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Geometry Vocab-BHS1

The answer to an addition problem. Sum
The solution to a subtraction problem. Difference
The answer to a multiplication problem. Product
The solution to a division problem. Quotient
A letter or symbol that represents a number. Variable
The number in front of a variable. Coefficient
A fixed value that does not change. Constant
To put all like terms in a mathematical sentence together. Simplify
A mathematical sentence without equal signs. Expression
Rules followed to simplify expressions in the proper sequence. Order of Operations
To find an answer to a particular problem. Solve
A mathematical sentence with an equal sign. Equation
An equation with at most one solution. Linear
An equation with at most two solutions which given ax^2+bx+c=0 can use the formula x = (-b +- sqrt(b^2 - 4ac)/(2a) Quadratic
A number that when multiplied by itself equals a given number. Square Root
A number form that uses various roots of a number. Radical
A set of equations with two or more variables. System of Equations
A place having no size. Point
A straight path formed by at least two points extending forever. Line
A flat surface that has no thickness and extends forever. Plane
Points that lie on the same line. Collinear
Points that lie in the same plane. Coplanar
Part of a line with two endpoints. Segment
Part of a line with one endpoint extending forever in one direction. Ray
Two rays with a common endpoint that form a line. Opposite Rays
A statement that is accepted as true without proof. Postulate
A common set of points between figures. Intersection
The distance a point is from zero. Absolute Value
The length of a segment between two points on the coordinate plane can use the formula sqrt((x1-x2)^2 + (y1-y2)^2) Distance
An instrument used to measure length. Ruler
Having the same shape and size. Congruent
A method of creating a figure using a compass and a straight edge. Construction
An instrument used to create arcs and circles. Compass
Given B on a line between A and C, it's the property allowing AB+ BC= AC Segment Addition
A point that divides a segment into two equal segments which on the coordinate plane can use the formula ((x1+x2)/2, (y1+y2)/2) Midpoint
A line,segment, or ray that divides a segment into two equal parts. Segment Bisector
A figure formed by two rays with a common endpoint. Angle
The rays that make up an angle or the segments that form a polygon. Sides
The common endpoint of the sides of an angle, the intersection of the sides of a polygon, or the intersection of the faces of a solid. Vertex
The set of points within a geometric figure. Interior
The set of points outside a geometric figure. Exterior
The unit used in measuring angles in which one is equal to 1/360th of a circle. degrees
An angle that measures less than 90 degrees or a triangle whose angles are all less than 90 degrees. Acute
An angle that measures 90 degrees or a triangle with one angle that measures 90 degrees. Right
An angle that measures between 90 degrees and 180 degrees or a triangle with one angle between 90 degrees and 180 degrees. Obtuse
An angle that measures 180 degrees. Straight
An instrument used to measure angles. Protractor
Given D on the interior of angle ABC, it's the property allowing the measure of angle ABD + the measure of angle DBC = the measure of angle ABC. Angle Addition
A line,segment, or ray that divides an angle into two equal parts. Angle Bisector
Angles that share a side and have a common vertex. Adjacent Angles
Two or more angles that add up to 90 degrees. Complementary Angles
Two or more angles that add up to 180 degrees. Supplementary Angles
Nonadjacent angles formed by two intersecting lines. Vertical Angles
The distance around a polygon. Perimeter
The space inside a two-dimensional figure. Area
A side that forms a right angle it the height of a figure, the parallel sides of a trapezoid, the circular faces of a cylinder or cone, et al. Base
A segment that forms a right angle with the base of a figure. Height
A segment containing the center whose endpoints are on the circle. Diameter
A segment in a circle with one endpoint on the circle and one endpoint at the center. Radius
The distance around a circle. Circumference
The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter whose irrational value is close to 3.14. Pi
The horizontal number line on the coordinate plane. X-axis
The vertical number line on the coordinate plane. Y-axis
The intersection of the horizontal and vertical number lines on the coordinate plane. Origin
A pair of the numbers that name a specific location on the coordinate plane. Ordered Pair
One of the four sections on the coordinate plane. Quadrant
