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Clinical 1 Unit D

Wounds, Dressings, Excisions, etc.

Wound caused by scraping Abrasion
Wound caused by a sharp object Incision
Wound caused by tearing, usually dirty Laceration
Tissue is torn and separated from body Avulsion
Causes of Shock (A-H) Anaphylactic Breathing Probs Dehydration Hemorrhage Heart Problems
Causes of Shock (I-T) Infection Metabolic Psychogenic Stroke Trauma
Shock is aggravated by changes in (5): Temp Stress Pain Rough Handling Delay in Treatment
Early signs of shock (C-I) Cold, clammy skin Confused Dizzy Fast shallow irregular respirations Fearful/Combative Irritable
Early signs of shock (I-W) Pale Tachycardia Thready Pulse Thirsty Vomiting Weak
Late signs of shock Apathetic Dilated Pupils Mottled Sunken Eyes Unconscious Unresponsive Vacant Expression
3 Steps for Shock Prevention Arrest (Keep from getting worse) Reversal
Treatment of Shock (3) Positioning Maintain body temp Reassurance
Types of Bleeding (3) Arterial Venous Capillary
3 Ways to Control Bleeding Direct Pressure Elevation Pressure Points
Pressure Points Location Where artery lies near the surface of the skin directly over a bone
Stitches that use one Continuous Stitches
3 Steps for Shock Prevention Arrest (Keep from getting worse) Reversal
Treatment of Shock (3) Positioning Maintain body temp Reassurance
Types of Bleeding (3) Arterial Venous Capillary
3 Ways to Control Bleeding Direct Pressure Elevation Pressure Points
Pressure Points Location Where artery lies near the surface of the skin directly over a bone
Stitches that use one Continuous Stitches
What are stitches called that you cut and tie each one? Interrupted
What is a stitch called that you stitch around in a circle and pull shut? Purse Strings
Inside stitches Buried
Stitches where you get the top and bottom layer in one loop Mattress Stitch
Stitches added to the outside of the main stitches to keep tension off wound Retention Stitches
Sutures made out of surgical gut (intestines) Absorbable
Plain gut sutures absorb themselves in ___ days 5 to 10
Chromic gut sutures are coated with _________ and absorb in _____ days Chromic Oxide 10-20 days
3 types of absorbable synthetic sutures Dexon Polyglycolic Acid Vicryl
4 types of non-absorable sutures Nylon Polyester Silk Surgical Steel
2 brands of polyester stitches Tevdek Polydek
Suture sizes for faces 5-0 to 8-0
Sutures for areas in motion 000 & 4-0
What helps the needle go through the skin Cutting Needle
Wound Process Evaluation Anethesia Control Bleeding Irrigation & Debridement Eliminate dead space Closure Aftercare
What type of anesthetic has a blue label? Xylocaine (Lidocaine is generic name)
What type of anesthetic has a red label? Xylocaine w/ Epinephrine (restricts blood vessels)
What shouldn't we use Xylocaine w/Epinephrine on? Fingers, Nose, Penis, Toes
What is the type of anesthetic dentists use? Novocaine
Topical anesthetic for mucous membranes, not skin Tetracaine (aka cetacaine)
TAC contains: Tetracaine, Adrenaline, & Cocaine
LET contains: Lidocaine, Epinephrine, & Tetracaine
Terms regarding Cauterization Hyfrecator Electrodesication Fulgeration
Ligature means: To tie off a blood vessel
Solutions used to cleanse a wound (3) Saline (0.9% Salt Water) Betadine Hibidens
Follow __________ lines when suturing. They are the bodies fold lines. Langer Lines
What is a 1st Intention? Sutured. Has closed and healed.
A wound that needs to heal from the bottom up. Can't be sutured. 2nd Intention
Eversion of Wound edges means: to tilt so it won't "sink"
What is a cicatrix? Scar
Difference between a dressing & bandage Dressing covers Bandage wraps
4 purposes of a dressing: Control Bleeding Absorb discharge Prevent Infection Ease Pain
What is tegaderm absorbant pad that goes on wound
A substance that helps steri-strips/butterflies stick to skin. Tincture of benzoin
Glue used to hold tissues together Dermabond
Transparent dressing used to cover skin: Duoderm Tegasorb
What is wound drainage called Exudate
Drainage made up of serum Serous
Bloody wound drainage Sanguineous
Pussy wound drainage Purulent
3 Stages of Wound Healing Inflammatory Stage Granulation Phase Maturation Phase
Wound healing stage that normally last for 4 days. Clotting phase Inflammatory Phase
Wound healing stage where new tissue is formed Granulation phase
Wound healing phase where collagen and scar tissue forms Maturation phase
Patient Care Instructions (for wounds) (4) Signs of infection Can they get it wet Dressing/No Dressing When do sutures come out
7 Signs of infection: Redness/Excessive Swelling Throbbing pain/Tenderness Red streaks going away from wound Pus or watery discharge Lumps/Swelling-armpit/groin/neck Foul Odor Chills/Fever
Created by: jruhde
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