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Clin Lab Proced.12


Clostridium Botulinum produces the toxin botulinum which is the most potent of which type of toxin? Neurotoxin
What federal agency creates workplace safety regulations? OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Administration
What type of laboratory performs routine chemical and microscopic tests on blood, body fluids, and tissues? Clinical Laboratory
Who is responsible for identifying employees at risk of exposure to blood or OPIM in the workplace? The employer
What symbol or abbreviation represents the milligram? mg.
What is the prefix used to indicate one-thousandth of a unit? Milli-
Which family of viruses causes Ebola and Marburg hemmorrhagic fevers? Flivovirus
What is the central laboratory for the national public health system? CDC - Center for Disease Control and Prevention
What special work device provides protection while working with infectious materials, especially in microbiology? Biological safety cabinet
What is the name for a method of preventing the spread of disease from the healthy population? Isolation
Is fibrinogen absent from plasma or serum? Serum
Pneumonic, septicemic, and bubonic are three forms of _______________ Plague
What are the major types of hazards in the laboratory? Physical, Chemical and Biological
Which governmental agency oversees public health care matters in the United States? DHHS - Department of Health and Human Services
What is an infection that is acquired in a hospital or other healthcare facility? Nosocomial
Bovine Spongiform encephalopathy is also known as: Mad cow disease
What is the symbol or abbreviation for a nanogram? ng.
The infectious form of a virus is a: Virion
What is the international, nonprofit organization that establishes standards of best current practice for clinical laboratories? CLSI - Clinical and Laboratory Standard Institute
What is the virus that causes hepatitis C? HCV
What is a pathological condition caused by the growth of microorganisms in a host? Infection
What is the metric unit of distance? Meter
Avian Influenza is a problem for humans because humans have no known: Immunity
The metric abbreviation mL stands for: Milliliters
What type of chemical is used on living tissue to inhibit the growth of microbes? Antiseptic
What process is used to kill or inactivate living organisms and viruses? Sterilization
What unit of measure is the metric system based on? Meter
Acts of terrorism involving threats to such things as food, animals, and crops are known as: Aggroterrorism
Programs in which laboratories are sent blind samples which are analyzed, reported, and compared to the results from other laboratories are called: PT - Proficiency Testing Programs
Something that is capable of causing damage or injury to a host is: Pathogenic
A person who harbors an organism, has no symptoms or signs of disease, but capable of spreading the organism to others is a: Carrier
The symbol μ (Mu) is the abbreviation for: Micro
The Variola virus causes which disease? Smallpox
Standard precautions is a set of CDC guidelines designed to protect patients and healthcare workers by regarding all patients and body substances as potentially: Infectious
What U.S. governmental agency is charged with planning for natural and human-made disasters as well as preventing potential terror threats? US DHS - U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Protective isolation is also called: Reverse isolation
Who is the person who is responsible for the day-to-day operation of a clinical laboratory? Laboratory Manager
Performing testing near the patient rather than in the traditional laboratory setting is called: POCT - Point of care testing
The prefix used to indicate one-hundredth of a unit is: Centi-
The abbreviation for the unit centimeter is: cm.
