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wvc F&E study guide

WVC F&E study guide

Homeostasis Maintaining a constant balance in normal body states.
Intracellular Portion of total body water (about 2/3) that’s found inside cells.
Extracellular Portion of total body water (about 1/3) that’s in the space outside cells.
Intravascular In the blood circulation system.
Solvent The water portion of fluids.
Solute The particles dissolved or suspended in the water.
Filtration Movement of fluid through a cell or blood vessel membrane because of hydrostatic pressure differences on both sides of the membrane.
Hydrostatic Pressure The force of the weight of water molecules pressing against the confining walls of a space.
Viscosity Thickness
Permeable The quality of being porous.
Equilibrium/Disequilibrium If hydrostatic pressure is either the same or not the same, in 2 fluid spaces. There is either a pressure difference between the 2 spaces or not.
Osmosis Movement of water only through a selectively permeable membrane.
Concentration of a Solute Is measured in milliosmoles: overall concentration of particles in a solution helps determine whether and how fast osmosis occurs.
Osmolarity Number of milliosmoles in a liter of a solution.
Osmolarity Number of milliosmoles in a kilogram of a solution.
Isomotic Having the same osmotic pressures.
Isotonic (normotonic) Having the same osmotic pressures.
Hypertonic (hyperosmotic) Fluids with osmolarities greater than 300 mOsm/L
Hypotonic (hypo-osmotic) Fluids with osmolarities of less than 270 mOsm/L
Filtration Movement of fluid through a cell or blood vessel membrane because of hydrostatic pressure differences on both sides of the membrane.
Diffusion Spontaneous free movement of particles across a permeable membrane down a concentrated gradient.
Active Transport Movement of a substance across a barrier against a concentration gradient using energy.
Aldosterone is secreted from The adrenal cortex.
The release of aldosterone is stimulated by Whenever the sodium level in ECF is decreased; prevents both water and sodium loss.
Main organ the body uses to help regulate fluid The kidneys.
ADH is secreted by The hypothalamus
ADH is stimulated by Response to changes in blood osmolarity.
ANP is stimulated by In response to increased blood volume & blood pressure.
Minimum amount of urine the kidneys should lose a day 400-600 mL a day to excrete toxic waste products.
Insensible Fluid Loss Water loss from skin, lungs, stool.
Electrolytes Substances in body fluids that carry an electrical charge.
Basic Metabolic Panel of Sodium 136-145 mEq/L
Basic Metabolic Panel of Potassium 3.5-5.0 mEq/L
Basic Metabolic Panel of Chloride 98-106 mEq/L
Basic Metabolic Panel of Glucose 50-100, fasting
Basic Metabolic Panel of Calcium 9.0-10.5 mg/dL
Basic Metabolic Panel of BUN 10-20 mg/dL, affected by body fluid levels
Basic Metabolic Panel of Creatinine 0.5-1.2 mg/dL
Basic Metabolic Panel of CO2 23-30 mEq/L
Sodium Major cation in ECF.
Sodium regulated by kidney under influences of aldosterone, ADH, & natriuretic peptide.
Functions of Sodium vital for skeletal muscle contraction, cardiac contraction, nerve impulse transmission, normal osmolarity & volume of ECF.
Hyponatremia Serum sodium level below 136 mEq/L.
Causes of hyponatremia diuretics, NPO, renal disease, excessive diaphoresis, wound drainage.
Signs and Symptoms of Hyponatremia Acute confusion, muscle weakness in legs & arms, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal cramping, rapid and weak, thread pulse.
Hypernatremia Serum sodium level over 145 mEq/L.
Causes of Hypernatremia Renal failure, corticosteroids, excessive oral sodium ingestion
Signs and Symptoms of Hypernatremia Short attention span, confusion, muscle twitching, muscle weakness, slow to normal bounding pulses, increased BP.
Dietary sources of sodium processed or preserved foods, ham, smoked or pickled meats, snack foods, condiments, salt, soy sauce, relishes.
Major cation of ICF Potassium
Function of Potassium Regulating protein synthesis, glucose use and storage, helps control intracellular osmolarity & volume.
Potassium is regulated by Sodium potassium pump
Hypokalemia Serum potassium level below 3.5 mEq/L
Causes of Hypokalemia Excessive use of diuretics, Digitalis, corticosteroids, diarrhea, vomiting, NPO, wound drainage.
Signs & Symptoms of Hypokalemia Confusion, lethargic, rapid heart rate.
Hyperkalemia Serum potassium of above 5.0 mEq/L
Causes of Hyperkalemia Oral ingestion of potassium containing foods, salt substitutes, renal failure, potassium sparing diuretics.
Signs & Symptoms of Hyperkalemia muscle cramps, decreased output of urine, respiratory distress, decreased cardiac, EKG changes, reflexes hyperactive.
Dietary Sources of Potassium Meats, dairy products, dried fruit, bananas, kiwi, dried beans or peas, spinach, lima beans.
Most abundant cation; stored in teeth and bones Calcium
Function of Calcium Maintains bone strength and density, activates enzymes, allows blood clotting.
Calcium is regulated by Parathyroid gland
Created by: wvc
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