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Final Exam Mosio

Chapters 9-18 626 words roots suffixes prefixes and combineing forms

eu- same normal
A no not without
dys- abnormal pain difficult
hyper- excessive above
hypo- defficiant below
pan- all
-capnia carbon dioxide
-ectasis stretching dialation
-meter instrument to measure
-metry to measure
-phonia sound voice
-pnea decrease in number
-ptysis spitting up
-rrhagia hemorrhage
-rhea flow discharge
-thorax chest plural cavity
ABG arterial blood gases
CO2 carbon dioxide
COPD chronic obstuctive pulmonary disease
PFTs pulmonary function tests
SOB shortness of breath
TB tuberculosis
URI urinary tract infection
aspirate to withdraw or suction fluid to draw foreigh material into lungs
pulmonoligist physician who specializes in repiratory disease
anoxia absence of lack of the normal leval of oxygen in the blood
anthracosis accumulation of carbon deposits in the lungs black lung disease coal workers pneumoconiosis
asbestosis accumulation of bestos particles in the lungs
asphyxia oxygen deprivation suffocation
atelectasis incomplete expansion of the lung
bronchitis inflammation of the bronchi
bronchogeneic carcinoma malignant tumor of the lung originating in bronchi Lung cancer
bronchopneumonia inflammation of the bronchi and lungs caused by bacteria
emphysema distation and distruction of aveolar walls causing decrease elasticity of the lung
eupnea normal breathing
hemoptysis coughing up blood
hypercarpina excessive carbon dioxide in blood
hypoxia deficent or decreased oxygen supply to body tissue
laryngoplasty surgical repair of the larynx
mucopurulent containing both mucus and pus
mucus slimey secretion of mucous membranes and glands
nares nostrils
orthopnea ability to sleep only when upright
pansinusitis inflammation of all nasal sinuses
pertussis highly contagious respiratory disease whooping cough
pneumonconiosis any disease of the lung by chronic inhalation of dust
rales abnormal chest sound caused by congestion,
rhinoplasty surgical repair of the nose
rhinorrhea runny nose
rhonchi rales or rattling in throat
sputum material coughed up from lungs
stridor harsh high pitched sound during respiration
tracheostenosis narrowing of trachea
laryngotracheotomy incision into larynx and trachea
lobectomy surgical removal of a lobe of the lung
pleurocentesis surgical puncture into pleura space to withdraw fluid
pneumonectomy surgical removal of lung
septoplasty surgical repair of the septum
empyema pus in lungs chest or plural cavity
sinusotomy incision into the nasal sinuses
thoracentesis surgical puncture into chest or thorax to withdraw fluid
tracheostomy creation of a new opening into the trachea
rhinorrhagia nose bleed
trachea windpipe
alveoli clusters of air sacs that bronchioles end in
bronchi two tubes that the trachea branches into that go to lungs
oximetry measure oxygen
epiglottitis inflamation of the epiglottis
diaphragm partition between abdominal and thoracic cavities helps to breath
paranasal cavities paired air filled cavities in the bones of the face that continues the nasal cavity
pharynx between esphogus and mouth upper digestive tube
pleura membrane that envelopes lungs and lines wall of plueral cavity
alveoli/o alveolus
bronch/o bronchus
bronchi/o bronchus
bronchiol/o bronchus
epiglott/o epiglottis
laryng/o larynx
nas/o nose
orth/o straight
pector/o chest
pharyng/o pharynx
phren/o diaphragm
pler/o pleura
pneum/o lung air
pulmon/o lungs
rhin/o nose
sinus/o sinus
spir/o breath
tonsill/o tonsils
thorac/o chest
trache/o trachea
anthrac/o coal
atel/o incomplete
coni/o dust
hem/o blood
hemat/o blood
muc/o mucus
ox/i oxygen
py/o puss
a- no not without
endo- within
dys- painfull difficult
peri- around
sub- below
-centesis puncture
-gram record
-graphy process of recording
-iasis abnormal condition
-ostomy artificle opening hole
-pepsia digestion
-plasty repair
-rrhaphy suture
-scope instrument for viewing
-scopy process of viewing
-tripsy crushing friction
apththous stomatitis canker cold sore not related to herpes
herpetic stomatitis canker cold sores related to herpes
choledocholithiasis gall stones
choledocholithotripsy crushing of gallstones in bile ducts
