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Chapter 3 - Suffixes

Chapter 3 - Language of Medicine 9th Ed. Chabner

abdominocentesis Surgical puncture to remove fluid from abdomen
achondroplasia Inherited disorder of cartilage formation in the fetus leading to dwarfism
acromegaly Excessive enlargement of the extremities due to thickening of bones and soft tissues; caused by hypersecretion of growth hormone from the pituitary gland
acrophobia fear of heights
acute Describes a disease that is of rapid onset and has severe symptoms and brief duration
adenoids Small masses of lymphatic tissue in the part of the pharynx (throat) near the nose and nasal passages.
adipose Pertaining to fat
agoraphobia Fear of open spaces; an anxiety disorder
aminocentesis Surgical puncture to remove fluid fromt he amnion sac surrounding the embryo and fetus
anemia Condition of reduction in the number of erythorcytes or in the amount of hemoglobin in the circulating blood
angiogenesis Formation of blood vessels
angiography Process of recording blood vessels using contrast and x-rays
angioplasty Surgical repair of a blood vessel by inserting a catheter (tube) and balloon inside an artery to enlarge the opening
arteriole Small artery
arteriosclerosis Hardening of an artery by thicking and loss of elasticity of the arterial walls
arthralgia Pain of a joint
atrophy Decrease in size of normally developed organ or tissue of the body; wasting away
axillary Pertaining to under arm or armpit
basophil A granular leukocyte with an irregularly shaped nucleus and cytoplasm containing blue granules
biopsy Process of removing a small piece of living tissue for microscopic examination
blepharoptosis Sagging or drooping eyelid; ptosis
bronchitis Inflammation of bronchial tubes
carcinogenesis Formation or production of cancer
carcinogenic Pertaining to cancer
cardiomyopathy Disease of heart muscle
chemotherapy Treatment using drugs
chondromalacia Softening of cartilage
chronic Pertaining to occuring over a long period of time
colostomy New opening of the colon to the outside of the body
cystocele Hernia of the urinary bladder
electrocardiogram Record of the electricity within the heart
electroencephalograph An instrument used to record the electricity in the brain
electrocardiography Process of recording the electricity flowing through the heart
eosinophil A granular white blood cell with cytoplasmic granules that stain with eosin (a reddish dye)- Eosinophils are elevated in allergic reactions and parasitic infections
erythocyte Red blood cell
erythropenia Deficiency of red blood cells
esophagus Tube leading from the throat to the stomach
hematoma Collection or mass of blood
hemolysis Destruction of red blood cells
hemostasis Destruction of red blood cells
hydronephrosis Abnormal condition of fluid build-up in the kidney; caused by obstruction to the flow of urine
hydrotherapy Treatment using water; whirlpool baths
hypertrophy Increase in size of muscle or organ produced by enlargement of existing cells
inguinal Lowermost region of the abdominopelvic area on either side of the hypogastric region; groin
ischemia Condition of holding back blood from an organ or tissue
laparoscope Instrument used to visually examine the abdomen
laparoscopy Process of visually examining the contents of the adomen (using an endoscope)
laparotomy Incision through the adominal wall
laryngeal Pertaining to the larynx or voice box
laryngectomy Removal of the larynx or voice box
leukemia Disease of high numbers of malignant (cancerous) white blood cells
leukocytosis Slight increase in white blood cells
lymphocyte White blood cell found in blood an lymphatic tissue; fights disease by making antibodies (B cell lymphocytes) or killing cells chemically or by ingestion (T cell lymphocytes)
mammogram X-ray record of the breast
mastectomy Removal of a breast
metastasis Spread of a malignant tumor from its original site to a new or distant location
monocyte White blood cell with one large nucleus; capable of killing foreign substances by phagocytosis (ingestion)
morphology Study of the shape or form of cells
mucoid Resembling mucus
mucous membrane Epithelial membrane that secretes mucus and lines the tubular organs of the body
mucus Sticky (viscous) substance that is secreted from a mucous membrane
myalgia Muscle pain
myelogram X-ray record of the spinal cord
myeloma Malignant tumor of bone marrow
myoma Tumor of muscle
myosarcoma Malignant tumor of muscle tissue; a type of flesh tumor or sarcoma
necropsy View a dead body; autopsy
necrosis Condition of death of cells
necrotic Pertaining to death of cells
nephrologist A specialist in the study of the kidneys
nephropathy Disease of the kidneys
neuralgia Pain of nerves
neutropenia Deficiency of neutrophils (polymorphonuclear leukocytes that fight disease)
neutrophil A type of white blood cell with dark cytoplasmic granules and multi-lobed nucleus; polymorphonuclear leukocyte that is the most numerous of white blood cells and important disease fighting cell
ophthalmology Study of the eye and eye disorders
osteogenic Pertaining to or produced in or by the bone
osteomalacia Softening of bones
Otalgia Ear pain
paracentesis Surgical puncture to remove fluid from the abdomen; abdominocentesis
pathogenesis Development of disease
pathologic Pertaining to the study of disease
pericardium The sac surrounding the heart
peritoneal Pertaining to the peritoneum (membrane surrounding the adomen)
peritoneoscopy Process of visually examining the peritoneum and peritoneal cavity
phlebotomy Incision of a vein for the removal of blood
platelet Thrombocyte
pleurodynia Pain associated with the pleura
pneumonia Conditions of the lungs; fluid and foreign organism collect in the lungs
polymorphonuclear leukocyte White blood cell with multi-lobe nucleus and dark-staining granules; disease fighting cell or neutrophil
ptosis Prolapse, drooping, and sagging of the upper eyelid
pulmonary Pertaining to the lungs
radiographer One who assists a radiologist in performing diagnostic x-ray procedures
radiotherapy Treatment using radiation, high-energy x-rays or other radiation sources
rectocele Hernia of the rectum
splenomegaly Enlargement of the spleen
staphylococci Berry or spherical shaped bacteria
streptococcus Berry or spherical shaped bacterium in twisted chain formation
thoracentesis Surgical puncture to remove fluid from the chest
thrombocytopenia Deficiency of thrombocytes (platelets or clotting cells)
thrombophlebitis Inflammation of a vein associated with formation of a thrombus or clot
tonsillitis Inflammation of tonsils
tracheostomy New opening of the trachea to the outside of the body
venule small vein
Created by: missb
Popular Medical sets




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