Inanimate objects such as bed rails, linens, or eating utensils that can be contaminated with microorganisms are: Fomites
The development of multi-drug resistant strains of Mycobacterium has allowed the re-emergence of the disease: Tuberculosis
In the laboratory, what is the liquid in which substances can be dissolved into called? Solvent
A slender tube made of glass or plastic that is used in the laboratory for measuring and transferring liquids is a: Pipette
The revolving unit on a microscope to which the objective lenses are attached is called the: Nosepiece
What is the measure of the spread of a population of values around the mean in statistical analysis? Standard Deviation
For maximum safety during centrifugation, tubes should remain capped to avoid the formation of: Aerosols
If microscope has objectives that can be interchanged without varying the instrument's focus, it is said to be: Parfocal
In statistical analysis, an abrupt change in one direction from the established mean is a: Shift
The magnifying lens closest to the object being viewed with a microscope is the: Objective
The apparatus located below the microscope stage that directs light into the objective is the: Condenser
A chemical solution of a known concentration that can be used as a reference or calibration substance is a: Standard
A microscope having two oculars or eyepieces is: Binocular
The sum of a set of values divided by the number of values in the set is the: Mean (Average)
A liquid, solid, or gas dissolved into a liquid to make up a solution is: Solute
How close a determined or measured value is to the true or actual value is expressed by the: Accuracy
Water that had had most of the mineral ions removed is: Deionized Water
The term that expresses the closeness of obtained or measured values to each other is the: Precision
What is the quality control chart used in the laboratory to record daily quality control values: Levey-Jennings
What kind of specimen is required to asses kidney function? 24-hour urine specimen
In an un-refrigerated urine sample, ammonia from the break down of urea will sometimes be formed. This happens when what is present in the urine? Bacteria
The presence of large numbers of RBCs in the urine is: Hematuria
What is the tube that carries urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder? Ureter
A urine sample cannot be tested within 1 hour of the collection time. How should it be stored until is can be tested? Refrigerated
What is the confirmatory test for ketones? Acetest
What is the functional unit of the kidney? Nephron
If a urine sample turns dark or black upon standing, what is it likely to contain? Melanin
When urine sediment is examined under the microscope, what can be mistaken for red blood cells? Yeasts
What is the canal through which urine is carried from the urinary bladder to the outside? Urethra
What is the product of fat lipid metabolism? Ketones
The solids that settle to the bottom of a liquid are known as: Sediment
What hormones are produced by the kidney? Erythropoietin, Renin, and Active Vitamin D3
What is the vaginal parasite that is found in urine and that moves through the action of slender lash-like appendages known as flagella? Trichamonis Vaginallis
What is the specific gravity of distilled water? 1.000
What are solutions, usually made from human serum and with a known concentration of the same constituents as those being measured in patient samples? Control(s)
What is the curved upper surface of a liquid in a container? Meniscus
What is the clear liquid remaining at the top of a solution after centrifugation or settling out of solid substances? Supernatant
What is a substance that becomes colored when it undergoes a chemical change? Chromogen
What instrument is used for measuring the refractive index of specific gravity of a substance? Refractometer
The blood concentration above which a substance not normally excreted by the kidneys appears in the urine is the: Renal Threshold
A chemical that prevents blood coagulation is an: Anticoagulant
An excessive amount of fat in the blood is known as: Hyperlipidemia
The liquid portion of the blood in which the cellular elements are suspended is: Plasma
Hemolysis of red blood cells, which can be caused by over centrifugation or excess shaking of the blood sample, releases into the plasma or serum: Potassium
An artery is a large blood vessel that carries oxygenated blood from the heart to the: Tissues
The for of an atom with a negative electrical charge is a(n): Anion
The study of blood and blood-forming tissues is called: Hematology
A group of cations and anions important in maintaining fluid and acid-base balance are the: Electrolytes
A condition in which the RBC count or hemoglobin level is decreased below normal is: Anemia
A chemical substance that is the subject of chemical analysis is a(n): Analyte
The anticoagulant commonly used in Hematology is: EDTA (Potassium, K+)
