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Special tests for hip and pelvis

TestWhat does it test forPatient Positionclinician PositionProcedurePositive Test
Hip scouring test labrum supine along side the patient, fully flexing patients hip and knee clinician applies pressure along the shaft of the femur compressing joint surfaces and internally and externally rotates hip pain is felt, or symptoms in the hip are reproduced, meaning possible problems wiht articular cartilage of the femur or acetabulum
Kendals Test Tightness of rectus femoris, ITB, illiopsoas Supine, wih knees over edge of the table, bent next to patient, one hand under lordotic curve leg i actively pulled to patients chest see thomas
Gaenslen's Test Hip or SI joint disfunction supine, laying close to the side of the table Standing at side of the patient, one hand stabilizing at the ASIS, one hand near knee of side closest to them slidepatient close to the edge of table, patient pulls far knee to their chest, near leg is allowed to hang over the edge of the table, clinician applies pressure to hanging lef making it hyperextend Pain in the SI region
Hamstring contracture test tight hamstring seated, one knee flexed to chest one leg extended standing next to patient have patient touch their toes with both hands on the side of the flexed lef that the extended leg is on cannot reach thier toes
90/90 SLT TEst Hamstring tightness supine one leg with 90 degrees of knee flexion standing next to patient have patient extend the bent leg patient is unable to get withing 20 degrees of full extension
Piriformis Test piriformis tightness side-lying on edge of table, on side not be tested with him not be tested in 60 degrees of flexion one hand stabilizing hip and the other hand on the knee clinician applies an addcution force on the patients knee pain in putt, and or shooting pain down the leg which means sciatic nerve impingement
Long Sit Test anteior/posterior rotation of innominate bones supine with heals off the table holding feet with the thumbs over the medial malleoli, must pay close attention to position of malleoli through-out the entire test clinician provides traction on legs while patient lifts butt off the table, clinician releases traction and then patiient goes from supine to long sit *if the injured sides medial malleous goes from longer to a shorter position, then there is an anterior rotation there is an anterior rotation of the pelvis injured side mallelous goes fro shorter to longer position, a posterior rotation of illium
Trendelenburg Gleteus Medius weakness Standing-weight evenly distributed between both legs, pants should be low enough to reveal PSIS Standing, sitting or kneeling behind patient Patient lifts leg opposite of the one being tested Pelvis lowers on the non-weight bearing side, implications for weight bearing side
Obers ITB tightness-possible IT friction syndrome side lying on side opposite of one being tested-knee on side being tested is flexed Standing behind pt-one hand stabalizing the hip on the ASIS, one hand on the medial aspect of the proximal tibia Clinician abducts and extends hip making sure TFL clears the greater trochanter, hip is then allowed to passively adduct lef does not adduct past parallel
Thomas Test tightness of rectus femoris, ITB, and illiopsoas supine, with knees over edge of table next to patient, puts one hand under lumbar lordotic curve one leg is pulled ot the patients chest ~left left on table goes into extension-tightness of rectus ~leg left on table rises off table-tightness of illiopsoas ~leg on table externally rotates or abducts-IT band tightness
Patrick(FABERS) test Hip or SI pathology supin, hip flexed, exernally roated, abducted and knee flexed-figure 4 on side being tested, one hand stabalizing ASIS, other on the medial aspect of flexed knee pull into full exernal rotation by putting pressure on the medial aspect of the knee, while still stabilizing the ASIS pain in the sacroilliac joint
Femoral stress fx test stress fracture of the femur seated with knees flexed to 90 degrees at the edge of table arm under femur to creat a fulcrum apply downward pressure on distal femur with opposite hand pain along the shaft of the femur
Created by: jwebst1
Popular Sports Medicine sets




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