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Active phase A period in the course of schizophrenia in which psychotic symptoms are present
Affective flattening A symptom of schizophrenia in which an individual seems unresponsive and which is reflected in relatively motionless body language and facial reactions, as well as minimal eye contact
Alogia Speechlessness or a notable lack of spontaneity or responsiveness in conversation
Anhedonia A loss of interest in or ability to experience pleasure from activities that most people find appealing
Avolition A lack of initiative, either not wanting to take any action or lacking the energy and will to take action
Brief psychotic disorder A disorder characterized by the sudden onset of psychotic symptoms that are limited to a period of less than a month
Cortical atrophy A wasting away of tissue in the cerebral cortex of the brain
Delusional disorders Disorders marked by a single striking psychotic symptom—an organized system of nonbizarre false beliefs
Dementia praecox The term coined by Kraepelin to describe what is currently known as schizophreniaAccording to Kraepelin, this condition involves a degeneration of the brain that begins at a young age and ultimately leads to a disintegration of the entire personality
Dopamine hypothesis The biological hypothesis that the delusions, hallucinations, and attentional deficits of schizophrenia result from overactivity of neurons that communicate with each other via the transmission of dopamine
Endophenotypes Biobehavioral abnormalities that are linked to genetic and neurobiological causes of mental illness
Expressed emotion (EE) An index of the degree to which family members speak in ways that reflect criticism, hostile feelings, and emotional overinvolvement or overconcern with regard to the schizophrenic individual
Negative symptoms The symptoms of schizophrenia, including affective flattening, alogia, avolition, and anhedonia, that involve functioning below the level of normal behavior
Neuroleptics A category of medications used to reduce the frequency and intensity of psychotic symptoms
Positive symptoms The symptoms of schizophrenia, including delusions, hallucinations, disturbed speech, and disturbed behavior, that are exaggerations or distortions of normal thoughts, emotions, and behavior
Prodromal phase A period in the course of schizophrenia, prior to the active phase of symptoms, during which the individual shows progressive deterioration in social and interpersonal functioning
Residual phase A period in the course of schizophrenia, following the active phase, in which there are continuing indications of disturbance, evidenced by the same kinds of behaviors that characterize the prodromal phase
Schizoaffective disorder A psychotic disorder involving the experience of a major depressive episode, a manic episode, or a mixed episode while also meeting the diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia
Schizophreniform disorder A disorder characterized by psychotic symptoms that are essentially the same as those found in schizophrenia, except for the duration and chronic nature of the symptoms
Shared psychotic disorder A psychotic disorder in which one or more people develop a delusional system as a result of a close relationship with a psychotic person who is delusional
Schizophrenia A disorder with a range of symptoms involving disturbances in content of thought, form of thought, perception, affect, sense of self, motivation, behavior, and interpersonal functioning
Schizophrenia, catatonic type A type of schizophrenia characterized by a variety of bodily movement abnormalities
Schizophrenia, disorganized type A type of schizophrenia characterized by a combination of symptoms, including disorganized speech and behavior and flat or inappropriate affect
Schizophrenia, paranoid type A type of schizophrenia characterized by preoccupation with one or more bizarre delusions or with auditory hallucinations that are related to a particular theme of being persecuted or harassed
Schizophrenia, residual type A type of schizophrenia which ppl have prev been diagnosed as having schizophrenia may no longer have prominent psychotic symptoms but still show lingering signs ofdisorder,emotional dullness, social withdrawal, eccentric behavior, or illogical thinking
Schizophrenia, undifferentiated type A type of schizophrenia characterized by a complex of schizophrenic symptoms, such as delusions, hallucinations, incoherence, or disorganized behavior, that does not meet the criteria for other types of schizophrenia
Adult antisocial behavior Illegal or immoral behavior such as stealing, lying, or cheating
Antisocial personality disorder A personality disorder characterized by a lack of regard for society's moral or legal standards
Avoidant personality disorder A personality disorder whose most prominent feature is that the individual desires, but is fearful of, any involvement with other people and is terrified at the prospect of being publicly embarrassed
Borderline personality disorder A personality disorder characterized by a pervasive pattern of poor impulse control and instability in mood, interpersonal relationships, and self-image
Dependent personality disorder A personality disorder whose main characteristic is that the individual is extremely passive and tends to cling to other people, to the point of being unable to make any decisions or to take independent action
Dialectical behavior therapy Treatment approach for ppl w borderline personality disorder that integrates supportive and cognitive-behavioral trmnts to reduce frequency of self-destructive acts and to improve ability to handle disturbing emotions, such as anger and dependency
Emotional dysregulation Lack of awareness, understanding, or acceptance of emotions
Grandiosity An exaggerated view of oneself as possessing special and extremely favorable personal qualities and abilities
Histrionic personality disorder A personality disorder characterized by exaggerated emotional reactions, approaching theatricality, in everyday behavior
Identity One's self-concept or sense of who one is
Latent A state in which a disorder is present and capable of becoming evident but is not yet obvious or active
Maturation hypothesis The proposition that people with antisocial personality and the other Cluster B disorders become better able to manage their behaviors as they age
Narcissistic personality disorder A personality disorder primarily characterized by an unrealistic, inflated sense of self-importance and a lack of sensitivity to the needs of other people A personality disorder primarily characterized by an unrealistic, inflated sense of self-importance and a lack of sensitivity to the needs of other people.