Creatine kinase (CK) is often measures as an aid in diagnosing: Myocardial Infarction
A white blood cell is also known as a(n): Leukocyte
A deficiency in the function of the thyroid gland is: Hypothyroidism
The iron-containing portion of the hemoglobin molecule is the: Heme
High density lipoprotein is a fraction of blood: Cholesterol
The light-colored layer of leukocytes and platelets that forms on the top of the red blood cell layer when a sample of blood is centrifuged or allowed to stand undisturbed is the: Buffy coat
The percentage of light that passes through a solution is its: Transmittance (%T)
In adults, most blood cells are formed in the: Bone marrow
Something that has a daily cycle is said to be: Diurnal
The major functional component of RBCs, which serves as the oxygen-carrying molecule, is the: Hemoglobin
A device that isolates a narrow portion of the light spectrum, and is used in spectrophotometers is a: Monochromator
The packed cell volume(PCV) is another term used for the: Hematocrit
When a sample has a cloudy appearance due to the presence of excess fats in the blood it is referred to as being: Lipemic
The form of hemoglobin that is called "adult" hemoglobin is: Hgb A (Hgb A1)
Concentration of some constituents in blood can occur due to evaporation and should remain capped until they are tested. Such concentration in a sample will likely yiled test results that are: Elevated
The protein portion of the hemoglobin molecule is the: Globin
An electrode that is manufactured to respond to the concentration of a specific elemental ion is: Ion Specific Electrode
Flow cytometers combine principles of light scatter with the light excitation and emission of: Fluorescent signals
A logarithmic expression of the amount of light absorbed by a substance containing colored molecules is the: Absorbance
Hemoglobin transports CO2 from the tissues to the lungs in the form of: HCO3- (Bicarbonate)
The time elapsed between the physician's ordering a test and receiving the results is called the: TAT - Turn around time
An electrical current flows from one electrode to another accross the aperture in laboratory instruments using: Electrical Impedance
A pancreatic hormone increases blood concentration levels by promoting the conversion of glycogen to glucose. This is accomplished by the hormone: Glucagon
The mineral required for hemoglobin synthesis is: Iron (Fe)
The abnormal condition in which the blood pH rises above 7.45 is: Alkalosis
A graph that illustrates the size and frequency of articles in solution is the: Histogram
The disorder of carbohydrate metabolism characterized by a state of hyperglycemia due to insulin deficiency is: Diabetes Mellitus
Peripheral blood cells, bacteria, cells in CSF, and sperm cells can be counted microscopically by using the: Hemacytometer (counting chamber)
CO2 in the body is measured as the ion: Bicarbonate (HCO3-)
An abnormal decrease in the number of platelets in the blood is: Thrombocytopenia
Something originating from outside the body as seen in animal fats, egg yolks which are examples of cholesterol from outside the body is: Exogenous
An opening, particularly in cell counting instruments, is also called an: Apeture
The cation that influences osmotic concentration and determines the extracellular fluid volume is: Sodium
The condition in which the red blood cell count is above normal is: Erythrocytosis
LDH is the low-density lipoprotein fraction of blood: Cholesterol
Resistance to disease or infection is: Immunity
The major intracellular cation in the body and important in maintaining the muscular activity of the heart is the cation: Potassium
The term that refers to an increase above normal in the number of white blood cells in the blood is: Leukocytosis
HDL transports cholesterol to be broken down, from the tissues to the: Liver
An immature erythrocyte that has retained RNA in the cytoplasm is a: Reticulocyte
Cholesterol is important to the body and serves as a precursor to bile satls and: Steroid hormones
A formed element in circulating blood that plays an important rold in blood coagulation is the: Platelet (Thrombocyte)
The abnormal condition in which blood pH falls below 7.35 is: Acidosis
A marked variation in the size of erythrocytes when observed on a peripheral blood smear is: Anecocytosis
Cholesterol can be synthesized in the body by the liver and is referred to as: Endogenous
A substance that lessens change in the pH of a solution when an acid or base is added is a: Buffer
Energy production as a result of the metabolic breakdown of glucose is: Glycolysis
An immature granulocyte with a non-segmented nucleus seen in peripheral blood smears is the: Band cell
The most abundant protein in normal plasma is: Albumin
A narrow, intense beam of light of only one wavelength going in only one direction is a: Laser
