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EKG week 2 &3

Anatomy of the Heart & Electrical system

atrium 2 upper chambers of the heart
ventricle 2 lower chamber of the heart
interventricular septum separates right and left ventricles
interatrial septum separates right and left atrium
pulmonic valve semilunar on right between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery. Sending blood to the lungs
mitral valve AV on left between the left atrium and the left ventricle
aortic valve semilunar on left between the left ventricle and the aorta. Sending blood to the rest of the body
tricuspid valve AV on right between the right atrium and the right ventricle
sternum center of chest / breastbone
pulmonary artery carries unoxygenated from the heart to the lungs
pulmonary vein carries oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart/left atrium
xiphoid process cartilage at the end of the sternum
inferior vena cava large vein that carries unoxygenated blood from the lower half of the body to the right atrium
superior vena cava large vein that carries unoxygenated blood from the upper half of the body to the right atrium
aorta receives blood from the left ventricle to the rest of the body. largest artery in the body
arteries carry oxygenated blood AWAY from the heart except: pulmonary artery
veins carry unoxygenated blood TOWARDS the heart except: pulmonary vein
atrioventricular valves / AV valves valves from the atrium to the ventricles: tricuspid & mitral valves
semilunar valves valves in ventrical allows blood out to the rest of the body: pulmonic & aortic valves
septum muscle between right and left sides of the heart
endocardium the inner layer lining of the heart
myocardium the muscular middle layer. This is the contractile element of the heart
epicardium the fibrous layer of the heart.The coronary arteries,which supply blood to heart, found in this layer.
pericarduim sac double-walled sac that contains the heart and the roots of the great vessels.
clavicle collar bones
ribs intercostal spaces
thoracic cavity holds the heart and lungs
abdominal cavity holds all other organs
diaphragm muscle divides the thoracic and abdominal cavities
unoxygenated blood enters on right side of heart going to lungs
oxygenated blood enters left side of heart from lungs
sinoatrial node posterior wall of the right atrium initiates every heart beat
avieoli air sacs in the lungs where gas exchange occur. from carbon dioxide to oxygen.
chordae tendineae strands of tendon that anchor the cusps of the mitral and tricuspid valves. allows to open and close
papillary muscle tendinous cords that attach to the cusps of the atrioventricular valves allows to open and close
right coronary artery vessel off the aorta, supplies oxygenated blood to the right side of the heart.
left coronary artery first vessel off the aorta, supplies oxygenated blood to the left side of the heart
circumflex artery feeds oxygenated blood to the lateral and postiera walls.
left anterior descending artery brings oxygenated blood to the front of heart of the left ventricle and down to the apex
sinoatrial node - SA node located in upper right atrium initiate every heart beat. natural pacemaker.initiates atrium contraction
atrioventricular node - AV node located in the lower right atrium receives impulses from the SA node. slows down to 40/60bpm. allows atrium to empty
internodal pathways located in the left atrium coming from the SA node. also known as the Bachmann's bundle
atrial contraction SA node - internodal pathway - AV node
bundle of his coming from AV node, located in the right ventricle side, by the septum. starts ventricular contractions
bundle branches interventricular septum coming from right atrium down to the right and left ventricls
right bundle branch stimulates the right ventricle
left bundle branch stimulates the left ventricle, anterior fascicle & posterior fascicle
anterior fascicle stimulates front wall and superior portion
posterior fascicle stimulates back wall in the inferior portions
purkinje fibers stimulates the apex of the heart
ventricular contraction bundle of his - bundle branches - purkinje fibers
right side of heart unoxygeated blood going to the lungs superior venacava - right atrium - inferior venacava - tricuspid valve - right ventrical - pulmonic valve
left side of heart oxygenated blood going to the rest of the body aorta - pulmonary artery - pulmonary veins- left atrium - mitral valve - left ventrical - aortic valve
bpm beats per minute
capillaries smallest vessels connect arterioles and venules, and enable the exchange gases oxygen & carbon dioxide
Depolarization Doing - contraction - pushes blood out active stage
Repolarization Resting - allows blood in
Na+ sodium
K+ Potassium - Kalemia ALWAYS NEGATIVE
sodium & potassium most important to the heart, can NOT function without the right amounts
lasix medicine to get rid of unwanted fluid in the body
repolarization cell - resting K+ potassium inside cell is negatively charged Na+ sodium outside is positive
contractility shortening and lengthening
extensibility stretching
myocardial cells muscle cells
myocardium electrical cells stimulated by the electrical system production & conduction of the stimulation (impulse)will work if SA node is not working
A. automacticity ability of the cell to generate an impulse start a heart beat
B. excitability ability to respond to the impulse
C. conductivity ability to transmit the impulse from cell to to cell
intercollated disc allows the transfer of an impulse from cell to next. allows for conductivity
cusp three leaflet - valve tricuspid
conduction electrical system
Created by: joanneb
Popular Medical sets




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