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder Intense perfectionism and inflexibility manifested in worrying, indecisiveness, and behavioral rigidity
Paranoid personality disorder A personality disorder whose outstanding feature is that the individual is extremely suspicious of others and is always on guard against potential danger or harm
Parasuicide A suicidal gesture to get attention from loved ones, family, or professionals
Personality disorder Ingrained patterns of relating to other people, situations, and events with a rigid and maladaptive pattern of inner experience and behavior, dating back to adolescence or early adulthood
Personality trait An enduring pattern of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about the environment and others
Psychopathy A personality type characterized by a cluster of traits that constitutes the core of what is now called antisocial personality disorder
Schizoid personality disorder A personality disorder primarily characterized by an indifference to social relationships, as well as a very limited range of emotional experience and expression
Schizophrenia spectrum disorders A term used by some researchers to characterize a continuum of disorders, including schizophrenia, schizoid personality disorder, and schizotypal personality disorder
Schizotypal personality disorder A personality disorder that primarily involves peculiarities and eccentricities of thought, behavior, appearance, and interpersonal style People with this disorder may have peculiar ideas, such as magical thinking and beliefs in psychic phenomena
Splitting A defense, common in people with borderline personality disorder, in which individuals perceive others, or themselves, as being all good or all bad, usually resulting in disturbed interpersonal relationships
Anorexia nervosa An eating disorder characterized by an inability to maintain normal weight, an intense fear of gaining weight, and distorted body perception
Big win A gain of large amounts of money in one bet that propels the pathological gambler into a pattern of uncontrollable gambling
Binges The ingestion of large amounts of food during a short period of time, even after reaching a point of feeling full, and a lack of control over what or how much is eaten
Bulimia nervosa An eating disorder involving alternation between the extremes of eating large amounts of food in a short time, and then compensating for the added calories either by vomiting or other extreme actions to avoid gaining weight
Impulse An urge to act
Impulse-control disorders Psychological disorders in which people repeatedly engage in behaviors that are potentially harmful, feeling unable to stop themselves and experiencing a sense of desperation if their attempts to carry out the behaviors are thwarted
Intermittent explosive disorder An impulse-control disorder involving an inability to hold back urges to express strong angry feelings and associated violent behaviors
Internet addiction An impulse-control condition in which an individual feels an irresistible need to be involved in Internet-based activities
Kleptomania An impulse-control disorder that involves the persistent urge to steal
Nonpurging type A form of bulimia nervosa in which individuals compensate for what they eat by fasting or engaging in excessive exercise
Pathological gambling An impulse-control disorder involving the persistent urge to gamble
Purge To eliminate food through unnatural methods, such as vomiting or the excessive use of laxatives
Purging type A form of bulimia nervosa in which individuals force out of their bodies what they have just eaten
Pyromania An impulse-control disorder involving the persistent and compelling urge to start fires
Self-injurious behaviors Acts that are not socially sanctioned involving deliberate self-harm, self-injury, self-mutilation, and cutting
Sexual impulsivity An impulse-control disorder in which people feel uncontrollably driven to seek out sexual encounters and to engage in frequent and indiscriminate sexual activity
Trichotillomania An impulse-control disorder involving the compulsive, persistent urge to pull out one's own hair
Refusing or being unable to maintain normal weight Having an intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat Having a distorted perception of the weight or shape of one's body a symptom that is essential for the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa
dopamine; serotonin People with eating disorders have abnormalities in the _______________ and ___________ neurotransmitter systems.
