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Post-War Europe

Post-War Europe to the Present Part II

Egypt's second president following Muhammad Naguib, he nationalized the Suez Canal and was a leader of the Non-Aligned Movement. Gamal Abdel Nasser
An event precipitated by Nasser's nationalization of the titular object, leading to an invasion of Egypt by French, British, and Israeli forces. Suez Canal Crisis
A 1967 conflict that saw Israel win control of the Sinai Peninsula, Golan Heights, and the West Bank among other territories. Six-Day War
A 1973 conflict that saw Israel pitted against a coalition of Arab states. Israel won and the Camp David Accords occured shortly thereafter. Yom-Kippur War
A retaliatory effort organized among Arab states in response to US involvement in the Yom-Kippur War, leading to heightened oil prices worldwide. Arab Oil Embargo
The first president of Indonesia who eventually declared himself President for Life and strengthened ties between Indonesia and China before being overthrown. Sukarno
First Communist leader of China. Mao Tse-Tung
The Chinese nationalist party founded by Sun Yat-Sen and led by Chiang Kai-shek during the Chinese Civil War. Currently located in Taiwan. Kuomintang Party
An island off the southeast Coast of China, controlled by the Republic of China since the late 40s. Taiwan
A cold war conflict sparked by the division of the titular nation at the 38th Parallel Korean War
A program that sought to industrialize China but led to massive food shortages among rural peasants and saw little success. Great Leap Forward
A siege at this location resulted in the expulsion of the French from contemporary Vietnam, and led to the partition of Vietnam into North and South. Dien Bien Phu
1954 Accords that required France to depart from its former colonies in Indochina. Geneva Accords
The current ruling political party in South Africa, formed in 1912 in response to vicious apartheid laws. African National Congress
A conflict lasting throughout much of the 1950s in Kenya between the titular group and the combined forces of Britain and Kikuyu Loyalists. Mau Mau Uprising
The nation at the southermost tip of Africa. Not to be confused with Northern, Eastern, and Western brothers. South Africa
A nation in South Africa that unilaterally declared independence from Africa in 1965 and later became Zimbabwe. Rhodesia
South Africa's state-sanctioned system of racial segregation Apartheid
The process of returning a foreigner to their country of origin. Repatriation
A 1975 conference that saw a great reduction of tensions between the West and the Soviet Union Helsinki Accords
Communist General Secretary for fifteen months during the early 80s. Relations with the US deterioriated under his leadership. Yuri Andropov
Another short-lived General Secretary following Andropov, he was responsible for the Soviet Union's boycott of the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles. Konstantin Chernenko
The process of easing tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union. Detente
The last leader of the USSR before its 1991 collapse he advocated reforms such as glasnost and perestroika during his leadership. Mikhail Gorbachev
Political reforms proposed by Gorbachev that advocated, among other things, granting political offices to Non-Party members Perestroika
Reforms in both the economic and social spheres that saw increased freedom of speech for Soviet citizens and private ownership of businesses in some sectors. Glasnost
A 1986 summit between Gorbachev and Reagan occured in this capital of Iceland Rejkjavik
A Polish trade union that resisted the Polish Communist government and eventually formed a coalition government. Solidarity
The leader of Solidarity and Poland's first Post-Communist president Lech Walesa
Polish-born Pope who supported Solidarity and was the predecessor to Pope Benedict XVI. Pope John Paul II
A series of revolutions in this year overthrew Communist governments in Eastern Europe 1989
The name given to the 1989 non-violent Czechoslovakian revolution that overthrew the Communist Party in that nation. Velvet Revolution
A leader of the Velvet Revolution this man was the last president of a unified Czechoslovakia and became the first president of the Czech Republic Vaclav Havel
Secretary of the Romanian Communist Party famous for his cult of personality. Eventually murdered in the middle of Romania's 1989 anti-Communist revolution Nicolae Ceausescu
Created by: betsynewmark



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