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Geography Seminar

Exam # 3 Regional Paradigm

Uniform Region Defined by the presence of X insits boundary and absence of X outside the boundary. Examples: Mormon culture region, 'the south', china towns. Uniform Regions are defined by scholars, researchers, authors. Boundaries imposed from above.
Nodal Region Defined by operations that link together a given area. Almost always cities but could also be something like an animal watering hole. Examples: retail trade area of Bloomer, channel 13 news coverage dominance area. Interaction b/t node and surroundin area
Administrative Region Administrative regions are defined for some adminstrative purpose. i.e. Govt., Business, schools. Examples: states, counties, wards, sales territories, athletic conference
Vernacular Region Vernacular regions are defined by a collective perception of common people. A functional region defined by users, not scholars, researchers, govt. Best examples are neighborhoods. They are rarely formalized but strictly defined. Distinct region> 'Up North
Single Feature Region Single feature regions are defined by a single important feature. Often pick a single feature that is easily defined and mapped. Points to more complex region. Example: spanish surnames
Multi Feature Region Multi Feature Region: Amalgamation of a number of different features. More complex and harder to define. Boundaries may not coincide. The type of most interest to geographers.
Physiographic Province Pys province: single feature starting point for regional geography texts, Ex: Great Plains, Basin & Range, Rocky Mtns, etc. Easily defined and don't change much. visible and recognizeable. Linked to human environmental paradigm. limits human posibilities
Compage Compage: all the features of the phys, biotic, and social environment which are functionallyassociated w/ human occupance of earth. Implies a highly diversified unitary complex of elements. The whole is more than the sum of its parts.
Genre de Vie Genre de Vie: a unified, functionally organized pattern of living, characteristic of a certain culture group. A total way of life. Often organized by a particular economy such as a specialized agriculture.
Milieu Milieu: refers to the total regional framework w/in which indivividuals and societies fxn. Varies from region to region and time to time. Each person/group must operate w/in its own Milieu. One can never completely separte themselves from their Milieu
Core Centralized zone of concentration. greatest density of occupence, intensity of organization. The most vital center, seat of power. Ex: the mormon culture region is focused on salt lake city. Density, intensity, nodality.
Domain Areas where the culture under consideration is dominant. Mormonism>from virgin river valley in Nevada to Snake ri. in Idaho. Very little gentile penetration except along main hwys and rural provincial.
Sphere Sphere: zone of outer influence. Perpheral acculteration. Culture represented by minority w/in a larger culture. Much of west is part of Mormon Sphere
Transition Zone marks teh ending of one region (uniform, nodal, admins, vernacular) and beginning of another. We have to draw boundary somewhere. Regional definitions are always about defining transition zones.
Frontier Edge of inhabited earth, transition zone b/t civilization (us) and 'savages' (them). Can also refer to political boundary: French-German frontier
Buffer Zone Buffer zone: Another type of transition zone or frontier. Often refers to a group of small, weaker countires b/t two super powers. Ex: Eastern Europe=shatter belt b/t USSR and Germany
Nation State Nation State: Very power ful regionalizing force. Nation= cultural bonds that bind together a culture. ex: cherokee nation State=geographic space. Conflict results when the two do not occupy the same space
Centrifugal Force Promote outward movement from the core. Foreces that weaken teh regional glue. Ex: black belt in American South>weakened by out migration
Centripetal Forces Centripetal forces pull toward center. Strengthen the solidarity of teh region. Ex: hispanic borderlands continually strengthened by immigration from mexico
Sequent Occupence Successive habitance of same area over time. Builds layer after layer in the region. Ex: chippewa valley occupied by Chippewa Indians > French Voyageurs> Lumber boom > Agriculture > Modern economy.
Center/Periphery Every Core has a periphery, but any core may be peripheral to another more powerful center. Ex: Twin cities is core to upper midwest, but peripheral to chicago.
Under Development Refers to links b/t centers and peripheral regions. Links are not equal. Flows often operate to increase the power of center relative to periphery. Relative decline of periphery are the result of actions done in the center
Created by: speerdm
Popular Geography sets




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