diverticulitis inflammation of diverticulum
eructation belch or burp
xerostomia dry mouth
bulimia binging and purging mental
melena black tarry stool
gingivitis inflammation of the gums
ieocecal valve transition area between ileium and cecum blocks back wash
abdomin/o abdomen
celi/o abdomen
an/o anus
append/o appendix
appendic/o appendix
bil/l bile
bucc/o cheek
cec/o cecum
cheil/o lips
chol/e bile gall
cholangi/o bile duct
cholecyst/o gallbladder
choledoch/o common bile duct
col/o colon
colon/o colon
duoden/o duodenum
enter/o intestines
esophag/o esophagus
gastr/o stomache
gingiv/o gums
gloss/o tounge
lingu/o tounge
hepat/o liver
ile/o ileum
jejun/o jejunum
lapar/o abdominal wall
lip/o fat
lith/o stone
or/o mouth
stomat/o mouth
pancreat/o pancreas
peritone/o peritoneum
pharyng/o pharynx
proct/o rectum
rect/o rectum
sial/o salivary gland saliva
sigmoid/o sigmoid colon
leuk/o white
polyp/o polyp
gastroenterologist specialist in disease and treatment of the digestive system
proctologist specialist in disease and treatment of anus and rectum
aphagia loss of ability to swallow
ascites abnormal accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity
cholecystitis inflammation of the gallbladder
cholelithiasis formation or presence of bile stones in the gall bladder
diarrhea frequent pasasge of loose watery stool
diverticulosis presence of diverticulum in the colon
diverticulum a sac or puch in the walls of an organ often in large intestines
dysentery infection of intestional track by bacteria virus or microbes that cause inflammation of intestional mucosa characterized by loose bloody stools
dyspepsia painful abnormal digestion indigestion
emaciation abnormally extremelly lean
gastroenteritis inflammation of stomache and intestinal tract
hematemesis vomitting blood
hiatial hernia herniation of a portion of the stomache through the esophageal opening in the diaphragm
ileus obstuction of the intetines
intussusception telescoping of one portion of the large intestines into another portion of the large intestines
nausea unpleasent sensation useually preceding vomitting
pruritus ani sever itching around anus
volvulus twisting of loops of the bowl or colon that reults in an intestinal obstruction
cholangiography xray of the bile ducts
cholecystography x ray of the gallbladder
colonoscopy endoscopic visulization and exmaintatin of the large intestines from anus to ileoceceal junction
laparoscopy examination of abdominal and pelvic cavities
laparotomy incicion into the abdomen and pelvic cavities
sigmoidoscopy examination of sigmoid colon
colectomy removal of the colon
colostomy artificial opening in colon
gastrectomy removal of all or a portion of the stomache
gavage feeding thru a stomache tube
herniorrhaphy suture repair of a hernia
bolus food mixed with saliva
cardiac sphincter muscle ring at the top end of the stomache that prevents food from moving back into the esophagus
cecum puch like begining of the large intestines
duodenum first 10-12 inches of the small intestines
hyperemesis excessive vomitting
peristalsis wave like muscular contrations
saliva watery substance that contains enzymes
NG nasal gastric tube
BE barium enema
EGD esophagogastroduodenoscopy
GERD gastroesophageal reflux disease
GI gastrointestinal
IBS irretable bowl syndrome
a- no not without
endo- within
dys- painful difficult
hypo- below defficent
intra- withing
poly- many
peri- around
retro- backwords
sub- below
-cele hernia
-ectomy removal
-gram record
-graphy process of recording
-ostomy artificial opening
-otomy incision
-pexy surgical fixation
-plasty surgical repair
-ptosis drooping
-scope instrument for viewing
-scopy process of viewing
-stenosis narrowing
-tripsy crushing friction
BUN blood urea nitrogen
IVP intravenous pyelography
KUB kidneys ureters and bladder
UA urinalysis
UTI urinary tract infection
anuria absence of urine
diabetes inspidus pituitary gland disorder due to lack of adrenocorticotropic hormone
cushings syndrome hyper secretion of adrenal cortex
cystocele hernia of the urinary baldder
diuresis secretion of large amounts of urine
enuresis bedwetting
hydronephrosis distention of the renal pelvis caused by the inability of the urine to leave the kidney