anorexia nervosa According to family systems theorists, some individuals develop _________ in an effort to assert their independence from an overly involved family.
cognitive-behavioral therapy In _______________ therapy for eating disorders,the clinician teaches the client about self-monitoring, the importance of reg eating patterns, self-control strategies, problem-solving techniques, cognitive restructuring, and relapse-prevention strategies.
Amenorrhea Which of the following is NOT associated with bulimia nervosa?Amenorrhea B) Binges C) Dental decay D) Enlarged salivary glands
People with impulse control-disorders experience serious legal difficulties because they act on their impulses the three essential features of impulse-control disorders
kleptomania People with _______________ are driven by a persistent urge to steal
dopamine People classified as pathological gamblers have been shown to have abnormalities in their _______________________ neurotransmitter systems.
trichotillomania People with _______________ experience a compulsion to pull out their hair.
cognitive-behavioral treatment to be more effective than medication It has been suggested that intermittent explosive disorder is associated with problems in the _______________ neurotransmitter system.
pyromania is important to distinguish the behavior of a person with _______________ from the behavior of an arsonist.
intermittent explosive disorder Before their episodes, people with _______________ report feeling tingling, tremors, heart palpitations, or even hearing echoes; these experiences have been compared to the aura that often occurs before a seizure.
Net bullying addiction Which of the following is NOT considered to be an Internet Addiction subtype? A) Cyber-sexual addiction B) Cyber-relationship addiction C) Net compulsion addiction D) Net bullying addiction
purge Some people with eating disorders eat a large amount of food and thento rid themselves of whatever they have just eaten.
binge In a, a person eats an amount of food within a 2-hour period that is much greater than most people would eat under similar circumstances and feels a lack of control over what or how much is eaten.
interpersonal Intherapy for eating disorders, no specific attempt is made to change the eating behavior. Rather, by focusing on social relationships, it is assumed that this therapy will reduce the emotional triggers that provoke binge eating.
control People with-disorders repeatedly engage in behaviors that are potentially harmful. They feel unable to stop themselves and experience a sense of desperation if they are thwarted from carrying out the behavior.
obsessive/compulsive Researchers have suggested that kleptomania constitutes a variant of- - disorder.
big win Robert Custer suggests that if a person has a___while gambling, he or she is more likely to become propelled into a pattern of addiction.
impulsivity Researchers suggest that individuals with the personality characteristic of__may be predisposed to develop pathological gambling behaviors.
pyromania People with___experience strong and compelling urges to prepare, set, and watch fires.
habit reversal One component of cognitive-behavioral therapy for trichotillomania is___, which teaches individuals a new response to compete with hair-pulling.
intermittent explosive Individuals with__disorder feel a recurrent inability to resist assaultive or destructive acts of aggression.
dementia praecox Emil Kraepelin defined the symptoms of a disorder he termed _________, which we now call schizophrenia.
Avolition Which of the following is NOT considered a positive symptom of schizophrenia?
Anhedonia ___________ refers to the loss of the ability to experience pleasure.
All of these Which of the following symptoms are diagnostic of schizophrenia, catatonic type? A) Echolalia B) Motor immobility or stupor C) Peculiarities of movement, such as bizarre posture or facial expressions D) All of these.
undifferentiated Schizophrenia, __________ type, is diagnosed when the individual displays a mix of symptoms that do not correspond to a recognized symptom pattern.
Psychotic, negative, disorganized Because of concerns about the validity of the current classification system of schizophrenic types, researchers have recently proposed that symptoms should be evaluated on which of the following dimensions?
A predominance of negative symptoms Which of the following is NOT associated with a favorable prognosis in people diagnosed with schizophrenia?
is true of brief psychotic disorder It is usually triggered by an identifiable environmental stressor
Duration of symptoms What is the primary way that the diagnostic criteria for schizophreniform disorder differ from those for schizophrenia?
