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CCAC NRN 102 (CH 48)

CCAC NRN 102 Cardiovascular Dysfunction (CH48)

What is the most common congenital cardiac anomaly? Ventricular septal defect
What three structures of fetal circulation must change in the transition to extrauterine circulation? Ductus Arteriosus, Ductus venosus, and Foramen ovale
Congenital heart defects are classified in two groups hemodynamically, what are they? Increased pulmonary blood flow and decreased pulmonary blood flow.
What type of shunting occurs in defects that increase pulmonary blood flow? Left to right.
What are the defects which make up the group that increase pulmonary blood flow? ASD, VSD, and PDA
Obstructive defects are those which cause narrowing or stenosis. The location of the narrowing is classified by the location near the valve. What are they? Valvular - at the valve Subvalvular - narrowing in the ventricle below the valve Supravalvular - in the great artery above the valve
Which defects are classified as those with decreased pulmonary blood flow? Tetrology of Fallot and Tricuspid atresia
Which defects are in the mixed category? Transposition of the great arteries, truncus arteriosus, Total anomalus pulmonary venous connection, hypoplastic left heart syndrome
What defects constitute tetrology of fallot? Pulmonary stenosis, VSD, overriding aorta, and right ventricular hypertrophy
What is the surgery of choice for Transposition of the Great Arteries? Arterial switch
What is the first intervention the nurse must do for a child having a hypercyanotic episode? Place the child in knee chest position.
What medication is given to infants born with a congenital heart defect to keep the ductus arteriosus open? Prostaglandin E
What physical evidence occurs as a result of chronic hypoxia? clubbing of the fingers
What does the occurence of hypercyanotic spells indicate? The need for prompt surgery if possible.
How long must a child receive antibiotics for prevention of bacterial endocarditis? lifelong
When a child has an infection with group A B-hemolytic streptococcal infection, what heart disease can follow? Rheumatic fever
What is a complication of Rheumatic fever? Cardiac valve damage
Which congenital defect is most often the need for cardiac transplant in children? Hypoplastic left heart
What are the most common tests used in assessing cardiac function Chest x-ray, ECG, Echocardiography, and cardiac catheterization
Created by: JayneAnn
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