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HUN2202 Nutrition

pike mid term Human Nutrition and Diet Therapy

All of the following are characteristics of the process of digestion except C. saliva contains enzymes that digest sugars fats and
A diet for a person with a fat malabsorption syndrome would typically contain how many grams of fat? C. 25 to 50 grams
Which of the following foods would be the most appropriate for a person with diverticulosis? D. wheat bran
All of the following meet the guidelines for a post-gastrectomy diet except A. unlimited liquids with meals
An appropriate food for a client with celiac disease is C. applesauc
All of the following are included in medical nutrition therapy for constipation except B. a low-fiber diet
Three-year-old Jenny is on antibiotics for 10 days. In order to prevent complications her mother was advised to add _____ to her diet. D. yogurt
The purpose of bicarbonate in the digestive process is to A. raise the pH of chyme
Why is there little or no digestion of starch in the stomach? D. Salivary enzymes do not work in an acid environment
The home health care nurse is visiting Paul Cantu an 82-year-old man recovering from a stroke. Upon assessment the nurse observes that Mr. Cantu has lost weight has a hoarse voice and exhibits a gurgling noise after swallowing. In this situation the B. dysphagia
The backflow of gastric contents from the stomach into the mouth is D. A. an esophageal stricture.B. heartburn. C. reflux
Into what region of the intestinal tract does the stomach empty? D. Duodenum
Examples of liquids that can be incorporated into a diet for a client with an order for spoon-thick liquids include all of the following except C. yogurt
What is used to diagnose the cause of dysphagia? E. A. barium swallow study B. endoscopy in the esophageal lumen C. neurological examination
What structure controls the passage of material from the small intestine to the large intestine? B. Ileocecal valve
In the healthy state the lining of the small intestine has millions of villi but in certain diseases the intestine appears "shaved" when viewed under a microscope. Which of the following would be the most likely consequence of not having these villi? B. Nutrient absorption will be poor
For patients with celiac disease dietitians recommend adapting their diets by A. following a gluten-free diet
Dan an alcoholic for the past 20 years has been diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis. How can his physician determine whether pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy is helping Dan or not? B. monitor his fecal fat concentrations
Steve is finally able to eat solid foods after being hospitalized with acute pancreatitis six days ago. Which kind of diet would be most appropriate at this time? D. low
Pain bloating or discomfort in the upper abdominal area is termed B. dyspepsia
Which of the following is a description of chyme? B. A semiliquid mass of partially digested food released by the stomach into the small intestine
What is a bolus? B. Portion of food swallowed at one time
Inflammation and lesions along the ileum and colon are called B. Crohn’s disease
What structure controls the release of material from the stomach to the small intestine? B. Pyloric sphincter
Which of the following body organs does not secrete digestive enzymes? A. Liver
Dietary recommendations for a person with diverticulosis include a A. high-fiber diet
Which of the following is a feature of peristalsis? D. It consists of wavelike muscular contractions resulting from alternate tightening and relaxing of circular muscles and longitudinal muscles
All of the following may be caused by dumping syndrome except B. a reduction in heart rate
Which of the following is not a sphincter muscle? C. Duodenum
Frequent reflux of highly acidic gastric fluids results in A. inflammation and scarring of the esophagus
Which of the following is a common source of resistant starch? Unripe bananas
In what organ is most of the body's glycogen found? Muscles
Which one of the following characteristics is not associated with metabolic syndrome? elevated HDL
Although the precise cause of metabolic syndrome is not known the close relationship between _____ and _____ is thought to be partly responsible. abdominal obesity_and_ insulin resistance
Which of the following has the greatest effect on blood glucose? carbohydrate
Diet plans for patients with diabetes should provide _____ carbohydrate sources. consistent
Which of the following plays a major role in the breakdown of certain types of dietary fiber in the large intestine? Bacteria
All of the following foods are rich sources of soluble fiber except legumes
Which of the following ethnic populations has the lowest relative risk for developing type 2 diabetes? European Americans
Which of the following is a characteristic of dietary fibers? They are classified according to solubility in water
A person with a fasting blood glucose level of 120 mg/dL would be classified as prediabetic
Which of the following is a typical response of the body to changes in blood glucose? Blood glucose levels that fall too low signal the release of glucagon
Which of the following is not a simple carbohydrate? Starch
After you and your friend Dolores share pretzels and animal crackers she announces that she wants to start digesting her food by watching television. You inform Dolores that carbohydrate digestion begins in the mouth through the action of amylase so she has already begun digesting the snacks
All of the following are properties of fiber except it elevates blood glucose levels
