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Pharmacology Final

Ch 4, 5 &17

Bacteria that require oxygen to survive are known as Aerobic
What is the biggest challange in develpoing a new antibiotic Killing the bacteria without harming the patient
What is true of a Bacteriostatic antibiotic It INHIBITS the growth or multiplication of bacteria
The most frequent form of bacterial resistance to antibiotics results when bacteria Destroy the antibiotic by Bacterial Enzymes
What is the most serious alleric reaction to penicillins Anaphylaxis
Which statment regarding Linezolid (Zyvox) is incorrect It should be stored in a Clear Glass container
How do penicillins work They Prevent Bacteria from forming their rigid cell wall
Diabetic patients who are prescribed cefdinir (omnicef) in oral suspension must be infromed Of the high Sugar content of the drug
What is the mechanism of action of Quinolones on bacteria? They Antagonize the Enzyme responsible for coiling and replicating DNA
What are two major side effects of Aminoglycosides? Nephrotoxicity and Ototoxicity (ability to damage the kidneys and the organs of hearin)
Which of the following antibiotics is used for serious gram-positive infections and as a prophylaxis preceeding abdominal surgery Clindamyicin (Cleocin)
What drug that is not an antibiotic is approved for the specific indication of sepsis because of its anticoagulant properties Drotrecogin alfa (Xigris)
What auxiliary label on antibiotic prescriptions might help to reduce antimicrobial resistance? Take all of this medication
What is the characteristic of Steven-Johnson syndrome Redness of the skin (Blotches)
Why might a dentist prescribe Amoxicillin To provide prohylaxis (preventative dosing) for patients requiring dental procedures
Which Cephalosporine in oral suspension form has a sugar content of 2.86 g per teaspoon Cefdinir (omnicef)
Which drug is primarily used to treat pulmonary (lung) infections Azithromycin (Zithromax, ZPAK )
Telithromycin (Ketek) belongs to what class of antibiotics Ketolide
Which antibiotic has been overused Vancomycin (Vancocin)
How can antibiotics worsen fungal infections Antibiotics may kill the body's natural Flora, which tend to keep fungi in check
What is the mechanism of action of some antifungal drugs Interfere with the Synthesis of Ergosterol, a building block for fungal cell membranes
What is becoming a common dosing method for treating fungal nail infections Pulse Dosing (1 week per month)
What aspect of the fungal cell wall is affected by Amphotericin B Permibility ( the ability of the material to allow molecules or ions to pass through it)
What is an example of a Chronic viral illness Herpes
What is a viral inflammation of the liver Hepatitis
What term is used to describe a specific antibody produced mostly by B-lymphocytes with help from T helper cells Immunoglobulin
Which of the following antiviral drug is also effective in treating patients with Parkinsonism Amantadine (Symmetrel)
Which of the following drugs is not an NNRTI (non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor) Didanosine (Videx)
Which antifungal is most often prescribed in liquid form to swish and swallow Nystatin (Mycostatin)
In which of the ways is a virus different from a bacterium The virus takes over the host cell nuclear activity
What is the last stage of a viral infection The virus takes over the host cell nuclear activity
The common cold is an example of a(n) Acute viral infection
Prior to administering a flu shot, it is important to confirm that the patient is not allergic to Eggs
Which is one of the few HIV drugs that can penetrate the central nervous system Abacair (Ziagen)
Which of the following was one of the first drugs developed specifically for the treatment of HIV Zidovudine AZT (Retrovir)
What medication is a fusion inhibitor Enfuvirtide (a class of antiretroviral drugs and is a HIV fusion inhibitor)
Which of the following is a water-soluble vitamin Vitamin C
What is Osteomalacia Demeneralization and weakening of the bones
What is considered moderate malnutrition lean body mass reduction of 20%
Which dietary supplement is incorrectly paired with its medical use Garlic - Impoence
What herbal supplement is sometimes reffered to as "natures Prozac" and is used for mild-to-moderate depression St. John's Wort
What drug may be used to treat drug-induced bradycardia Atropine
What is the drug of choice for treating an overdose of acetaminophen (Tylenol) Acetylcysteine (Mucomyst)
What reversal agent may be used to treat narcotic respiratory deppression Naloxone (Narcan) *be careful it has a short half-life
Before dispensing medications to treat or prevent the effects of a bioterrorism outbreak, a pharm tech should Identify patient allergies
Which of the following statements are true about vitamins They are organic substances required for metabolic functions
A deficiency of vitamin C may lead to Scurvy
Alcoholics are often deficient in Vitamin B1 and Vitamin B9
What is another name for vitamin B9 Folic Acid
Proportionally, who has the highest amount of body water An newborn
Which electrolyte has a negative charge Chloride
What percentage of hospitalized patients are believed to be malnourished 20%
What is a sign of malnutrition Poor wound healing, Increased number of infections, Breathing difficulties, and Anemia
Putting all the electrolytes except phosphate into a small-volume parental bag and then transferring them into each batch of TPN solution is called Pooling
In contrast to two-in-ones, three-in-one TPN solutions May crack or seperate
Which of the following appears on the label for a herbal product Contents
Which herb might benefit patients with diabetes Chromium Picolinate
What is the most common route for poisoning Ingestion
Which of the following is the primary agent for gastric lavage in an emergency room Activated Charcoal
What is the pharmacy technician's responsibility when a Blue Alert cart is returned to the pharmacy Restock drugs, Remove and Replace expired drugs, Remove and Replace drugs that will expire in the next month
Created by: QUICEL001



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