The sides that form the right angle in a right triangle, the congruent sides in an isosceles triangle, or the nonparallel sides in a trapezoid. Leg
The side opposite the right angle in a right triangle. Hypotenuse
A statement that can be proven. Theorem
A rule used to prove three segment lengths make a right triangle or a^2 + b^2 = c^2. Pythagorean Theorem
A change in the position, size, or shape of a figure. Transformation
An original figure that is mapped or moved to create a new figure. Preimage
A new figure that has been mapped or moved from an original figure. Image
A transformation over a line such that a point in the preimage and its corresponding point in the image is the same distance to the line. Reflection
A transformation about a point such that each preimage and its image are the same distance from the point. Rotation
A transformation that shifts or slides every point of a figure the same distance and direction. Translation
Reasoning in which the conclusion is based on past observations. Inductive
A statement that is believed to be true. Conjecture
A sequence of numbers where each number is the sum of two previous numbers: 1,1,2,3,5,8.... Fibonacci Sequence
A case that proves a conditional false. Counterexample
A triangular arrangement of numbers in which each number in a row is the sum of the two numbers directly above it. Pascal's Triangle
An if-then statement. Conditional
The first part or "if" of a conditional. Hypothesis
The second part or "then" of a conditional. Conclusion
A conditional formed by interchanging the hypothesis and the conclusion. Converse
Reasoning in which the process of using logic is used to prove things. Deductive
A formal series of statements and reasons used to show something is true. Proof
The property shown if a-b=c, then a=c+b Addition
The property shown if a+b=c, then a=c-b. Subtraction
The property shown if a=b, then ac=bc. Multiplication
The property shown if ac+bc=dc, then a+b=d. Division
The property shown if a=b, then b can be used for a in any expression. Substitution
The property shown in the equation a(b+c)=ab+ac. Distributive
The property shown if b=b, then b=b. Reflexive
The property shown if c=f, then f=c. Symmetric
The property shown if a=b and b=d, then a=d. Transitive
Lines in the same plane that never will cross. Parallel
Lines that intersect to form right angles. Perpendicular
Lines in different planes that never cross. Skew
A line that intersects two or more other lines. Transversal
Given two lines and a transversal, a pair of angles that lie on the same side of the transversal and on the same sides of the other two lines. Corresponding Angles
Given two lines and a transversal, a pair of nonadjacent angles that lie on opposite sides of a transversal between the other two lines. Alternate Interior Angles
Given two lines and a transversal, a pair of angles that lie on the opposite sides of the transversal and outside the other two lines. Alternate Exterior Angles
Given two lines and a transversal, a pair of angles that lie on the same side of the transversal and between the other two lines. Same-Side Interior Angles
A line that forms a right angle to a segment at the segment's midpoint. Perpendicular Bisector
The different in the y-values of two points on a line. Rise
The difference in the x-values of two points on a line. Run
The rate of change or the rise over the run of a line represented by (y1 - y2)/(x1 - x2). Slope
The place where a line crosses the y-axis. Y-Intercept
An equation of a line in the form y=mx+b Slope-Intercept Form
A polygon with three sides. triangle
A triangle with all congruent angles. equiangular
a triangle with all congruent sides. equilateral
A triangle with two congruent sides and angles. isosceles
A triangle with no congruent sides and angles. scalene
An acronym standing for corresponding parts of congruent triangles are congruent. CPCTC
The same distance between two or more objects. equidistant
A set of points that satisfies a given condition. locus
Three or more lines that intersect at one point. concurrent
The intersection point of the perpendicular bisectors of a triangle. circumcenter
To draw around a figure. circumscribe
To draw inside a figure. inscribe
The intersection point of the angle bisectors of a triangle. incenter
A segment whose endpoints are a vertex of the triangle and the opposite side's midpoints. median
The intersection point of medians of a triangle. centroid
A segment from a vertex of a triangle perpendicular to the opposite side. altitude
The intersection fpoint of the altitudes of a triangle. orthocenter
The line that connects the orthocenter, the circumcenter, and the centroid in a triangle. Euler line
A segment that joins the midpoints of two sides of a triangle or the midpoints of the two legs of a trapezoid. midsegment
