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descriptive terms used in charting

1. abduction move away from midline
2. abraded scraped skin
3. adduction move toward midline
4. afebrile without fever
5. alopecia baldness
6. ambulatory walking
7. amenorrhea absence of menstruation
8. anorexia loss of appetite
9. anuria absence of urine
10. aphagia inability to swallow
11. apnea temporary cessation of breathing
12. auscultation exam by listening to
13. bradycardia slowness of heartbeat
14. calculi stones in urine
15. cerumen ear wax
16. chemotherapy drug treatment that has a toxic effect on disease-causing microorganisms
17. Cheyne-Stokes respiration increasing dyspnea with period of apnea
18. claudication a severe pain in calf which subsides with rest
19. clonic alternating contraction and relaxation of muscles
20. comatose complete unconsciousness
21. contracture immobility of tissue or joint due to fibrosis
22. coryza watery drainage from nose
23. cyanotic blue in color
24. decubitus bedsore
25. defecation bowel movement
26. diplopia double vision
27. distal farthest from center or point
28. diuresis large amount of urine output
29. dysphasia difficulty in speaking
30. dyspnea difficulty breathing
31. dysuria painful urination
32. ecchymosis hemmorrhagic areas (bruises)
33. emaciated thin, underweight
34. emesis vomiting, the product is vomitus
35. emetic agent given to produce emesis
36. enuresis bedwetting
37. epistaxis nosebleed
38. eructation belching
39. erythema redness of skin
40. excoriation raw surface on skin
41. exophthalmos abnormal protrusion of eyeball
42. expectoration expulsion of phlegm or mucous from throat or lungs
43. etid foul in odor
44. flatulence distention caused by gas
45. flatus gas in digestive tract
46. Fowler's position head elevated, knees may or may not be flexed
47. furuncle boil
48. hallucination sensory stimulation without external stimuli
49. hematemesis blood in vomitus
50. hemiparesis incomplete paralysis (weakness) affecting one side of the body
51. hemiplegia paralysis of one side of body
52. hemoptysis expectoration of blood
53. hyperopia farsightedness
54. hyperpnea rapid breathing
55. hypertonic having greater osmotic pressure than blood
56. hypoxia deficient oxygen in tissues
57. iatrogenic secondary condition arises from treatment or primary condition
58. incontinent no control over urination and/or feces
59. inspection exam by observation
60. isotonic having same osmotic pressure as that of blood
61. jaundiced yellow in color
62. kyphosis hump back
63. lacerated torn skin
64. lochia drainage from vagina (after delivery)
65. lordosis sway back
66. macule discolored flat spot or patch on skin
67. manipulation exam by handling
68. menorrhagia excessive bleeding at the time of a menstrual period
69. metrorrhagia bleeding from uterus; other than menses.
70. mucopurulent contains mucus and pus
71. myopia nearsightedness
72. nausea desire to vomit
73. nevus pigmented lesion, birthmark
74. nocturia frequent voiding at night
75. obese overweight
76. objective symptoms observed by someone other than patient
77. oliguria scantiness of urine
78. orthopnea breathing difficulty when lying down
79. palliative offering temporary relief
80. palpation exam by touching
81. papule pimple
82. paroxysm sudden temporary attack or seizure
83. paraplegia paralysis of the legs
84. pediculi lice
85. percussion exam by striking
86. petechiae small red spots on skin
87. polyuria increased amount of urine
88. projectile forcibly ejected to some distance
89. pronation turn downward
90. prophylactic preventive
91. proximal nearest to center or point of reference
92. pruritus itching
93. ptosis drooping of eyelid
94. purulent containing pus
95. pustule pimple filled with pus
96. pyrexia fever
97. pyuria pus in urine
98. sanguineous bloody
99. stuporous partial unconsciousness
100. subjective symptoms observed only by patient
101. supination turn upward
102. suppurating discharging pus
103. syncope fainting
104. syndrome group of symptoms
105. teratogen anything disrupting fetal growth and producing malformation
106. tinnitus aurium ringing in the ears
107. vesicle blister
Created by: ectolle
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