Sweating shakiness and disorientation are all symptoms of hypoglycemia
All of the following are symptoms of lactose intolerance except constipation
Which of the following contains the least amount of fiber? White rice
Prediabetes is used to classify blood glucose levels between normal and those of diabetes; that is if a fasting plasma glucose is between: 100 and 125 mg/dL
Which of the following best describes clients with type 2 diabetes? weight loss needed
_____ are the leading cause of death in people with diabetes accounting for 70% of deaths. Cardiovascular diseases
Which of the following is a feature of diabetes? Dietary management should focus on total carbohydrate intake rather than the type of carbohydrate consumed
What is the primary storage form of carbohydrate in the body? Glycogen
Type 2 diabetes generally develops in children and teens who all of the above
All of the following are sources of dietary carbohydrates except fish
What is the primary absorption site for digestible carbohydrates? Small intestine
When blood glucose concentration falls what pancreatic hormone is secreted to stimulate release of stored glucose? Glucagon
If an individual with diabetes has an elevated LDL cholesterol level saturated fats should be limited to <_____ percent of kcalories and cholesterol intake should be limited to <_____ milligrams daily. 7 200
Which of the following is not a rich source of dietary starch? Fruits
Glycogen is stored mainly in which of the following tissues? Muscle and liver
For what length of time should a person with a high risk of CHD try to lower LDL cholesterol with a trial of Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC) before considering drug therapy? D. 3-6 months
Total cholesterol of 242 mg/dL would be classified as D. high.
Which of the following foods contains cholesterol? D. Roasted
What is the highest total blood cholesterol concentration (mg/dL) that falls within the desirable range? C. 199
Ronnie eats a fairly balanced diet but wants to include a good source of omega-3 fats. Which of the following should be your recommendation? B. Salmon
______dietary fat is shown to have the strongest effect on blood cholesterol levels and TLC’s recommendation is that it contribute less than _____ percent of total kcalories. B. Saturated 7
A meal providing 1200 kcalories contains 10 g of saturated fats 14 g of monounsaturated fats and 20 g of polyunsaturated fats. What is the percentage of energy supplied by the lipids? B. 33
According to the Dietary Guidelines what should be the maximum total fat intake as a percentage of energy intake? D. 50
An omega-3 fatty acid has its first double bond on the C. third carbon from the methyl end.
What lipoprotein is responsible for transporting cholesterol back to the liver from the periphery? C. High-density lipoprotein
Which of the following is a characteristic of cholesterol? B. It is a precursor for bile and vitamin D synthesis
A high risk of heart attack correlates with high blood levels of C. low-density lipoproteins
In which form are most dietary lipids found? C. Triglycerides
A low risk of cardiovascular disease correlates with high blood levels of C. high-density lipoprotein
Obesity is to type 2 diabetes as high _____ is/are to atherosclerosis. C.
Important factors in the selection of a margarine product include all of the following except C. it should contain primarily omega-3 fatty acids.
All of the following are consequences of smoking tobacco except B. it lowers blood pressure
Which of the following has the highest percentage of its fat in saturated form? D. Coconut oil
Which of the following has the highest percentage of its fat in polyunsaturated form? B. Corn oil
Which of the following describes a fatty acid that has one double bond? C. Monounsaturated
A source of omega-3 fatty acids is D. fish oil. flaxseeds
Which of the following vegetable oils is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids? B. Canola
All of the following are rich sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids except A. palm oil
What is the major sterol in the diet? C. Cholesterol
After a meal most of the fat that eventually empties into the blood is in the form of particles known as B. chylomicrons
Approximately how many grams of fat would be contained in an 800-kcalorie meal that provides 50% of the energy from carbohydrate 20% from protein and the remainder from fat? C. 27
Which of the following removes cholesterol from circulation? B. HDL
What is the major source of "good" cholesterol? C. Endogenous synthesis
A recommendation for clients with hypertension is a low-sodium diet that is A. high in potassium and high in calcium
What type of fatty acid is found in high amounts in olive oil? B. Monounsaturated
Upon eating a hamburger in what organ is the hydrolysis of its proteins initiated? B. Stomach
If the diet is lacking an essential amino acid what will be the course of action? B. Protein synthesis will be limited
What is the most likely explanation for the fatty liver that develops from protein deficiency? D. Inability of the liver to synthesize lipoproteins for fat export
Which of the following do(es) not function as a transport protein? A. Collagen
What is the process by which heat or acidity disrupts the normal shape of a protein chain? C. Denaturation
Which of the following can raise the energy needs of a critically ill patient? B. mechanical ventilation
The function of protease is to A. hydrolyze proteins
What primary factor governs the quality of a food protein? B. Essential amino acid content
What element is found in proteins but not in carbohydrates and fats? D.
