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Musculoskeletal II

physical exam lower extremity

Gaenslen's Test checks for pathology of SI joint
Fabere's test checks for hip pathology, aka figure 4 test
Ballottment test tests for knee effusion
Bulge test *best test for detecting small amounts of fluid, milk medially, shift fluid laterally
most patellar dislocations are ____ lateral
McMurray's test tests for meniscus tears, circumduct leg at knee, abduct knee, extend, adduct knee, extend
Clarke's sign is aka patellar inhibition test
positive anterior drawer ACL tear
positive posterior drawer PCL tear
to test the medial collateral ligament ______, lateral collateral ligament ____ valgus stress, varus stress
what is the most reliable test of ACL? Lachman's test
pivot shift test tests for ACL tear
a normal q angle <15 degrees
how is q angle measured? line through ASIS and mid patella/ line through tibial tuberosity and mid patella
a wide q angle might indicate____ chondromalacia patellae
what are the lower extremity deep tendon reflexes? L4- patellar tendon reflex, S1 achillles tendon reflex
to test for a herniated disc or pinched nerve .... try straight leg test or "well" straight leg test
EHL strength evaluates _____nerve root L5
Anterior tibialis strength evaluates ____ L4 nerve root - do foot inversion and dorsiflexion
peroneus strength evaluates ___ S1 nerve root
a diminished knee jerk indicates L4 root damage
foot inversion and dorsiflexion tests ___ EHL strength - L5
Morton's neuroma is found ____ between distal metatarsal heads
a positive apley's compression test indicates ____ meniscal tear
a positive apley's distraction test indicates ligament injury
What tests can you do to check for ACL tear? lachmans, anterior drawer sign, pivot shift test
to assess PCL tear? posterior drawer sign, pcl sag sign
to check for peroneus strength: check eversion of foot
The babinski sign is positive if ____ Toe 1 extends negative if all toes curl
anterior drawer sign of the ankle tests for ____ intactness of anterior talofibular ligament
Thompson test is for____ achilles tendon rupture
numbness between toe 1 and 2 L5 root
weakness upon foot eversion S1 root
damage to ____ will leave reflexes intact L5 root
numbness in the distal anterior thigh L4 root
diminshed ankle jerk S1 root
diminshed knee jerk L4 root
numbness along central posterior thigh S1 root
weakness with big toe dorsiflexion L5 root
numbness along lateral foot S1 root
the root of L4 is ____ between disc L3 and 4
Created by: sarahpa
Popular Medical sets




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