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Spelling Bee 8th

Spelling Bee 8th Grade

Kelvin the base unit in temperature
aborigine an aboriginal inhabitant
feral relating to a wild beast
cistern an artificial reservoir
elocution a style of speaking in public
succinct a compact, precise expression without wasted words
quotient the number result from the division of one number from another number
yeti abomidable snowman
monstrosity state or quality of being monstrous
rambunctious marked my uncontrolable exuberance
surmountable to surpass
curmudgeon crusty, bad-tempered,usually an old man
herringbone a pattern made up of two parallel lines
millennium a thousand years
convivial fond of feasting, drinking, and good company
payrus a plant cut into strips and pressed to write on
impudent obsolete: lacking modesty
legalese specialized language of the legal profression
concomitant accompaning by an incidental way
jalapeno a dark plump green chilli pepper
zigzaggedness a pattern made up of small corners at variable angles
lugubrious exaggeratedly or affectedly mournful
toxicosis a condition caused by the action of a poison or toxin
olympiad 4-year intervals between Olympic Games
woebegone strongly affected with misery
kanji a Japanese system of writing that they adapted from Chinese writing
supplicate to pray to God
abacus an instrument to perform calculations by sliding
uvula a pendant fleshy lobe
peripheral involving blood circulation
hexagonal having six angles and six sides
affectation speech that is not natural to oneself
biscotti a crisp cookie or biscuit that originated from Italy
effervescent to bubble, hiss, and foam as gas escapes
propaganda to spread ideas, information, or rumors for the purpose of helping or injuring a person
cinematographer photographing with a motion picture camera
narcoleptic a chronic sleeping disorder
quizzical mildly teasing or mocking
anthropology the science of human beings
tandoori a cylindrical clay oven used in cooking and baking
magnificently great in deed or exalted in place
lackadaisical lacking life, spirit, or zest
nonnegotiable little or no consequence:unimportant
orthographize to apply the rules of correct spelling
decaffeinate to extract caffeine from
gigabyte 1024 megabytes or 1,073,741,824 bytes; also : one billion bytes
entrepreneur one who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business
froufrou showy or frilly ornamentation
hypochondria extreme depression of minds and spirts
variegated to have discrete markings of different colors
sabotage an act tending to hamper or hurt
pestilence something that is destructive
incendiary a weapon that is used to start fires
malleable having the ability of being able to be altered or controlled by outside forces or influences
annexation to join together materially
quadrilateral a polygon with four sides
reticualted to cover or mark with a network
Mesopotamian the whole Tigris-Euphrates valley
chaperonage escort
tempestuous resembling a tempest
endocrine producing secretions that are distributed in the body by way of the bloodstream
mauve a strong purple
intermittent not continuous
duodenum the first part of the small intestine
grotesqueness fanciful, bizarre
flagellum the thin distal part of an antenna
Pompeii an ancient city in Italy
nepotism favoritism
resplendence splendor
cytoplasm the cell substance between the cell membrane and the nucleus,it contains the cytosol, organelles,and the cytoskeleton
phalanx a mass arrangment of people, animals, or things
elucidate to give a clarifying explanation
arabesque a pose in ballet: the dancer stands on one leg with one arm extended in front and the other leg and arm extended behind
regurgitate to be thrown or poured back
bereavement being deprived of something or someone
virulently extremely poisonous or venomous
nebulosity a nebulous form, shape, or mass
doughtily valient and brave
jingoism a nationalism marked especially by a belligerent foreign policy
polypeptide molecular chain of amino acids
crepuscular resembling twilight
serotonin a neurotransmitter that is involved in sleep, depression, memory, and other neurological processes
aquiline resembling the curve of an eagle's beak
xanthic pertaining to a yellow or a yellowish color
seismologist a scientist that studies earthquakes and with artificially produced vibrations of the earth
euphonious pleasing to the ear
heremetically to be airtight
ululate a howl or wail
flammeous consisting of flame
effulgent radiant splendor: brilliance
plantigrade walking on the sole of your foot with the heel touching the ground
tenebrific causing gloom or darkness
silhouette the outline of a body viewed as circumscribing a mass
leviathan a sea monster or something large and formidable
kinesiology the study of the principles of mechanics and anatomy that relate to human movement
apocalyptic a forecasting of the ultimate destiny of the world. Prophetic
cumulonimbus a cumulus cloud having a low base and often spread out in the shape of an anvil at great heights
oscillation a single swing from one extreme limit to the other
roux a cooked mixture of flour and fat used for thickening in a soup or a sauce
yeoman a person attending or assisting another
Created by: sushigirl808
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