A period of at least two weeks in which psychotic symptoms, but not prominent mood symptoms, are present Which must occur if an individual is to be assigned a diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder?
persecutory The ____________ type of Delusional Disorder is characterized by a belief that the person is being harassed or oppressed.
When there is a history of pathological dependence between two people Under which condition is Shared Psychotic Disorder most likely to develop?
5 and 22 There is a high heritability to schizophrenia located on which genes?
important Research on the cognitive functioning of people with schizophrenia is ____________.
Uncontrollable tremors and muscle tightening,Involuntary movement of various parts of the body, such as the eyes, mouth, arms, legs, and trunk Medications that control psychotic symptoms by blocking dopamine receptors often have which of the following additional effects?
schizoid, schizotypal, paranoid The "cluster A" personality disorders are:
Histrionic, narcissistic, dependent, avoidant Which disorders comprise "Cluster B"?
antisocial At one time, the term "moral insanity" was used to describe a pattern of behaviors and personality traits that is now described as ________ personality disorder.
High anxiety in interpersonal situations,Glibness and superficial charm, grandiose sense of self-worth a core aspect of the psychopathic perso
Histrionic, narcissistic, borderline, antisocial According to the maturation hypothesis, we should expect people with which of the following personality disorders to display less maladaptive behavior as they age?
have difficulty processing goal-irrelevant stimuli The response modulation hypothesis proposes that psychopaths ____________________.
Narcissistic Which of the following personality disorders shares the most features with antisocial personality disorder?
Projection Which defense mechanism do people with paranoid personality disorder overuse, according to psychoanalysts?
oral, anal A Freudian psychoanalyst would suggest that people with dependent personality are fixated at the ________ stage of development, while those with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder are fixated at the _________ stage. A) phallic, genital
Dialectical behavioral _____________ therapy has been shown to be somewhat effective in treating symptoms of borderline personality disorder.
schizoid Both schizophrenia and _________ personality disorder were found to be more prevalent in the children of women who suffered through a famine during the 1940's.
social phobia. Avoidant personality disorder is sometimes viewed as an extreme form of _______________.
anxious and fearful behavior The common element of the "Cluster C" (obsessive-compulsive, avoidant, and dependent) personality disorders is ____________________.
borderline Individuals with ___________ personality disorder frequently become enraged with their therapists.
impulse control personality disorder must be evident in at least two of following areas: cognition, affectivity, interpersonal functioning, and__
antisocial or personality Robert Hare's Psychopathy Checklist (PCL-R) has two factors, psychopathic__traits and___lifestyle.
splitting The tendency for people with borderline personality disorder to alternately adore and hate others -- to see them as all good or all bad -- is often referred to as
sympathetic nervous system In one biologically-based theory of the origins of borderline personality disorder, early childhood sexual abuse is believed to result in an over-responsive___, which combines with trait impulsivity to create borderline symptoms.
avoidant or schizoid People with__personality disorder avoid social and sexual relationships because they prefer to be solitary; people with__personality disorder avoid social and sexual relationships because they fear rejection and ridicule
schizotypal Individuals with__personality disorder have odd or magical beliefs about the world and are very eccentric in their behavior.
histrionic Theatricality and sexual seductiveness are central features ofpersonality disorder.
borderline Hoarding behaviors and miserly spending habits are associated with-personality disorder.
f The DSM-IV personality disorder categories represent clear, mutually exclusive "types" of maladaptive personality styles; an individual meeting criteria for one personality disorder will not meet criteria for a second.
t In order to be diagnosed with a personality disorder, symptoms must have been present since adolescence or early adulthood.
t In a relatively recent adoption study, children raised in an adverse or harsh home environment only developed symptoms of antisocial personality disorder if their biological parents had antisocial personality disorder.
t People with schizotypal personality disorder have been found to share some of the biological anomalies associated with schizophrenia.
f Of all the Axis II disorders, obsessive-compulsive personality disorder appears most responsive to therapy.
t One feature that distinguishes anorexia nervosa from bulimia nervosa is body image: while indiv with bulimia nervosa have accurate body-perception, indiv with anorexia nervosa will see themselves as overweight even when they are seriously underweight.
Created by: troop27



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