells that attract a stain
primary intention repair with stitches
primary union repair with stitches
purulent pus
pus exudate with dead bacteria
py/o pus
pyogenic forming pus
pyonephrosis pus-forming inflammatory condition of kidney
pyuria pus in urine
/uresis, /uria to urinate, condition of urination
regenerate tissues replacing themselves
regeneration natural renewal of a structure
regenerative having ability to regenerate
reversible change back
rubor redness
scab formed from fibrinous exudate
secondary intention heal with borders separated (without stitches)
secondary union heal with borders separated (without stitches)
prim/o first
subacute less than sharp or severe
suppurative inflammatory response with large amount of pus
transudate clear fluid without protein
tubercul/o tuberculosis, small root
tuberculosis disease
tumor swelling, lump
tumorous relating to tumor
wound injury to body tissues
Popular Medical sets




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