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Med Symbols

A: assessment
AAROM active assisstive range of motion
abd abduction
ac before meals
ACL Anterior Cruciate Ligament
AD assistive device; Alzheimer's disease
ADA American with Disabilities Act
add adduction
ADL activities Of Daily Living
ADM abductor digiti minimi
AE above Elbow
AFO Ankle Foot Orthosis
AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
AK Above Knee
AKA above knee amputee
am before noon
aMB AMB ambulatory
AP ankle pump; anterior-posterior
APB abductor pollicus brevis
APL abductor pollicus longus
AROM active range of motion
ASA aspirin
ASAP as soon as possible
ASHD arteriosclerotic heart disease
ATF anterior talofibular
n.s. at bedtime
pc after meals
pm after noon
PRN as needed
bid twice daily
BKA below knee amputation
(B)LE or bil. bilateral lower extremities
BM bowel movement
BP blood pressure
BPM of bpm beats per minute
po by mouth
CA cancer
CABG coronary artery bypass graph
CAD coronary artery disease
CBC complete blood count
c/c or C/C chief complaint
CDC Center for disease Control
CGA contact guard assist
CNS central nervous system
c/o complains of
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
COTA certified occupational therapist assistant
CP cerebral palsy
CPM continuous passive motion
CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation
CSF cerebrospinal fluid
CVA cerbrovascular accident
cx cancel, crutches
d/c discharge or discontinue
DC doctor of chiropractic, chiropractor
DF dorsiflexion
DI dorsal interossei
DIP distal interphalangeal
DM diabetes mellitus
DME durable medical equipment
DO doctor of osteopath
DTR deep tendon reflex
DVT deep vein thrombosis
dx diagnosis
ea. each
ECRB extensor carpi radialis brevis
ECRL extensor carpi radialis longis
ECU extensor carpi ulnaris
EDM extensor digiti minimi
EKG,ECG eletrocardiogram
EMG electromyogram
EPB extensor pollicus brevis
EPL extensor pollicus longus
ev eversion
ex exercise
q every
q2h q3h q4h q8h every two hours every three hours every four hours every eight hours
F or 3/5 fair (manual muscle test)
FCR flexor carpi radialis
FCU flexor carpi ulnaris
FDA food and Drug Administration
FDM flexor digiti minimi
FDP flexor digitorum profundus
FDS flexor digitorum superficialis
FES functional electrical stimulation
FPB Flexor Pollicus Brevis
FPL flexor pollicus longus
FWB full weight bearing
fx fracture
G or 4/5 good (manual muscle test)
g gram
GH glenohumeral
GI gastrointestinal
H2O water
h or hr hour
HEP home exercise program
HHA home health agency
HMO health maintenance organization
HNP herniated nucleaus pulposus
h/o history of
HR hand rail; heart rate
HTN hypertention
hx history
IADL instrumental activities of daily living
ICF international classification of functioning, disability, and health
ICU intensive care unit
IDEA Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act
IP inpatient; interphalangeal
KAFO knee ankle foot orthosis
kg kilogram
(L) left
L liter
LAQ long arc quadriceps exercise
LE lower extremity
LTG long term goal
m meter
mm muscle
MCL medial collateral ligament
MCP metacarpophalangeal
MED(S) medicines, medications
MI myocardial infarction
mm millimeter
mm Hg millimeters of mercury
MRI magnetic resonance image
MS Multiple Sclerosis
MTP metatarsophalangeal
MVA motor vehicle accident
N or 5/5 Normal(manual muscle test)
n. nerve
Na sodium
NPO nothing by mouth
n.s. at bedtime
NT not tested
NWB non-weight bearing
O: Objective
OA osteoarthritus
ODM oppenens diditi minimi
OP oppenens pollicus; outpatient
OR operating room
OT occupational therapist
OTC over-the-counter(ie, drugs)
OTR/L occupational therapist registered and licensed
P or 2/5 poor(manual muscle test)
PA posterior-anterior
pc after meals
PCL posterior cruciate ligament
PF plantarflexion
PI plamer Interossei
PIP proximal interphalangeal
PL palmaris longis
PMH past (or previous) medical history
PNS peripheral nervous system
po by mouth
POMR problem-oriented medical record
post-op post-operative
PQ pronator quadratus
PRN as needed
PROM passive range of motion
PT physical therapist; pronator teres; prothrobian time
pt. or Pt patient
PTA physical therapist assistant; prior to admission
PWB partial weight bearing (usually 50% unless otherwise indicated, may need to check with physician to clarify)
MD physician
Rx prescription
q every
(R) right
RC radiocarpal
RCL radial collateral ligament
RD radial deviation
reps repetitions
r/o; R/O rule out
ROM range of motion
S: subjective
SBA stand by assist
SCI spinal cord injury
SLP speech language pathologist
SLR straight leg raise
SOB Shortness of breath
SPT student physical therapist
SPTA student physical therapist assistant
STG short term goals
T or 1/5 trace (manual muscle test)
TIA transient ischemic attack
TKE terminal knee extension
TMJ tempromandibular joint
tx traction or treatment
UCL ulnar collateral ligament
UD ulnar deviation
UE upper extremity
WBAT weight bearing as tolerated
w/c wheelchair
WFL within functional limits
wk week
WNL within normal limits
y.o. year old
~ about
Δ change
descend or decrease
ascend or increase
>(≥) greater than, greater than or equal to
<(≤) less than, less than or equal to
(=) equal, equal to
not equal to, unequal
1* primary
2*,2* to secondary, secondary to
x(3x/day) times (as in 3 times a day)
(a) or(A) assist(min, mod, max assist)
(B) both or bilateral
* degrees
*C degrees Celcius
*F degrees Fahrenheit
(D) dependent
/ extension
x for, except
' hour, foot
" inch, minute
(I) independent
(L) left
(-) negative
x1, x2 number of individuals assisting
// (// bars) parallel (as in parallel bars)
/ per
(+) positive
? possible, question, suggestive
# or lbs pounds
(R) right
@ at
_ p after
_ a before
/ "check mark" ` flexion
↓↑ up and down or ascend and descend
_ c with
_ s without
MOI mechanism of injury
MMT manual muscle test
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