A substance that becomes colored when it undergoes a chemical change is a: Chromogen
The form of hemoglobin that binds and transports oxygen is: Oxyhemoglobin
The breakdown product of creatine that is normally excreted in the urine is: Creatinine
The process of solid particles settling to the bottom of a liquid is: Sedementation
The tendancy toward a steady state or equilibrium of body processes is: Homeostasis
A blood platelet is also called a: Thrombocyte
An instrument that measures intensities of light in different parts of the light spectrum is a: Spectrophotometer
A dye that stains living cells or tissues is a: Supravital Stain
The thyroid hormone commonly called T4 is: Thyroxine
The layers of blood cells that form when a tube of whole blood is centrifuged is the: PCV - Packed cell volume
An analytical method in which the sample is added to a strip or slide containing, in dried form, all the reagents for the procedure is: Solid phase chemistry
A target cell is an abnormal red blood cell that is also called a: Codocyte
The major storage form of lipids in the body is: Triglycerides
The major functional component of red blood cells that is the oxygen-carrying protein is: Hemoglobin
An instument that measures the light reflected from a colored reaction product is a: Reflectance Photometer
Significant variation in the shape of erythrocytes as seen on a peripheral blood smear is called: Poikelocytosis
A combination of eosin and methylene blue in methanol used for hematology peripheral blood smears is: Wright's Stain
A decrease below normal in the number of leukocytes in the blood is called: Leukopenia
A membrane-bound compartment in a cell's cytoplasm is the: Vacuole
The iron-containing portion of the hemoglobin molecule is the: Heme
A large bone marrow cell from which thrombocytes are derived is the: Megakaryocyte
A chronic or acute disease involving unrestrained growth of leukocytes is: Leukemia
The rupture or destruction of red blood cells, resulting in the release of hemoglobin is called: Hemolysis
A nonspecific protective response to tissue injury is: Inflammation
A leukocyte containing red-orange granules in the cytoplasm is the: Eosinophil
Remnants of RNA and other nuclear material remaining inside the erythrocyte after the nucleus is lost from the cell and which appear as small purple granules in stained red blood cells is: Basophilic Stipling
The process of blood cell formation and development is: Hemopoiesis (Hematopoiesis)
The protein portion of the hemoglobin molecule is: Globin
A red-orange stain or dye used in hematology as part of the Wright's Stain procedure is called: Eosin
A neutral-staining leukocyte; usually the first line of defense against infection is the : Neutrophil
A leukocyte that occurs in response to viral infections and that is common in infectious mononucleosis is the: Atypical Lymphocyte
A determination of the relative number of each type of leukocyte is the: Differential Count
Resistance to an electrical circuit, used in cell counting instruments employing the Coulter principle is: Impiedence
The process of stopping bleeding, which includes clot formation and dissolution is called: Hemostasis
The fluid portion of the cell surrounding the nucleus is the: Cytoplasm
An immature white blood cell normally found only in the bone marrow is the: Blast cell
A slender pipette marked from 0 to 200 mm, used in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is the: Westergren Pipette
A red blood cell that has not yet lost its nucleus is the: NRBC - Nucleated Red Blood Cell
The ingestion of a foreign particle or cell by another cell is called: Phagocytosis
Calculated values that compare the size and hemoglobin content of red blood cells in the blood sample to reference values is the: Erythrocyte Indices
Groups of red bloods arranged like a roll of coins are called: Rouleau(x)
A shrunken red blood cell with scalloped or toothed margins is the: Crenated cell
Any of the neutrophilic, eosinophilic, or basophilic leukocytes are: Granulocytes
The form and structure of cells, tissues, and organs is called: Morphology
A large leukocyte usually having a convoluted or horseshoe-shaped nucleus is the: Monocyte
A small basophilic-staining leukocyte having a round or oval nucleus and playing a vital role in the immune process is the: Lymphocyte
The appearance of an increased number of immature neutrophil forms in the peripheral blood is the: Shift to left
What type of smear is examined to evaluate blood cell production? Bone marrow smear
A large leukocyte usually characterized by a convoluted or horseshoe-shaped nucleus is a: Monocyte
An immature erythrocyte that has retained ribonucleic acid in the cytoplasm is called a: Reticulocyte
What is the condition where an excess of red blood cells is seen in the peripheral blood? Polycythemia
Calculated values that compare the size and hemoglobin content of red blood cells in a blood sample to reference values is called the: Erythrocyte Indices
