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Thin sac composed of fibroserous material that surrounds the heart pericardium
The pericardium's tougher layer protectes the heart and anchors it to the adjacent structures such as the diaphragm and great vessels fibrous pericardium
The inner layer is called serous pericardium
The pericardium is composed of two layers parietal and visceral
The parietal layer of the pericardium is the (inner or outer) layer outer
The visceral layer of the pericardium is the (inner or outer) layer inner (it lines the surface of the heart)
The heartbeat is most easily palpated over the _______ apex (this point is referred to as the point of maximum impulse - PMI)
The heart is composed of three walls 1.) epicardium 2.) myocardium 3.) endocardium
The endocardium is anatomically identical to the visceral pericardium
The myocardium is the thick, muscular layer. It is made up of bundles of cardiac fibers reinforced by a branching network of connective tissue fibers called _____________ fibrous skeleton of the heart
The innermost layer of the heart is the _________. endocardium (provides an inner lining for the chambers of the heart.)
The interatrial septum separates the two _____. atria
The interventricular septum divides the _______. ventricles
The __________ valve separates the right atria/ventricle. tricuspid
The most muscular chamber of the heart is the ________. Left ventricle (a female's heart has about 10% muscule mass than a male.)
Valves are classified by their location as either ____________ or _______________. Atrioventricular or Semilunar
The AV valves separate the _______ from the ___________. atria from the ventricles
The ___________ valve lies between the RIGHT atrium and the RIGHT ventricle. tricuspid
The ___________ valve lies between the LEFT atrium and the LEFT ventricle. mitral (biscupid)
The atrioventricular valves (tricuspid and mitral) are __________ shaped. leaflet
The semilunar valve separates the ventricles from the _____________. vascular system
The pulmonary semilunar valve separates the right ventricle from the ___________________. trunk of the pulmonary arteries
The aortic semilunar valve separates the _______ ________ from the aorta. left ventricle
S1 = _________________________ Mitral, tricuspid valves close
S2 = _________________________ Aortic, pulmonic valves close
#1 sign of hypoxia confusion and restlessness
Friction rubs result from inflammation of the ___________ sac. pericardial
Heart murmurs are ______, ________ sounds harsh, blowing
Murmur sounds: Grade 3 Moderately loud
Murmur sounds: Grade 6 Loudest
Murmur sounds: Grade 1 Barely
Murmur sounds: Grade 5 Very loud
Murmur sounds: Grade 2 Very soft
Murmur sounds: Grade 4 Distinctly loud, in addition to palpable thrill
The ___________ vein serves as the tributary for the majority of blood drainage and empties into the coronary sinus. great cardiac vein
The main structures of the cardiac conduction system are: 1. SA node 2. AV node 3. bundle of His 4. right/left bundle branches 5. Purkinje fibers
The ______ node is the pacemaker of the heart. SA node
The SA node is located at: __________________ the junction of the superior vena cava and the right atrium.
The SA node discharges an average of __ - __ times per minute. 60 - 100
The Intra-Atrial Conduction Pathway is composed of three main pathways: _________, ________, and posterior. anterior, middle, and posterior
The AV node and bundle of His are intricately connected and function to receive current that has finished spreading throughout the atria. The impulse is slowed for about ___ second before it passes to the bundle of His. .01 second
The AV node can kick in if the SA node shuts down. It fires about ___ per minute. 60
The right and left bundle branches spread electrical current through the _______________ myocardial tissue. ventricular
The Purkinje fibers penetrate into the myocardial tissue and spread to ____________. the actual tissue of the heart
The bundle brandes are also capable of initiating electrical charges if the SA and AV node shut down. Their rate averages __ to __ per minute. 40 to 60
The sympathetic fibers stimulate the heart by.... increasing the heart rate, force of contraction, and dilation of the coronary arteries.
The parasympathetic fibers (eg., the vagus nerve)... slow the heart rate, .....
Cardiac plexus
The average time for each cardiac cycle to be completed is ___ seconds. 0.8 seconds
The cardiac cycle is divided into 3 parts: 1. Period of Ventricular Filling 2. Ventricular systole 3. Isovolumetric relaxation
Period of Ventricular Filling (the start of the cardiac cycle) 70% of blood ends up in the ventricles. Another 30% enters -- this is known as... atrial kick
Ventricular systole (2nd step in cardiac cycle) -- the electrical current stimulates the ventricles; they contract; the force of the contraction increases pressure in both ventricles; the mitral and tricuspid valves respond by snapping SHUT.
