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Virology final

DNA Viruses Parvoviridae, papovaviridae, adenoviridae, herpesviridae, poxviridae, hepadnaviridae
Single strand DNA viruses parvoviridae
RNA viruses picoraviridae, caliciviridae, reoviridae, togaviridae, flaviviridae, arenaviridae, coronaviridae, retroviridae, bunyaviridae, orthomyxoviridae, paramyxoviridae, rhabdoviridae
Double strand RNA Virus reoviridae
segmented RNA viruses reoviridae, arenaviridae, bunyaviridae, orthomyxoviridae
Diploid RNA viruses Retroviridae
Circular DNA virus papovaviridae and hepadnaviridae
DNA Icosahedral viruses parvoviridae, papovaviridae, adenoviridae, herpesviridae
Complex DNA
DNA Viruses Parvoviridae, papovaviridae, adenoviridae, herpesviridae, poxviridae, hepadnaviridae
Single strand DNA viruses parvoviridae
RNA viruses picoraviridae, caliciviridae, reoviridae, togaviridae, flaviviridae, arenaviridae, coronaviridae, retroviridae, bunyaviridae, orthomyxoviridae, paramyxoviridae, rhabdoviridae
Double strand RNA Virus reoviridae
segmented RNA viruses reoviridae, arenaviridae, bunyaviridae, orthomyxoviridae
Diploid RNA viruses Retroviridae
Circular DNA virus papovaviridae and hepadnaviridae
DNA Icosahedral viruses parvoviridae, papovaviridae, adenoviridae, herpesviridae
Complex DNA virus poxviridae, hepadnaviridae
icosahedra RNA virus picornaviridae, caliciviridae, reoviridae, togaviridae
Unknown or complex RNA virus flaviviridae, arenaviridae, coronaviridae, retroviridae
Helical RNA viruses bunyaviridae, orthomyxoviridae, paramyxoviridae, rhabdoviridae
Vaccines developed before the discovery of viruses smallpox and rabies
Who developed the smallpox vaccine Edward jenner in 1798 and (jetsy 1774)
Who developed the rabies vaccine Pasteur 1898
Who defined viruses as the modern concept Martinuse Beijerink (1898)
How do viruses reproduce synthesis of compnent parts then assembly into progeny virions
Heterogeneous group of agents vary in size, morphology, complexity, host range, and how they affect hosts
Largest virus Pox virus
Smallest virus poliovirus
Two technologies which advanced virology cell culture and electron microscopy
What is cell culture invitro culture of cells to use for virus propagation ATCC
How many cell lines are we familiar with 3400
When was ATCC established 1925
What is electron microscopy visualization of viruses and their structure
Limit of resolution for electron microscope 3 armstrongs
What was the original taxonomic classification of viruses based on? structure
International congress of taxonomy of viruses 1966
How many families of viruses are there 56
Genera of viruses 233
Species of viruses 1550
How do viruses reproduce synthesis of compnent parts then assembly into progeny virions
Heterogeneous group of agents vary in size, morphology, complexity, host range, and how they affect hosts
Largest virus Pox virus
Smallest virus poliovirus
Two technologies which advanced virology cell culture and electron microscopy
What is cell culture invitro culture of cells to use for virus propagation ATCC
How many cell lines are we familiar with 3400
When was ATCC established 1925
What is electron microscopy visualization of viruses and their structure
Limit of resolution for electron microscope 3 armstrongs
What was the original taxonomic classification of viruses based on? structure
International congress of taxonomy of viruses 1966
How many families of viruses are there 56
Genera of viruses 233
Species of viruses 1550
Where will inclusion bodies be seen with DNA viruses Nucleus
Where will inclusion bodies be seen with RNA Viruses Cytoplasm
What is the basic replication process of viruses Attach, penetrate, replicate, release
What is a peplomer? protein attached to virus envelop or capsule, which recognizes specific host
Three ways to propagate viruses? animals, embryonate chicken eggs, cell cultures
Types of cell cultures primary, diploid, established or continuous
What is a primary cell culture prepared from fresh tissue, cannot be passaged
What is a diploid cell lines can be passaged a limited amount of times
What is established or continuous cell line? transformed, unlimited serial passage
Where are vaccines for the flu cultivated chicken egg...