nephroma kidney tumor
nephromegaly enlargement of one or both kidneys
nephroptosis downward displacement of the kidney
nocturia excessive urination at night
nephron kidney cell
glomerulus in a kidney cell takes and filters blood then send it to the tubules
mictuntion urination
peritoneal dialysis when kidneys fail filters blood through the membrane that lines the abdomen peritoneum
cystoscopy examination of the urinary bladder
cystoplasty surgical repair of the urinary bladder
cystorrhaphy suture of the urinary bladder
cystolithotomy incision into bladder to remove stones
oliguria diminished urine
polyuria excessive urination
pyuria puss in urine
ureteritis inflammation of the ureter
urethrocystitis UTI inflammation of the urinary bladder and the urethra
urethr/o urethra
ureter/o ureter
ur/o urine urinary system
ren/o kidney
pyel/o renal pelvis
py/o puss
olig/o few diminished
noct/o night
nephr/o kidney
meat/o meatus opening
lith/o stone
hydr/o water
hemat/o blood
glomerul/o glomerulus
cyst/o bladder
cretinism congenital condition related to the lack of thyroid hormone secretion
adrenomegaly enalargment of the adrenal gland
adrenalitis inflammation of the adrenal gland
addison's desease deficiency in the secretion od adrenal cortex hormones
acromegaly enlargment of bones of the extremities and face
acidosis excessive acidity of body fluids due to ph balance
metabolism sum of all the chemical changes that take place in your body
isthmus narrow structure connecting two parts
hormone chemical substance that affects the function of a specific organ
euthyroid normal thyroid function
endocrinology study of treatment of endocrine system diseases and disorders
endocrinologist specialist in study and treatment of endocrine system and disorders
corticoid hormones of the adrenal cortex
cortical pertaining to the cortex
-tropin stimulating the effect of a hormone
-emia blood condition
-crine secrete
oxy- sharp quick
ex- out outward
eu- normal same
ophthalm/o eye
ket/o keytone bodies
dips/o thirst
acid/o sour bitter
thyr/o thyroid gland
thyroid/o thyroid gland
thym/o thymus gland
toxic/o poison
somat/o body
parathyroid/o parathyroid glands
pancreat/o pancreas
natr/o sodium
lact/o milk
kal/i potassium
gluc/o glucose sweet sugar
glyc/o glucose sweet sugar
gonad/o sex glands
endocrin/o endocrine
cortic/o cortex
calc/i calcium
andr/o male man
adren/o adrenal glands
adrenal/o adrenal glands
aden/o gland
arc/o extremities
renal pelvis upper ends of the uterus that are located in the kidney
nephropexy surgical fixation of a fallen or prolapsed kidney
nephrolithotomy surgical incision into a kidney to remove stones
meatotomy incision into the urinary meatus to enlarge the opening
cystometrography process of measuring and recording bladder pressure during filling and voiding
creatinine clearance test blood test that measures the amount of creatinine in the blood. normally removal by kidneys
uremia presence of urea and other waste products in the blood
ureterolithiasis presence of stones in the ureter
pyelonephritis inflammation of the renal pelvis and kidney
polycystic kidney hereditary kidney disorder in which fluid filled cysts or sacs replace normal kidney tissue
urologist specialist in the urinary system and male reproductive system
carcin- cancerous
epi- above
balan/o glans penis
cry/o cold
crypt/o hidden covered
epididym/o epididymis
hydr/o water
orch/o testes
orci/o tetes
orchid/o tetes
prostat/o prostate gland
semin/i semen
sperm/o sperm spermatic cord
spermat/o sperm spermatic cord
test/o testes
testicul/o testes
vas/o vessel
-genesis formation shape
-ia pertaining to
-itis inflammation
aspermia lack or absence of sperm
ejaculation expulsion of semen from penis
epididymis continuation of the seminiferous tubule, tightly coiled tube in testes
epididymitis inflammation of epididymis
epididymectomy removal of epididymis
genitalia male and female reproductive structures
hydrocele accumulation of fluid in scrotum
oligospermia deficient number of sperm
orchidoplasty repair of the testicles
phimosis tightness in the foreskin
prepuce foreskin
priopism abnormal painful prolonged erection
