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Hydrosphere Review

structure of the hydrosphere review

What percent of the earths water is the ocean 96.5
what percent of the earths water is fresh water 3.5
what is the fresh water distribution of ice 1.762
what is the fresh water distribution of groundwater 1.7
what is the fresh water distribution of surface fresh water 0.014
what is the fresh water distribution of atmosphere and soil 0.002
what bodies of water hold the largest amount of water oceans
what are oceans largest bodies of water on earth only containing salt water
what features house water a ice icebergs, glaciers, polar ice-caps, and permanent snow
where are polar ice-caps located in the artic and antartic circles
what is the difference between a watershed and a river basin both terms describe land that drains into a river, stream, or lake
what is a river basin area that drains into a large river
what is a watershed area that drains into a small river or stream
what are large river basins made up of many interconnected watersheds
what north carolina basins are made of many small watersheds cape fear and nuese river
what is the lowest point that water in a watershed runs to river, stream, lake or ocean
what is a river a large channel in which water ic continually flowing down a slope, made of many streams that come together
what is a stream a small channel along which water is continually flowing down a slope, made of small gullies
what is a lake a body of water of considerable size contained on a body of land
what is groundwater water found in cracks and pores in sand, gravel, and rocks below the earths surface
what is an aquifer a pourous rock layer underground that is a reservoir for water
what is a wetland area where a water table is at near or above the land surface long enough during the year to support adapted plant growth
what are the types of wetlands swamp, bogs, marshes
what is a swamp wetland dominated by trees
what is a bog dominated by peat moss
what is a marsh wetland dominated by grasses
what is erosion the process by which soil and sediment are transported from one location to another.
what is the water cycle continuous movement of earths water from the ocean to the atmosphere to the land and back to the ocean.
what is runoff precipitation that flows over land into streams and rivers. this water later enters oceans
what is evaporation water from the oceans and the earths surface changes into water vapor
what is condensation when water vapor cools and changes into water droplets that form clouds in the atmosphere
what is precipitation rain, snow, sleet, or hail that falls from clouds onto the earths land and oceans
what is percolation the downward movement of water through pores and other spaces in soil due to gravity
what is a river system network of streams and rivers that drains an area of its runoff
what is a watershed river systems divided into regions, area of land that is drained by a water system
3 factors that influence a streams ability to erode gradient, discharge, and load
what is gradient measure of change in elevation over a certain distance. a high gradient gives a stream or river more energy to erode rock and soil
what is discharge amount of water that a stream or river carries in a given amount of time. as discharge increases erosive energy and speed also increase
what is load materials carried by a stream, the size of a streams load effects its rate of erosion
what does a youthful river do? erode channels that are deeper rather than wider
Created by: madimae1996
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