Why is a pH indicator put in cell cultures to help determine when to add more nutrients and such
Why is aseptic technique so important in cell culture the cells are very good for several cell types
what are the two basic cell types used in cell culture? fiberoblastic and epithelia
How can you get cells to release from the flask? trypsin
Where did the use of diploid lines begin? manasas, virginia
CPE Cytopathic effect
What could you expect in the CPE of herpes? Cell fusion
What are four CPE types? cell lysis, rounding or clumping of cells, cell fusion, inclusion bodies
Two types of Immunofluorescence Direct and indirect
What is direct immunofluorescence used to detect an antigen
what is indirect immunofluorescence used to detect antibodie
where are viral antibodies located on the cell the surface
what is normally used in immunofluorescence? fluorescein isothiocyanate
What are three types of disease agents viruses can act as? cytocidal infection, persistent infection, transformation
What does cytocidal mean cell death and virus release and alterations in cell morphology (CPE)
What does persistent infection mean cell remains viable and virus is released
What is a chronic persistent infection virus is demonstrable and shed
What is a latent infection virus is not demonstrable and shed intermittently
what does transformation mean cell becomes malignant...
What does oncogenic mean tumor producing
What does exanthems mean? rash
What is caused by parvovirus B19 erythema infectiosum and aplastic anemia
Bocavirus comes from what words bovine an canine
What is caused by bocavirus respiratory and gastroenteritis
What is 1st disease rubeola-measles
2nd disease scarlet fever
3rd disease rubella
4th disease filatow-dukes
5th disease erythema infectiosum
6th roseola infantum
What is erythema infectiosum caused by Parvovirus B19
What is roseola infantum caused by human herpesvirus 6
Papillomavirus is what kind of virus DNA
What does papillomavirus cause verrucae
what is verrucae warts
How many serotypes are there of the papillomavirus 118
how many papillomavirus serotypes are high risk for carcinoma 15
Adenoviruses were originally cultured from lymphiod tissues (adnodes)
What type of virus is an adenovirus DNA
How many serotypes of adenoviruses are there 50
What are the symptoms of an adenovirus aute respiratory disease, gastroenteritis,
Herpesviruses are what kind of virus DNA enveloped
HSV Herpes simplex virus
HSV1 stomatitis, encephalitis
HSV2 genital
Varicella Zoster VZ
Zoster shingles
VZ Chickenpox
Symptoms of VZ repetic neuralgia-chronic pain due to zoster
Epstein-Barr virus EB
EB causes Mono, beker's lymphoma
EB can be latent in lymphocytes
CMV Cytomegalovirus
CMV is seen in congenital infections important to be avoided during pregnancy
HHV7 transplant recipients
HHV8 Kaposi sarcoma
Urotrophic means likes nerves
Normal symptom with herpes viruses vesicular lesions-like blisters
What can you use a Tzanck stain for diagnostic for herpes
What would you expect to see in a tzanck stain of someone with herpes cells clumped up and inner nuclear inclusions
What is a characteristic of cytomegalovirus under the microscope OWL Eyes
Another name for variola Smallpox
Variola belongs to what family of viruses Poxviridae
How is variola transmited respiratory route
What is the incubation period of variola 12 days
What are symptoms are associated with variola fever headache myalgia nausea vomitting and prostration
What can be expected three days into variola pustular rash
What is the case fatality rate for variola 20-60
When was variola eradicated in the US 1972
Hepatitis B Agent? HBV (hepadnavirus)
What kind of virus is HBV DNA
How is HBV transmited? Blood and body fluids
What are symptoms of HBV jaundice (icterus) fatigue, abdominal pain, anorexia, intermittent nausea and vomitting
What was the previous name of HBV Australian agent
How many HBV are asymptomatic 50%
How man HBV go into chronic infection 10%
When was the HBV vaccine created 1982
what is the sequelae involved in hbv hepatic cirrhosis or carcinoma
Mimivirus has what symptoms pneumonia
what is the acanthamoeba polyphaga associated with mimivirus
what is the mimivirus known as? mimicking microbe
Noticeable characteristics of the mimivirus? unusually large size and unusual fibers
What is the mimivirus suspected to be? the transistion form between bacteria and virus
Picornaviruses are what kind of virus RNA
What virus can be found in the picornaviruses poliovirus
how many serotypes are there in the poliovirus 3
Who developed the vaccines for polio Saulk-killed virus and Savin-live attenuated
Notable picornaviruses? coxsackie A and B, Echoviruses, enteroviruses, Rhinoviruses
Coxsacki A and B respectively have how many serotypes 23 and 9
What can be caused by coxsackie a and b hand, foot, and mouth dz, conjunctivitis, myocarditis
Where did coxsakie get it's name New York
What does Echo stand for? enteric, cytopathic, human, orphan
Echoviruses have how many serotypes 30
what does echoviruses cause childhood respiratory dz and enxephalomeningitis
Enteroviruses have how many serotypes? 72
Type 72 enteroviruses is known as Hep A
Where is enteroviruses most common little kids
Rhinoviruses how many serotypes 100
What does rhinoviruses cause colds
What does arvovirus mean arthropod borne
What type of virus is a reovirus RNA
What is found in the reovirus family rotaviruses
What is the rotaviruses symptoms castroenteritis/diarrhea
Arvovirus is also known as colorado tick fever
Rota means Wheel
Rotavirus is the most common cause for gastroenteritis in infants
What is found in the togaviruses rubella (german measles)
What kind of virus is the Toga virus RNA
What is TORCH screening? a screen used in pregnancy to test for T-toxoplasma gondii R-Rubella C-cytomegalovirus H-herpes
Symptoms of rubella rash
equine viruses what are they good for can be transmited to humans... normally around the seaboard-eastern...