prostatectomy removal the the prostate gland
scrotum sac that houses the testes
spermatogenesis formation of mature sperm
BPH benign prostatic hypertrophy
PSA prostate specific antigen
STD sexually transmitted disease
TURP transurethral resection of the prostate
ante- before
cervic/o cervix
colp/o vagina
epis/o vulva
gyn/o woman
gynec/o woman
hyster/o uterus
mamm/o breast
mast/o breast
men/o menses
metr/o uterus
metr/i uterus
oophor/o ovary
ov/o ovum egg
ovari/o ovary
salping/o fallopian tubes oviducts
uter/o uterus
vagin/o vagina
vulv/o vulva
-osis abnormal condition
amenorrhea no menses
anteflexion of the uterus forward displacement of the uterus
carcinoma of the breast malignant tumor of the breast tissue
cervicitis inflammation of the cervix
cystocele herniation of urinary bladder into vaginal wall
fibrocystic breast disease fluid filled cysts in the breast
dysmenorrhea painful menses
endometriosis growth of endometrial tissue in areas outside of uterus
gynecology study of femal reproductive system
gynecologist specialist of female reproductive system
hysteroslpingography x ray of uterus and fallopian tubes
laprascopy examination of abdominal and pelvic cavity using a scope
menses bloody discharge associated with menstruation
menstruation periodic flow of bloody fluid from uterian lining
menorrhagia extreme abount of mentrual blood
menorrhea normal menstruation
metrorrhagia bleeding uterus
oligomenorrhea abnormally infrequent light menses
prolapse of the uterus uterus drops into vagina
tubal ligation tieing of tubes to prevent pregancy
D&C dialation and crurettage
GYN gynocology
Pap Smear papanicolaou smear
PID pelvic inflammitory disease
PMS pre menstrual syndrome
TAH total abdominal hysterectomy
TVH total vaginal hysterectomy
OCP oral contraceptive pill
HRT hormonal replacement therapy
retroversion of the uterus uterus turned the wrong way
micro- small
nulli- none
primi- first
amni/o amnion
amnion/o amnion
chori/o chorin
embry/o embryo
eplsi/o vulva
fet/o fetus
fet/i fetus
gravid/o pregnancy
lact/o milk
nat/o birth
par/o giving birth
part/o giving birth
pelv/i pelvis
perine/o perineum
puerper/o childbirth
salping/o fallopian tubes
vagin/o vagina
-centesis surgical puncture to withdraw fluid
-metry to measure
-tocia labor and birth
abortion termination of pregnancy eithe spontanious or voluntary
amniocentesis surgical puncture into amniotic sac to remove fluids for analysis
amniography xray of amniotic sac
amnionitis inflammation of amnion
antepartum before giving birth
braxton hicks contractions irregular nonproductive contractions
cerclage sutureing of the cervix to prevent abortion
cesarean section cut into abdominal wall and uterus to deliver baby
dystocia abnormally painful labor
eclampsia hypertension that causes seizures and strokes
ectopic pregnancy pregnancy in fallopian tubes
effacement dialated and thinned
episiotomy cut into perineum to allow room for baby
fetus 8 weeks to birth zygote
gamete egg and sperm seperate before fertilization
gestation fertilization to birth 40 weeks inhumans
hyperemesis gravidarum excessive vommiting during pregnancy
hysterorrhexis rupture of the uterus
tochia labor birth
meconium black tarry first bowl movement of a baby
multipara given birth to multiple viable babies
nulligravida never been pregnant
nullipara not given birth
obstetrician specialist in pregnancy and birth
obstetrics pregnancy and birth
placenta sac that transfers nutrients and oxygen and everything the baby need from mom to baby
placenta previa when placenta is close to the cervix and would come out first in birth
postpartum occuring after childbirth
pre eclampsia highblood pressure in a pregnant woman that requires bedrest
primagravida first pregnancy
primapara given birth for the first time after 20 week gestation period
embryo 1-8 weeks zygote
viable able to live and breath on its own
tubul pregnancy pregnancy in fallopian tubes
zygote egg and sperm after fertilization
umbilicus naval
GPA gravida parvida abortus
c section cesarean section
EDC expected date of confinement
EDD expected date of delivery
L&D labor and delivery
LMP last menstrual period
dura- hard
echo- sound
hemi- half
-algia pain
-malacia softening
