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Chapter 6 and 7 D

words for final

tibia larger and stronger of the two lower leg bones
hyoid bone point of attachment for muscles of tonge and throat
metacarpals bones of hand
acetabulum socket connecting femur and hip
scoliosis abnormal lateral curvature of spine
foramen magnum large opening in base of occipital bone
sulcus groove or depression in bone
open fracture break in bone that also has open wound in skin
fossa hollow or concave depression in a bone
fissure groove or depression in bone
olecranon forms point of elbow
condyle knuckle like projection at end of bone
tubercule small rounded process of bone
foramen hole in bone where blood vessels or nerves pass
ortho straight
inter between
supra above more than normal
centesis puncture
porosis lessening in density
arthr/o joint
cephal/o head
crani/o skull
cost/o ribs
femor/o femur
muscul/o muscle
my/o muscle
lei/o smooth
rhabd/o striated muscle or skeletal muscle
ligament/o ligament
mandibul/o mandible
maxilla/o maxilla
osteo bone
pelv/i pelvis
spondy/o spine
vertebr/o vertebrae
ten/o tendon
tendin/o tendon
C1 C2 C3 C7 cervical vertebrae
T1 T2 T3 T12 thoracic vertebrae
L1 L2 L3 L5 lumbar vertebrae
LLE left lower extremity
LUE Left upper extremity
RLE Right lower extremity
RUE Right upper extremity
cranium bony skull that envolopes the brain
vertebra bones of the spinal column
mandible lower jaw bone-largest strongest bone of face and only moveable bone of skull maxilla-upper jaw bone
clavicle collar bone
scapula shoulder blade
humerus upper arm bone
radius lower arm bone joining humerus and wristbones and on thumb side
ulna second of two lower arm bones joins humerus above and wrist bone below
sternum breast bone
vertebra bones protecting spinal cord
ribs bones that create shape of thoracic cavity
patella knee bone
pelvis bony structure formed by the hip bones(ilium,ischium,pubis),sacrum,coccyx-lower part of trunk of body supports-vertebral column and connection with lowel extremities bony structure formed by the hip bones(ilium,ischium,pubis),sacrum,coccyx-lower part of
femur thigh bone- longest,heaviest,stongest in body
tibia leg bone
fibula leg bone
phalanges fingers and toes
skeletal(voluntary muscles) (striated muscles because of striped appearance under microscope)-attach to bones of skeleton
smooth (visceral) found in walls of hollow organs and tubes like stomach,intestines,respiratory passageways, and blood vessels- involuntary-not under conscious control,not striated
cardiac specialized muscle that forms wall of heart-involuntary,striated
ligament connective tissue bands that join bone to bone offering support to joint
tendon strong fibrous band of tissue that extends from a muscle attaching it to the bone by becoming contiuous with the perosteum of the bone
Arthritis inflammation of a joint Rheumatoid-effects joints,muscles,bones,immune system osteoarthritis-inflammation of a bone joint gout-form of acute arthritis characterized by inflammation of first metatarsal joint of the great toe
bunion(hallux valgus) abnormal enlargement of joint at base of great toe
dislocation displacement of bone from its normal location within a joint causing loss of function of joint
fracture broken bone greenstick(incomplete fracture)-break that does not extend through entire thickness of bone one side broken one bent transverse- horizontal plane passing through body-across body oblique- at an angle spiral- twisted- bone twisted comm
osteoporosis bones become fragile due to loss of bone density
sprain injury involving ligaments that support and surround a joint caused by wrenching or twisting motion
strain injury to body of muscle or attachment of tendon resulting from over stretching,overextension,or misuse
bone density measurement of bone mineral density
measurement of bone mineral density blood test measuring rate at which blood cells settle out in a tube of unclotted blood measures settling distance of rbc in normal saline over 1 hour
rheumatoid arthritis factor blood test that measures the presence of unusual antibodies that develop in connective tissue diseased
uric acid blood test to measure uric acid in blood high levels could cause gout when body breaks down a purine which is in certain foods then the uric acid is formed usually dissolves in blood travels to the kidney and passes out through urine
x-rays use of high energy electromagnetic waves passing through body ontophotographic film to produce picture of internal structures of body
Arthrocentesis surgical puncture of a joint
Arthrogram x-ray of joint after injection of contrast medium
Arthroplasty surgical repair of the joint
Arthroscopy visualization of interior of joint by using endoscope
masseter biting and chewing
articulation where 2 joints connect
synovial joints joints with free movement
cartilaginous joint limited movement
origin muscle attached to the less moveable bone
articulation joint
circumduction moving extremity in circular motion
closed reduction The manual forcing of a joint back into its original position without making an incision
gluteus maximus forms the fleshy part of buttock
ligaments connective tissue joints that join bone to bone
polymyositis chronic progressive disease affecting skeletal muscles
contracture abnormal bending of a joint into a fixed position
ganglion cytic tumor developing on a tendon
sprain an injury involving the ligaments that surround and support a joint
Bunion abnormal enlargement of the joint at the base of the great toe
herniated disc slipped disc
fascio band of fibrous tissue
insertion point of muscle attachment to freely moveable bone
Created by: drw5
Popular Medical sets




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