A mathematical statement showing two unequal values using symbols such as <,<,>,>, or not equal. inequality
Three numbers that when used as lengths will create a right triangle. Pythagorean Triples
Any geometric figure with sides. polygon
A segment connecting two nonconsecutive vertices of a polygon diagonal
A four-sided figure. quadrilateral
A five-sided figure. pentagon
A six-sided figure. hexagon
A seven-sided figure. heptagon
An eight-sided figure. octagon
A nine-sided figure. nonagon
A ten-sided figure. decagon
A polygon whose sides and angles are congruent. regular
A type of polygon whose sides stay outward. concave
A type of polygon whose sides come inward. convex
All quadrilaterals with both pairs of opposite sides parallel. parallelogram
Any quadrilateral with two pair of opposite sides equal and parallel thus forming all right angles. rectangle
Any quadrilateral with all equal sides whose angles aren't always the same. rhombus
Any quadrilateral with four equal sides and four right angles. square
A quadrilateral with exactly two pairs of congruent consecutive sides. kite
A quadrilateral with only one pair of parallel sides. trapezoid
A comparison of two numbers. ratio
A comparison of two ratios. proportion
The divine proportion sometimes referred to as Phi which is approximately 1.618 originating from ratios of line segments. Golden Ratio
Figures that are the same shape but not necessarily the same size (~). similar
A ratio used to change one figure into a similar figure. scale factor
A transformation that changes the size of a figure but not its shape. dilation
A positive number 'x' that satisfies a/x = x/b. geometric mean
The study of right triangle measurements and ratios. trigonometry
The trigonometry ratios for an angle made up of the ratio of the opposite side and the hypotenuse. sine
The trigonometry ratio for an angle made up of the ratio of the adjacent side and the hypotenuse. cosine
The trigonometry ratio for an angle made up of the ratio of the opposite side and the adjacent side. tangent
The acronym used to identify the basic trigonometry ratios. SOHCAHTOA
An angle formed from one's line of sight to a point above that line of sight. angle of elevation
An angle formed from one's line of sight to a point below that line of sight. angle of depression
A quantity that shows both distance and direction. vector
The starting point of a vector. initial point
The endpoint of a vector. terminal point
The length of a vector. magnitude
The perpendicular distance from the center of a polygon to a side. apothem
An angle whose vertex is at the center of a circle or regular polygon. central angle
A figure made up of various two-dimensional shapes. composite figure
A measure of how likely an event is to occur. probability
A flat surface of a polyhedron. face
A segment that is the intersection of the flat surfaces of a polyhedron. edge
A geometric solid with six equal square faces. cube
A geometric solid with two congruent parallel polygonal bases. prism
A geometric solid with two congruent parallel circular bases. cylinder
A geometric solid coming to a point with a polygonal base. pyramid
A geometric solid coming to a point having one circular base. cone
A two-dimensional representation that can be folded to make a geometric solid. polyhedron
A collection of all points in three-dimensions. space
The amount of material needed to make the outside of a geometric solid. surface area
The distance from a vertex of a geometric solid to the edge of the base. slant height
The amount of space inside a geometric solid. volume
A geometric solid made entirely of circles where each point on it is the same distance to the center. sphere
Half of a sphere. hemisphere
A set of all points equidistant from one point whose equation resembles (x - a)^2 + (y - b)^2 = r^2 circle
The point inside a circle that is the same distance to every point on a circle. center
A segment whose endpoints lie on the circle. chord
A line containing a chord that intersects a circle at two points. secant
A line that intersects a circle in exactly one point. tangent line
The place of intersection of a circle and a tangent line. point of tangency
A line tangent to two circles. common tangents
Circles that share the same center. concentric
Two circles that intersect at exactly one point. tangent circles
An arc that measures less than 180 degrees. minor arc
An arc that measures more than 180 degrees. major arc
An arc that has a measure equal to 180 degrees. semicircle
An angle whose vertex is on a circle whose sides are chords. inscribed angle
A region inside a circle bounded by two radii of the circle and an arc. sector
A two-dimensional representation that can be folded to make a geometric solid (3-D). net
Created by: mbarnard
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