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Clin Lab Proced.11

Homework Packet #11

Treponema pallidum causes the STD, ______________. Syphilis
The oxidase test is used to identify certain bacteria such as _______________. Neisseria (N. Gonorrhea)
_______________ is a sexually transmitted virus that can cause cervical cancer. HPV - Human Papilloma Virus
Untreated STDs in females can cause women of childbearing age to be _______________. Infertile
The saline wet mount preparation is for detection of Trichomonas and _______________. Clue cells (Gardnerella vaginallis)
Hookworms are in the group of helminths called _______________. Nematodes/Round worms
________________ is a flagellated parasite that can occur in the urogenital tract. Trichomonas vaginallis
The parasite that causes malaria belongs to the genus _______________. Plasmodium
The definitive host for the malarial parasite is _______________. Mosquito
Amoebae, flagellates, and ciliates are members of the large group of single-celled organisms called _______________. Protozoa
An _______________ lives on the outer host surfaces. Ectoparasite
_______________ describes insects, crustaceans, and arachnids. Arthropod
Pathogens that are _______________ are those that are recurring in a location or population. Endemic
The _______________ host is the host in which sexual or adult forms of a parasite is found. Definitive
An organism living in or on a host but causing no damage to the host is a _______________. Commensal
The motile, feeding stage of protozoan parasites is called the ________________. Trophozoite
_______________ is the laboratory test requesting examination of fecal specimens for parasites. Ova and Parasites
Fecal specimens should be delivered to the laboratory within _______________ hours of collection. 2
A parasitology specimen must be _______________ if specimen transport is delayed. Preserved/fixative (PVA)
Enterobius vermicularis is the scientific name for ________________. Pinworm
The best time for collecting specimens for pinworm detection is _______________. Between 9pm and midnight
A _______________ is the method used for collecting specimens for pinworm examination. Perianal paddle swab
The preservative used for fecal specimens that are to be stained with trichrome stain is _______________. Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA)
A _______________ is the name for the body segment of a tapeworm. Proglottid
The most common roundworm in humans in the United States is _______________. Enterobiasis
The _______________ stain is the stain commonly used to identify parasites in fecal specimens. Trichrome
Parasite size can be measured microscopically using a(n) _______________. Ocular Micrometer
To increase the chances of finding parasites in a fecal specimen, the specimen can be _______________ before examination. Concentrated
Cryptosporidium is best detected by using the _______________ concentration technique. Flotation
Giardia trophozoites live in the _______________ of infected individuals. Small intestines
The _______________ is the method of transmission of malaria to man. Mosquito (mosquito bite)
The preferred stain for identification of malarial parasites is ________________ stain, and they are detected by examination of a _______________ specimen. Giemsa/Blood
Human malaria is caused by a protozoan parasite of the genus _______________. Plasmodium
In humans, the malarial parasites live in ________________ cells in _______________ cells. Liver/Red blood
The _______________ blood smear gives the greatest chance of finding parasites that are in low concentration. Thick
Dog heartworm is diagnosed by examining dog blood for the presence of the _______________. Microfilarine
CANDIDA ALBICANS Yeast that causes vaginitis and other infections, especially following antibiotic therapy.
CHLAMYDIA TRACHOMATIS Species of Gram-negative intracellular bacteria that is a cause of STDs.
HSV-1 HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS TYPE 1 The virus causing oral herpes.
HSV-2 HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS TYPE 2 The virus causing genital herpes.
HIV- HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS The retrovirus that has been identified as the cause of AIDS.
HPV- HUMAN PAPILLOMA VIRUS A group of viruses, some of which are sexually transmitted.
OXIDASE TEST An enzyme test used to identify certain bacteria such as Neisseria.
TRICHOMONIASIS A sexually transmitted genitourinary tract infection caused by the parasitic protozoan, Trichomonas vaginallis
VENEREAL Having to do with, or transmitted by, sexual contact.
ARTHROPOD A member of the phylum Arthropoda, which includes crustaceans, insects, and arachnids.
CESTODE Tapeworm; member of the class Cestoda
COMMENSAL An organism that lives with, on, or in another, without causing injury to either.
CONGENITAL Acquired during fetal development, and present at the time of birth, but not inherited.
DEFINITIVE HOST The host in which the sexual or adult form of the parasite is found.
ECTOPARASITE A parasite that lives on the outer surface of a host.
ENDEMIC Recurring in a specific location or population.
HELMINTH The group comprising the roundworms and flatworms.
HOST The organism from which a parasite obtains nutrients and in which some or part of the parasite's life cycle is completed.
INTERMEDIATE HOST The hos in which the asexual, immature, or larval form of the parasite is found.
LARVA Immature stage of an invertebrate.
NEMATODE Any unsegmented worm of the class Nematoda.
OPPORTUNISTIC PARASITE A parasitic organism that causes disease only in immunocompramised hosts.
PROGLOTTID The tapeworm body segment that contains male and female reproductive organs.
RESERVOIR HOST The host, other than the usual host, in which the parasite lives and is infectious.
TERMATODE Any parasitic flatworm of the class Trematoda; fluke.
VECTOR An agent that transports a pathogen from an infected hose to a non-infected host.
PINWORM Enterobius vermicularis, a small parasitic nematode; also called seatworm.
PVA Polyvinyl Alcohol, a preservative used for fecal specimens.
OCULAR MICROMETER A micrometer that fits in a microscope eyepiece and that is used to measure microscopic objects.
TRICHROME STAIN A stain commonly used to identify parasites in fecal smears.
ANOPHELES The genus of mosquito that is the definitive host for the human malarial parasites.
GIEMSA STAIN A polychromatic stain used for staining blood cells and blood parasites.
MICROFILARIA Immature form of a filarial worm.
PARASITEMIA Parasites in the blood.
PAROXYSM(S) Cycle(s) of chills and fever associated with malaria that occur 36 to 72 hours apart, depending on the Plasmodium species.
PLASMODIUM The protozoan genus that includes the organisms causing human malaria.
Created by: luparl
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