Which of the following statements is not characteristic of enzymes? D. They are involved in synthesis reactions only
Which of the following is not a characteristic of marasmus? B. Affects brain development only minimally
Which of the following is a feature of an essential amino acid? B. It must be supplied by the diet
Protein sparing in the body is best achieved when a person ingests C. adequate levels of carbohydrate and fat
As a result of immune and inflammatory responses to stress all of the following changes occur except B. lower respiratory rate
For critically ill patients _____ provide the majority of energy. C. fat and carbohydrate
Clinicians suggest providing _____ to meet protein daily requirements for most patients under severe stress. B. 1.0 to 2.0 g protein/ kg bodyweight
A whole-body response to inflammation that persists for more than a few days and remains unresolved is called A. systemic inflammatory response syndrome
In response to metabolic and respiratory stress the body experiences B. breakdown of muscle mass
After digestion of proteins what products are absorbed into the circulation? D. Free amino acids and a few dipeptides and tripeptides
During metabolic stress which of the following metabolic changes would be expected? D. A. hypoglycemia C. negative nitrogen balance
As a general rule what minimum number of kcalories per day is necessary to ensure nutritional adequacy in an eating plan for reducing body weight? C. 1200
Which of the following defines the body's set point? D. Point above which the body tends to lose weight and below which it tends to gain weight
All of the following are an association between type 2 diabetes and body fat except D. overweight people with the disease who lose weight show no improvement in glucose tolerance and insulin resistance.
Which of the following is characteristic of the eating pattern of people with bulimia nervosa? C. Binge eating typically occurs after a period of strict dieting
A high risk of weight-related health problems is seen in women whose waist circumference begins to exceed C. 35 inches
What is the best approach to weight loss? D. Reduce daily energy intake and increase energy expenditure
Among the following which is the most important strategy for an underweight person who wishes to achieve a healthy body weight? A. A high-kcalorie diet plus regular exercise
Jim is a 45 year old who eats fast food at least 3 times a week and smokes a pack of cigarettes each day. He just had a physical examination and was told that his body mass index is 24. In what category would Jim's BMI be classified? D. Healthy weight
All of the following are features of high-protein diets except C. they provide for long-term weight maintenance
Which of the following does not decrease the metabolic rate? A. Fever
Which of the following is a significant factor associated with interpretation of body composition values? C. It is possible that muscular people may be classified as overweight
What is the primary action of orlistat a weight loss drug? C. It inhibits pancreatic lipase
Which of the following would be most effective at lowering energy intake in a person on a weight reduction program? B. Select less energy-dense foods
Tom was overweight when he was 13. During puberty he continued to gain weight steadily until at age 23 when he decided to lose weight. Tom successfully lost 50 pounds. Which of the following most likely happened to Tom's fat cells? A. They shrank in size but did not decrease in number
What is the main explanation for the difference in basal metabolic rates between males and females of the same body weight? C. Males have a higher percentage of lean body mass
The known health risks for being underweight include all of the following except A. diabetes
An index of a person's weight in relation to height is called A. body mass index
In a weight reduction regimen the most realistic time frame for losing 10% of initial body weight is C. 6 months
Which of the following factors has the most influence on the body's metabolic rate? D. Amount of lean body tissue
Which of the following is a feature of leptin? B. It is a satiety signal
Created by: erjlkj
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