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trucate to shorten; to abbreviate; to crop
exculpate to free from guilt or blame; to exonerate
euphoria a state of bliss; extreme happiness
euphony beautiful sound; melody; harmony
misgiving a minor doubt or suspision
artful cunning and deceitful; willy; having guile
deprecate to disparage; to disapprove; to regret
prattle to talk idly; to babbly
gaunt pale; weak sickly
castigate to chastise; to scold; to punish
debunk to expose the falseness of; to denounce
stagnation inactivity; idleness
depose to expel from office; to dethrone
subsist to exist on; to survive
guile cleverness; often at trickery; cunning; craftiness
grate to irritate; to go against the grain
vindictive seeking revenge; unforgiving; hateful
fisco a disaster; a failure; a debacle
formulaic following a set formula; bland; prsaic
winnow to separate the desired from the undesired; to narrow down
usurp to unjustly seize, as in power; to overthrow
garnish excessively showy; ostentatious; ornate
docile easily managed or handled; tame
atrophy to waste away; to wither
barren incapapble of life; infertile
comprehensive thorough; covering a lot
subtle not easily seen; not obvious
retract to take back (as in a statement) to disclaim
prodigal wasteful; spendthrift
certitude certainty
dawdle to waste time
exacting demanding; picky; harsh
fetter 1. a chain; shackles 2. to become entangled; to ensnare
snare to trap; to entangle
predecessor one who comes before another
parody to mock by humorous imitation
perfunctory careless; superficial
induce to persuade; to cause
bolster to strengthen; to support
arbirary lacking in reason; randome
cursory not thorough; superficial; perfunctory
admonish to warn; to caution; to reprimand
static unmocing; unchanging
desultory aimless or inconsistent; haphazard; meandering
callous hardened and unfeeling; jaded
parochial narrow in scope; provincial
peccadillo a minor crime
germinal pertaining to the earliest stage of development
stultify to make worthless, ineffectual, or rediculous
impertinnce boldness, audicity
timorous timid; apprehansive
enexorable inflexible; relentless
sanguine cheerful; hopeful
laconic concise; succinct
terse concise; succinct
succinct concise; terse; laconic
stolid passive; stoic; dispassionate
impecunious poor; penniless; indigent
impertubable not easily upset; stoic; stolid
aloof distant; detached
dubious doubtful; skeptical
clientele body of clients, customers, or patients
affable amiable; friendly; fordial
bombastic pretentious
nominal very small in number or amount
duplicity deceit; fraud; chicanery
arduous strenuous
Created by: chrismckenna12
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