-paresis partial paralysis
-plegia paralysis
cephal/o head
arachn/o spider
cerebr/o cerebrum
crani/o skull
dendr/o dendrites branching
electr/o electricity
encephal/o brain
gli/o specific nerve cell
hydr/o water
mening/o meninges
myel/o spinal cord bone marrow
neur/o nerve
olig/o few diminished amount
quadr/i four
thec/o sheath
thromb/o clot
ventricul/o ventricles, space in brain that has cerebral spinal fluid
ALS amyotrophic lateral sclerosis lue garettes disease
ANS autoromic nervous system
CNS central nervous system
CSF cerebrospinal fluid
CVA cerebrovascular accident Stroke
EEG electroencephalography
MS multiple sclerosis- mylen sheath decays
PNS peripheral nervous system
SNS somatic nervous system -internal
TIA transient ishemic attack- mini stroke
cerebell/o cerebellum
OS oculus sinister left eye
OD oculus dexter right eye
OU oculus Uterque each eye
PERRLA pupils equal round reative to light and accomidation
REM rapid eye movement sleeping
RK radial keratotomy
VA visual acuity
AD audio dexter right ear
AS audio sinister left ear
AU audio Uterque each ear
EENT eyes ears nose and throat
TM tempanic membrane
anencephaly born without a brain or without a specific portion of brain
bells palsy paralysis of facial nerves causing drooping on one side
caude equina lower end of spinal cord and spinal nerve roots resembles a horses tail
cephalgia headache
cerebromalacia softening of the cerebral cortex
craniotomy hole drilled into skull
oligodendroglia type of neuroglial cells that make myelon
poliomyelitis infectious viral disease that affects the efferent neurons of the brain and spinal cord resulting in paralysis and wasting
subarachnoid beneath or below the aradchnoid membrane
subdural beneath below the durra mater
trigeminal neuralgia sever pain that radiates along the 5th cranial nerve and usually effects sode of the head
tic doulourex sever pain that radiates along the 5th cranial nerve and usually effects sode of the head
electroencephalography recording of electrical impulse of the brain
epidural above the dura matter
epidural hematoma mass of blood that is underbone ontop of dura
hematoma localized mass of blood
meningocele hernia of the meninges
myeloma tumor of the spine
neuritis inflammtion of the nerves
neurologist specialist in nerve and brain
neurology study of nerve and brain
neropathy disease of nerve and brain
intraocular within the eye
lacrimal tears
miotic constrictin the pupil agent that constricts the pupil
mydriatic dialating the pupil agent that dialates the pupil
opathmologist specialist in eye disease disorder and treatment
opathmology study of eye disease disorder and treatment
optometry measuring and testing the eyes for visual acuity and corrective lenses
blepharitis inflammation of the eyelids
blepharaptosis drooping of the eyelid
cataract progressive cloudiness of the lens
conjunctivitis inflammation of conjunctiva PINK EYE
diplopia double vision
ectropion turning outward of eyelas margins lower lid
entropion inward turn of eyelashes lower lid
estropia inward turning of eyes convergent strabismus CROSS EYES
exophthalmia abnormal protrusion of the eyeball
glaucoma increased intraocular pressure
hyperopia farsightedness
myopia nearsightedness
nyctalopia night blindness
nystagmus involuntary movement of the eyes
photophobia sensitivity to light abnormal fear of light
presbyopia old eyes
aque/o watery
blephar/o eyelid
conjuctiv/o conjutiva
glauc/o silver grey
corne/o cornea
ir/o iris
irid/o iris
dacry/o tears
kerat/o cornea
lacrim/o tears
ocul/o eye
ophthalm/o eye
opt/o eye vision
palperb/o eyelid
phac/o lens
phak/o lens
phot/o light
pupill/o pupil
retin/o retina
scler/o hard
uve/o uvea
vitre/o glassy jelly like
blast/o immature
dipl/o two doubled
fund/o fundus base
nas/o nose
acoust/o hearing
audi/o hearing sound
cochle/o cochlea
labryinth/o inner ear
myring/o eardrum
ot/o ear
staped/o stapes middle ear bone
tympan/o eardrum
laryng/o larynx
myc/o fungus
rhin/o nose
ect- out
en- in inward
eso- in inward
presby- old
-opia vision
-tropia to turn
-tropion to turn
-cusis hearing
-cusia hearing
mater mother
pia little
Created by: prettpunkgirl
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