Isovolumetric Relaxation
When assessing the heart, the closing of which valves causes the first heart sound? Mitral and tricuspid
When the aortic and pulmonic valves close, the nurse should detect which heart sounds through auscultation? S2
Pulmonary arteries carry ____________ blood to the lungs. Deoxy
__________ describes the amount of blood that is ejected with every heart beat. Stroke volume
___________ describes the amount of blood ejected in 1 minute. Cardiac output
___________ is the amount of stress/tension present in the ventricular wall during systole. Afterload
Cardiac output รท Patient's body surface area Cardiac index
To assess JVD, the patient should be in a ___ degree angle. 45 degrees
Normally, veins (jugular) distend ___ cm 3 cm
RN palpates an abnormal tremor with murmur, it is a... thrill
Pericarditis affects which layers of the heart? Between the pericardium and myocardium
Contraction of the atria is referred to as: depolarization
Muscle of the heart is too large = cardiomyopathy
Ischemia is: decreased O2 -- causes pain (angina)
Cardiac output is calculated by? HR x Stroke volume (normal is 60 cc/min)
"thready" pulse means: weak, fast pulse
Left-side heart failure could be caused by? Left ventricle or left valve -- fluid backs up into lungs
You would hear what with pulmonary edema? crackles
Right-side heart failure is HARDER to detect. What happens in RS heart failure? Increase BP and Increase HR because the body is trying to get rid of the edema
Mottled tissue is indictive of... decreased O2
******* Hypovolemic shock -- what happens in the body? DECREASED in blood pressure; INCREASE in heart rate. The HR increases to push out the small amount of blood, but the BP is taking a break because there isn't much blood to begin with...
5 quality sounds of murmurs blowing, harsh, muscial, raspy, rumbling
In pregnancy, the heart is displaced where? Up and to the left
HDL ("H") means what kind of cholesterol? Healthy
LDL ("L") means what kind of cholesterol? Lousy
Tri before you Bi Tricuspid before Mitral/Bicuspid
Apical pulse is... PMI (point of max impulse)
Aortic sound is heard at RSB 2nd ICS
Pulmonic sound is heard at LSB 2nd ICS
Erb's sound is heard at LSB 3rd ICS
Tricuspid sound is heard at LSB 4th ICS
Mitral/Bicuspid sound is heard at MCL 5th ICS
KEY WORDS: mucous plug, lack of surfactant, compressed chest wall Atelectasis
Normal stroke volume is ___ to ___ ml/beat 55 - 100
Normal adult cardiac output is ___ to ___ L/min. 4 - 8
(Infants) The ____________ is a passageway for blood between left and right atria foramen ovale
(Infants) An opening between the pulmonary artery and the descending aorta. ductus arteriosus
The ductus arteriosus closes between __ and __ hours after birth 24 - 48 hours
If the septal defect occurs, a murmur may not be heard in the infant until __ to __ weeks after birth. 4 - 6 weeks
The heart rate of a new born can be as high as ___ to ___. Over the first 6 to 8 hours, it gradually decreases to an avg of ___ to ___ bpm 175 - 180 bpm; then to 115 - 120
patent ductus arteriosus, tetralogy of Fallot, and septal defects... murmurs of a congenital defect in infants
In pregnant women, the heart is displaced... upward and to the left
In a pregant woman, the heart is displaced to the left and up, and the apex of the heart is... pushed laterally to the left
Preg woman's blood volume may increase __% to __% 30% - 50%
PREGNANT WOMEN -- plasma volume does what? increases as much as 50%
PREGNANT WOMEN -- plasma albumin does what? decreases
PREGNANT WOMEN -- cardiac output increase __% to __% 30% to 50%
PREGNANT WOMEN -- the heart can appear __% larger on chest radiography 10%
PREGNANT WOMEN -- systolic BP may decrease as much as ____________ during first half of pregnancy 2 to 3 mm Hg
PREGNANT WOMEN -- dyastolic BP may decrease as much as ____________ during first half of pregnancy 5 to 10 mm Hg
A blood pressure greater than __/__ may indicate preeclampsia 140/90
Aortic stenosis increases chances of... murmurs
S_ sound is common in older people who do not have a hx of cardio disease. S4
flushed skin may indicate rheumatic heart disease or fever
grayish skin may indicate coronary artery disease or shock
ruddy skin may indicate polycythemia (increase in # of RBCs) or Cushing's Syndrome
bluish color in the sclera Marfan's syndrome
Xanthelasma yellowish cholesterol deposits in eyelids -- indicative of atherosclerosis
Cor pulmonale right side failure by long-term high blood pressure in the pulmonary arteries and right ventricle
Created by: DOMONIC
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