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112 bio lecture 1-3

The 6 steps of scientific method ask the Question, collect Information, make a Hypothesis, Test the hypothesis, make a Conclusion, Submit conclusion for peer review
Is natural selection a Random process? No. All members of a population don't have the same chance to survive. It depends on the organisms adaptations
Fact Something supported by evidence that one would be wrong not to accept,"for now": it is still tentative
Theory The strongest statement that can be made scientifically: it's supported by facts,laws,accepted hypothesis ect...
Evidence material that provides proof\justification for hypothesis,law,fact
Natural selection adaptive evolution: populations of organisms become better adapted to there environment over time giving them a better chance of survival
Mutation a permanent change in DNA: can be good (rare) bad (common) or have no effect
Recombination Offspring of a species receive half of their genetic material from each parent resulting in a new set of DNA with a mixture of genes
Science The collection, study and interpretation of 'Tentative Evidence' of the 'Known Universe' by means of 'Reproducible' experiments and observations
What does science try to do? To find and explain regular patters in nature, to explain regularity in the natural universe
Variation within a species no organisms in a species have the same exact genes (except identical twins)
Neutrophil (granular) usually has many nuclei, and is the first to appear when there is an immune response
Eosinophil (granular) usually has two nuclei (bulbs) and attacks large enemies i.e. parasites
Basophil (granular) usually has one large nucleus and many granules (histamines) on the surface of the cell. inflammatory response usually from an allergic reaction
lymphocyte (agranular) usually has one huge nucleus that fills most of the cell. gives specific immunity for infections like chickenpox
Monocyte (agranular) usually has one large ,often bean shaped, nucleus. largest of the white blood cells. triggers an immune response by displaying parts of enemies on it's surface (macrophage)
Erythrocyte (agranular) has no nucleus. small red cell. carries oxygen and other nutrients to the cells. carries CO2 and waste away from the cells.
Atom the smallest part of an element that still has all of the characteristics of that element
Compound A pure substance made of two or more atoms chemically bonded together
Molecule the smallest part of a compound that still has all of the characteristics of that compound i.e. H2O is a water molecule
Mixture two or more substances that are intermingled but not chemically bonded
Electro-negativity the force of attraction(pull) that an atom has for electrons
Specific heat the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of a substance. waters specific heat is 1 calorie\gram per degree C. so 1 calorie is needed to Raise the temperature of 1g of water 1 degree Celsius
Element a pure substance where all of the atoms have the same number of Protons (there are 92 naturally occurring Elements)
What are some elements of the evolution theory? (8) Mutation. Variation. Genetic drift. Recombination. Bottleneck effect. Founder effect. Punctuated equilibrium. Natural selection
Sampling Sampling is when a small number of a larger group is used to estimate something about the whole group
Sampling error is a factor of inaccuracy that occurs when collecting a sample that can be cause by any number of things from the location the samples are taken from to the technique used to collect the sample
Proton a positively charged sub-atomic particle weighing one atomic mass unit (AMU)
Neutron a neutral sub-atomic particle weighing one AMU (atoms of the same element with a different number of neutrons are called isotopes)
Electron a negatively charged sub-atomic particle that is not in the nucleus (weighs approximately 1/1850 AMU)
Lacuna a space that contains\contained a cell. (as in bone or cartilage)
Canaliculus a small canal or tube-like passageway, as in bone (plural Canaliculi)
Lumen the canal, duct, or cavity of a tubular organ.
Platelets A cell-like blood product necessary for clotting. clotting factor. Prothrombrin
functional group Alkanes w/ similar structures are grouped into classes; members of each class contain a characteristic atom, or group of atoms, called a “functional group.”
Created by: joeschneider
Popular Biology sets




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