What mineral is involved in the hemostasis pathway? Ionized calcium
The activated partial thromboplastin time is used to monitor patients who are on: Heparin therapy
In latex agglutination tests, any D-dimer present in the patient sample reacts with a highly specific monoclonal: Anti D-dimer
What is one of the products formed from the breakdown of fibrin by plasmin? D-dimer
What is the fluid portion of the cell that surrounds the nucleus? Cytoplasm
The ingestion of a foreign particle or cell by another cell is: Phagocytosis
The five types of leukocytes, as well as erythrocytes and platelets, all originate from hemopoietic: Stem cells
The form and structure of cells, tissues, and organs is called the: Morphology
The hemophilias are inherited as: Sex-linked genes
The prothrombin time is used to monitor patients on: Coumadin
What is the enzymatic breakdown of a blood clot? Fibrinolysis
A bleeding disorder resulting from hereditary coagulation factor deficiency or dysfunction is: Hemophilia
A chemical used to prevent deterioration of cells and tissues is a: Fixative (Preservative)
Why type of cell occurs in response to viral infections and is commonly seen in mononucleosis? Atypical Lymphocyte
How does one describe the appearance of an increased number of immature neutrophil forms in the peripheral blood? Shift to left
In abnormal blood, the erythrocytes sometimes form aggregates resembling stacks of coins. This is called: Rouleau(x)
When platelets adhere to the vessel wall, they are activated and begin to: Aggregate
What is the anticoagulant used to collect blood for a prothrombin time test and all other coagulation tests? Sodium Citrate
A group of plasma proteins, and the mineral calcium, involved in blood clotting are the: Coagulation factors
A way of reporting a prothrombin time that takes into consideration the sensitivity of the thromboplastin used and the mean of the normal prothrombin time in the facility's population is the: INR - International Normalized Ratio
What hematology stain is a combination of eosin and methylene blue stains? Wright's Stain
A leukocyte containing bright orange granules in the cytoplasm is the: Eosinophil
Red blood cells having a larger then normal cell size are called: Macrocytic or Macrocyte
A shrunken red blood cell with scalloped or toothed margins is known as a: Crenated cell
Results of the Westergren ESR are reported in: Millimeters/Hr
The action of blood vessels constricting to slow the flow of blood is called: Vasoconstriction
The APTT is used to screen for abnormalities in the common pathway and the: Intrinsic pathway
A serious condition in which widespread thromboses and secondary hemorrhage occurs is called: DIC - Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
What is the central structure of a cell that contains DNA and controls cell growth? Nucleus
A clear, membrane-bound compartment in cell cytoplasm is called a: Vacuole
An immature granulocyte with a non-segmented nucleus is a: Band cell
A blast cell is an immature blood cell that is normally found only in the: Bone marrow
A measure of the diameter of a needle is its: Gauge
Platelets undergo a shape change when they come into contact with exposed tissue: Collagen
A marked variation in the sizes of erythrocytes when observed on a peripheral blood smear is called: Anecocytosis
A neutral-staining leukocyte, usually the first line of defense against infections, is called a: Neutrophil
A significant variation in the shape of erythrocytes is called: Poikelocytosis
The total substances making up a mass is called an: Aggregate
The process that occurs when platelets stick to a damaged vessel is called: Adhesion
Neutrophils, Eosinophils, and Basophils as a group are known as: Granulocytes
A determination of the relative numbers of each type of leukocyte in a stained blood smear is called the: Differential count
The calcium necessary for clot formation in the APTT is supplied by the chemical compound: CaCl2 (Calcium Chloride)
A large bone marrow cell from which platelets are derived is the: Megakaryocyte
A sickle cell is also called a: Drepanocyte
In the bleeding time test, the two functions measured are small vessel function and: Platelet function
Bacteria that lose the crystal violet stain and retain the safranin in the gram stain procedure are designated: Gram Negative
A disease caused when the immune response is directed at one's own tissues is an: Autoimmune Disease
Cell-mediated immunity is brought about primarily by: T-Lymphocytes
In the Guaiac test the reaction with hemoglobin to form a blue color is catalyzed by: Iron (Fe)
The most frequently performed stain in the bacteriology laboratory is the: Gram stain
A substance or structure on the red blood cell membrane that stimulates antibody formation and reacts with that antibody is a: Blood Group Antigen
