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MA Drug Types

Medical Assisting practice for types of medications

Adrenergics Action:Constricts blood vessels Example:Epinephrine; pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) Use: Stops superficial bleeding; raises BP; Relieves congestion / bronchospasm
Adrenergic Blockers Action: Vasodilation, Decreased BP Example:Lisinopril; amlodipine; propranolol Use: Control hypertension and PVD
Analgesics Action: Lessens sensory function / blocks pain Example: ASA; acetaminophen; hydrocodone with APAP Use: Pain relief
Anesthetics Action: Blocks nerve impulses to stop pain and sensation; decreases BP, P,R Example: Lidocaine (local); Pentothal (general) Use: Local numbing of area or general for surgery
Antacids Action: Decrease stomach acidity Example:Prilosec; Nexium; Protonix Use: Tx of gastric hyperacidity; gastric ulcers
Antianxiety Action:Reduce anxiety Example:Librium; Valium Use:Produces calmness
Antibiotics Action:Kills microorganisms (bacteria) Example:Zithromas, Ceclor, Cipro Use: Tx of bacterial infections
Anticholinergics Action:Parasympatheic blocking agent, reduces spasms in smooth muscle Example:Scopalamine; atropine Use:Dry secretions before surgery; GI cramping
Anticoagulants Action:Delays clotting of blood Example:Coumadin; Heparin Use:Tx of blood clots; stops clot formation
Anticonvulsants Action:Prevents seizures Example:Clonazepam; Neurontin; Dilantin Use: Tx of epilepsy or other neuro disorders
Antidepressants Action:Treats depression Example:Zoloft; Lexapro; Elavil Use: Mood elevatins
Antiemetics Action: Acts on Hypotalamus Example:Compazine; Tigan; Use:Prevents nausea and vomiting (N/V)
Antifungals Action:Slows growth of fungi Example: Monistat; nystatin Use: Tx of fungal infections
Antihistamines Action: Blocks histamines Example: Zyrtec; Allegra; Benadryl Use:Relieves allergic responses
Antihypertensive Action:Blocks nere impulse that cause arteries to constrict, slows heart rate Example: Norvasc; Tenormin; Lopressor Use:Reduces/controls BP
Anti-inflammatory Action:Reduces inflammation Example:Nonsteroidal (NSAID) Ibuprofen; Steroidal - Prednisone Use: Tx of arthritis or other inflammatory disorder
Antineoplastic Action:Inhibits and destroys cancerous cells Example:Interferon; Hyddrea; Cytoxan Use:Cancer chemotherapy
Antipruritic Action:Relieves itching Example:Calamin lotion; hydrocortisone cream Use: Tx of allergies or topical exposures that cause itching.
Antipyretic Action:Reduce body temperature Example:Aspirin (ASA); acetamiophen (APAP) Use: Reduces fever
Antitussive Action:Stops cough Example:codeine sulfate; robitussin Use:Supresses non-productive cough
Bronchodilator Action:Relaxes smooth muscle of the bronchi Example:salmeterol, theophylline, albuterol Use:Tx of asthma,bronchospasm
Cathartic (laxative) Action:Increase peristatic activity of large intestine Example: MOM (milk of magnesia); Dulcolax; Metamucil Use:Increases and hastens bowel evacuation
Contraceptive (birth control) Action:Inhibits contraception Example:Depo-provera; Tri-cyclen;Lo Ovral Use:Prevents pregnancy
Decongestants Action: Relieve local congestion in the tissues. Example: ephidrine or pheyleprine (neo-synephrine;(Sudafed); (Afrin); (Nasonex)
Diuretics Actions: Inhibit reabsormption of Na and Cl in the kidneys; promote excretion of excess fluid. Example hydrochlorthiazide (HCTZ) (Dyazide, Esidric, Hydrodiruil)
Expectorants Actions: Liquefy Secretions in the bronchial tubes so that they can be coughed out. Examles: destromethopahn (benylin); guafenesin (Robitussin)
Hematopoietic Agents Action:Promote red blood cell production Example: epoetin alfa (Epogen, Procrit)
Hemastatic Agent Action: control bleeding Example: phytonadione, Vitamin K, absorbable agents (Gelfoam;
Hormone Replacement Action: Replace hormones Example:insulin (humulin); levothyroxine sodium (Synthroid or Levoxyl); extrogen (Premarin; vasopressin (Pitressin)
Hypnotics (Sedatives) Action:induce sleep; lessen the activity of the brain Example:zolpidem tartrate (Ambien); eszopiclone (Lunesta); secobarbital (Seconal); flurazepam (Dalmane; temazepam (Restoril; barbiturates
Lipid-lowering agents Action: Reduce blood cholesterol levels Example:atorvastatin calcium (Lipitor); simvastatin (Zocor); ezetimibe (Vytorin or Zetia); rsuvastatin (Crestor); fenofibrate (Tricor)
Miotics Action: cause the pupil to contract Example: carbachol (Isopto Carbachol); isoflurophate (Floropryl)
Mydriatic Agents (Anticholinergic) Action: dilate the pupil Example: atropine sulfate (Isopto Atropine)
Narcotics Action:Debress the CNS, causing insensibility or stupor Example: Natural narcotics: Opium group (codeine phosphate, morphine sulfate:Synthetic narcotisc: meperidine (Demerol, methadone (dolopine); propoyphene HCl (Darvon)
Oral Hypoglycemic Agents Action:Reduce blood glucose level Example:Piogliatzone (Actos); rosiglitazone (Avandia); metormin HCl (Glucophage; acarbose (Precose); chlorpropamide (Diabinese; glimepiride (Amaryl); glipizide (Glucotrol)
Osteoporosis Agents Action:Inhibit bone reabsorption Example:alendronate (Fosamax); risedonate (Actonel); cacitonin (Miacalcin and Calcimar)
Antiarrythmic Action: maintain electrical rhythm through chemical activity Example: lidocaine Hcl (Xylocaine), propranolol Hcl (Inderal)
Antidiarrheal Action: prevents or relieves diarrhea or decreases intestinal spasms Example: Lomotil, Pepto-Bilmal, Kaopectate, Imodium
Antidote Action: Counteracts poisons and their effects Example: naloxone (Narcan) activated charcoal, atropine
Antimanic Action: Treatment of the manic episode of bipolar disorder Example: lithium
Antiplatelets Action: Interferes with the stickiness of platelets to preven bloot clots Example: clopidogrel (Plavix) ticlopidine (Ticlid), aspirin (ASA)
Fibrinolytics Action: Clot-buster to dissolve blood blots Example: TNK, tPA
Hypoglycemics Action: Lowers blood glucose levels by causing beta cells of the pancreas to release insulin Example: glyburide (Diabinese), Glucophage, Amaryl
Insulin Action: Lowers blood glucose Example: Lantus, Humulin, Novolin
Laxative Action: Relieves constipation Example: Metamucil powder, Dulcolax
Muscle relaxant Action: relieves muscle spasms Example: Robaxin, Norflex, Parafles, Skelaxin, Valium
Vasodilator Action: Relaxes smooth muscle inside vessel walls to cause dilation Example: isosorbide dinitrate (Isordil, nitroglycerin
Vasopressor Action: Causes contraction of the smooth muscles of the vessel walls (increases BP) Example: Neo-Synephrine, norepineprhine (Levophed)
Created by: cskinner
Popular Pharmacology sets




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