What causes yellow fever flaviviruses
Flava means yellow
Who created the yellow fever vaccine walter reed
How is dengue fever transmitted mosquitos
What does dengue fever cause hemoragic disease
What is the agent for Hep C HCV (flavivirus)
How is HCV transmitted IV inchected
How many people are asymptomatic for HCV 80
How many people develop chronic infection from HCV 75-85%
What kind of virus is west nile flavivirus
how is west nile transmited mosquitos (culex)
When did west nile first appear in us 1999
What are some members of the areanavirus group Lassa Fever virus and lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCM)
When did lassa fever hit the scene 1970
Where can LCM be found in utero and IC peoples
how did Lassa fever get to the US nurse from africa
HIV is what kind of virus Retroviridae
Retroviridae is what kind of virus RNA
What does HIV cause AIDS
What do you see in HIV CD4 increase and T cell decreased <200
what normally kills patients with HIV opportunistic infections (around 25)
What causes Hantavirus Bunya virus
Another name for hantavirus rift valley fever-from africa
what is another name of hantavirus in the four corners sin nombre virus
How is hanta virus transmited rodent borne (deer mice)
What does orthomyxoviruses cause INFLUENZA
How many influenza viruses are there Three a-c
What are the peplomers associated with influenza H-hemagglutinin N-neuraminidase
What kind of genome does influenza have segmented
H is used for what infectivitiy
N if used for what replication and releasing
How is influenza transmitted aerolos
What is the incubation period of influenza 1-4 days
What are the symptoms of influenza fever, chills, myalgia, nonproductive cough, dyspnea, GI symptoms
What is dyspnea dificulty breathing
what population is influenza most likely going effect the GI system children
how many hospitalizations a year due to influenza 200k with 36k deaths
HOw many H and how many Ns 16 and 9
What is drift gradual minor changes in subtypes... seasonal variation
What is a shift sudden major change in subtype.... epidemic
How often does a shift occur around every 10 years... last year h1n1
What are the types of influenza vaccine inactivated and live attenuated (nasal spray)
What does trivalent mean 2 a strains and 1 b strain
How are influenza's named serotype/origin/strain designation/year of origin (subtype)
five complications of influenza primary viral pneumonia, secondary bacterial pneumonia, otitis media, reye's syndrom, myocarditis
What is caused by the paramyxoviruses parainfluenza
what is associated with parainfluenza mumps, measles, and respiratory syncytial virus
RSV affects who newborns and young children
What family of viruses do you find rabies Rhabdaviridae
How many cases of rabies a year 30 since 1990
what are the reservoirs for rabies cats, dogs, bats, racoons, foxes, skunks, coyotes
only person to survive rabies 15 y/o girl in wisconsin in 2004
what is the milwaukee protocol induced coma and amantadine (antivirual drug)
what would you expect to see under the microscope in rabies negri bodies *eosinophillic intracytoplasmic inclusion in neurons of celebellum
Prions are infectious proteins
What are two things caused by prions creutzfeldt jakobs disease (CJD) aka transmissible spongiform encephalopathy
How many antiviral drugs are there 19
How many anti HIV drugs 8
How many anti herpes drugs 6
How many chronic HBV drugs 2
how many Influenza drugs 1
How many RSV CCHF drugs 1
how many HPV and chronic HCV drugs 1
Created by: jnwells03
Popular Laboratory Science sets




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