The branch of medicine encompassing the study of the immune processes and immunity is: Immunology
The process of removing a specific blood component and returning the remaining blood to the circulation is: Apheresis
A bacteriological medium that allows growth of some organisms while inhibiting the growth of others is: Selective Medium
The reproductive process in which the parent cell divides into two identical independent cells is: Fission or Binary Fission
The growth of most streptococci is enhanced by incubation in an increased concentration of: CO2 - Carbon Dioxide
A rod-shaped bacterium is a: Baccilius
The allelic genes are responsible for a human trait. In blood banking, the human trait of blood type is determined by blood typing sera. This reveals the: Phenotype
Serum proteins that are induced by and react specifically with antigens are: Immunoglobulins (Ig)
What parasitic diseases have been shown to be able to be transmitted through blood transfusion? Malaria, Chagas, and Babesiosis
An assay that uses an enzyme-labeled antibody as a reactant is an: Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA)
An infection caused by a fungi is a(n): Mycosis
A foreign substance that induces an immune response by causing antibody production is an: Antigen
The process of growing microorganisms in the laboratory is the: Culture
The primary stain in the Gram's stain procedure is: Crystal Violet
The medium used to culture a throat swab is: Blood agar
The time elapsed between exposure to an infectious agent and the appearance of symptoms is the: Incubation period
Long lived-phagocytic tissue cells derived from blood Monocytes that function in the destruction of antigens and serve as antigen-presenting cells are: Macrophages or (Tissue Monocyte)
The clumping or aggregation of particulate antigens due to reaction with a specific antibody is: Agglutination
The operation of blood banks is ultimately regulated by the: FDA - Food and Drug Administration
A microorganism that causes disease in the host only when normal defense mechanisms are impaired or absent is: Opportunistic Pathogen
Something that is cancerous is: Malignant
Urine is inoculated on a bi-plate of blood agar and EMB or MAC. The blood agar is used for colony counting while the EMB or MAC inhibits the growth of: Gram-positive
The microbiological medium used to recover an organism from infectious material is the: Primary medium
The blood cell that is seen under the microscope in infectious mononucleosis is the: Atypical cell
The formation of an insoluble antigen-antibody complex that forms during slide agglutination tests is: Precipitation
Which antibody class has the highest concentration in human serum? Igg
Excess vitamin C can inhibit the reaction in the Guaiac test and cause a false: Negative
The chemical that is derived from a tree resin and used in the occult blood test is: Guaiac
A bacteriological medium that detects certain chemical reactions of organisms growing on it is called: Indicator medium
Another name for a spherical bacterium is: Coccus (Coccsi)
The use of known antisera to identify unknown antigens on a patient's blood cells is called: Forward grouping
The international association that sets blood bank standards, accredits blood banks, and promotes high standards of performance is the: AABB - American Association of Blood Banks
A serum protein that is induced by, and reacts specifically with, a foreign substance is an: Antibody
The department in the clinical laboratory in which blood is typed and tested for transfusion is: Blood bank
The common name for a hypersensitive condition is a(n): Allergy
One of two (or more) alternate forms of a gene responsible for hereditary variation is an: Allele
Something that is of, or pertaining to, the lubricating fluid of the joints in the body is: Synovial
Microorganisms that are usually present in a specific site are: Normal flora
The mordant used in the Gram's stain procedure is: Gram's Iodine
The urine specimen required for a urine culture is a: Clean-catch
One-fourth of an agar plate is the: Quadrant
One of most frequently requested tests in the bacteriology laboratory is the urine culture, used to confirm or rule out: UTI - Urinary Tract Infection
The fecal occult blood test is widely used as a screening test for: Colon cancer
A seaweed derivative used to solidify microbiological media is: Agar
The counter stain used in the Gram's stain procedure is: Safranin
Bacteria are streaked on an agar plate using a(n): Inoculating loop
The developer solution used in the occult blood test contains: Hydrogen peroxide
Organisms that will grow only in the absence of oxygen are referred to as: Anaerobic
The portion of an antigen that reacts specifically with an antibody is the: Epitope
A defined mass of bacteria assumed to have grown from a single organism is called a: Colony
A disease that is able to be transmitted directly or indirectly from one individual to another is: Communicable
