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Nursing Arts Midterm

pulse, respiration and bp

Temporial Artery Located on the temple directory in front of the ear.
Carotid Artery Runs along both sides of your neck. Used for pulse in patients who are in shock or lack of a detectable pulse
Apex of Heart Not an artery, apical pulse site below the heart.
Brachial Artery Inside the upper arm near the elbow.
Radial Artery Located laterial of the wrist.
Femoral Artery Located inner thigh at mid ing point.
Dorsalis pedis Top of the foot.
Popliteral Artery Behind the knee.
Describe the characteristics of pulse Rate - S/B 60-100 bpm normal range at rest. Rhythm - Regular / irregular. If irregular retake for 60 sec. Volume - if strong bounding)or weak (thready).
Weak 1+
Normal 2+
Bounding 3+
State normal range of heart rate and factors which influence each. 60 - 100 Factors which influence, stress, medication, exercise.
Bradycardia < 60
Tachycardia > 100
Define the difference between heart rate and pulse. HR is how many beats per minute. Pulse vibration agaist the wall.
Define pulse deficit Numerical differnece between apical pulse and radial pulse. I.E. apical 101, radial 88 pulse deficit would be 13 bpm.
Describe procedure to take pulse. Palm side of the patients wrist w/your first 3 finger tips approx. 1" below
Define respiration; state factors which influence. Inhalation & exhalation makes one count. Factors include excercise, lung disease and sleep apnea.
Name the control center of pulse and respiration. Medulla
Describe pulse oximetry A device usually attached to the earlobe or fingertip, that measures the oxygen saturation or arterial blood. Normal range 95 -100 %
Describe respiratory physiology; role of phrenic nerve and diaphragm and O2 and CO2 levels. Medulla receptors are sensitive to levels co2 and o2. Stimulate for stimulating. Phronic nerve travels to diaphragm - contract. CO2 up & o2 down stimulate for stimulating phronic nerve.
Define blood pressure Force excerted by blood against the arterial wall.
Define cardiac output amount of blood ejected from the heart per minute. If HR is higher blood output is higher
Define peripheral resistance opposing force of the vessel against the blood. Athersclerosis.
Define stroke volume amount of blood ejected from the heart per contraction. damage to heart
Define pulse pressure numerical difference between systolic bp and diastolic bp.
List physiological factors which determine bp. Blood volume Cardia output stroke volume peripheral resistance homones
Systolic normal range 80 - 140
Diastolic normal range 0 - 79
Severe hemorrhaging would decrease blood pressure and increase pulse.
What hormones increase BP ADH (anti-directic retains water)and Aldosterone (retains salt)
What is BP measured in Millimeters of mercury each line represents 2
What method is used in obtaining a BP using the sethoscope auscultatory or palpatory? auscultatory
List what is meant by vital signs Body temperature, blood pressure, pulse and respiration rate.
Define arteriosclerosis Harding thickening and loss of elasticity of the arterial wall.
Atherosclerosis Narrowing of the arterial lumen. fatty plaques.
What are the 5 phases of BP I. 1st sound systolic II. sounds continue (swish auscltatory gap) III. sounds continue (if swish could be mistaken for systolic. IV. korothkoff sounds stop diasytolic V no sounds
List 7 factors that could cause a an error in a BP reading. 1. Legs crosssed, cuff applied over clothing, drank coffee or smoked within 30 minutes of test, bladder is not centered, cuff is too large, limb is not elevated with heart.
Created by: jr87
Popular Medical sets




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