A culture is the growth of microorganisms in a special: Medium
The process of transferring a population of microorganisms to a medium is: Inoculation
Donor blood is routinely tested for: ABO and RH (ABO Type and Rh D antigen)
Cryptosporidium is best detected by using the concentration technique of: Flotation
A flagellated parasite that can occur in the urogenital tract is: Trichomonas vaginallis
The STD syphilis is caused by: Treponema pallidum
To increase the chances of finding parasites in a fecal specimen before examination the specimen can be: Concentrated
A parasitic organism that causes disease only in immunocompromised hosts is said to be: Opportunistic
The cycles of chills and fever associated with malaria that occur 36 to 72 hours apart, depending on the Plasmodium species are: Paroxysm(s)
A sexually transmitted genitourinary tract infection caused by a parasitic protozoan is: Trichomoniasis
In infected individuals, Giardia trophozoites live in the: Small intestines
Pathogens that are recurring in a location or population are: Endemic
Insects, crustaceans, and arachnids are described by the group name: Arthropod
Parasite size can be measured microscopically using a(n): Ocular Micrometer
The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that causes AIDS has been identified as a(n): Retrovirus
The immature stage of an invertebrate is the: Larva
The presence of parasites in the blood of a patient is: Parasitemia
The scientific name for a tapeworm is the: Cestode
The method of transmission of malaria to man is by the: Mosquito (Anopheles)
The hos in which sexual or adult forms of a parasite are found is the: Definitive Host
One of the methods used to identify certain bacteria such as Neisseria is the: Oxidase test
The stain commonly used to identify parasites in fecal specimens is: Trichrome stain
The virus that causes genital herpes is: HSV - 2
The hos in which the asexual, immature, or larval form of the parasite is found is the: Intermediate Host
A polychromatic stain used for staining blood cells and blood parasites is the: Giemsa stain
A condition that is acquired during fetal development, and that is present at the time of birth, but not the result of inheritance is: Congenital
Malarial parasites are detected by examination of a blood specimen, and the preferred stain for their identification is the: Giemsa stain
An organism living in or on a host but causing no damage is a: Commensal
A sexually transmitted virus that can cause cervical cancer is the: HPV - Human Papilloma Virus
The most common roundworm in humans in the United States is: Enterobiasis
The virus that causes oral herpes is: HSV - 1
The organism from which a parasite obtains nutrients and in which some or part of the parasite's life cycle is complete is the: Host
The method used for collecting specimens for pinworm examination is the: Perianal paddle swab
Human malaria is caused by a protozoan parasite of the genus: Plasmodium
The motile, feeding stage of protozoan parasites is called the: Trophozoite
A parasite that lives on the outer host surfaces is the: Ectoparasite
The name for the body segment of a tapeworm is the: Proglottid
A species of Gram-negative intracellular bacteria that is a cause of STDs is: Chlamydia trachomatis
The group comprising the roundworms and flatworms is the: Helminth
The group of helminthes called nematodes include: Hookworms
The host, other than the usual host, in which the parasite lives and is infectious is the: Resovoir Host
In humans, the malarial parasites live in red blood cells and cells of the: Liver
The laboratory test requesting examination of fecal specimens for parasites is: O & P - Ova and Parasites
Amoebae, Flagellates, and ciliates are members of the large groups of single-celled organisms called: Protozoa
Fecal specimens should be delivered to the laboratory within how many hours of collection? Two
The yeast that causes vaginitis and other infections, especially following antibiotic therapy is: Candida Albicans
The best time for collecting specimens for pinworm detection is early in the morning or: Late at night (Between 9pm and Midnight)
Greatest chance of finding blood parasites that are in low concentration is by use of the: Thick blood smear
If a Parasitology specimen for transport is delayed it must be: Preserved
Infertility in females of childrearing age can be caused by: Untreated STDs
The definitive host for the malarial parasite is the: Mosquito
The preservative used for fecal specimens that are to be stained with trichrome stain is: PVA - Polyvinyl Alcohol
Dog heartworm is diagnosed by examining dog blood for the presence of the: Microfilaria
The scientific name for the pinworm is: Enterobius vermicularis
The parasite that causes malaria belongs to the genus: Plasmodium
Created by: luparl
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